The Plane Ride Chapter 1

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Thank you for deciding to read my story! I'm sorry for any grammar mistakes. I hope you enjoy my story! Please leave a comment on if I made a mistake on anything and I will fix it. Please no rude comments, I can take criticism, but hate I rather not have to deal with. Thank you again for reading my story, please enjoy!


Narrators Point of View

Y/n L/n is a 18 year old girl that has been training since she was 14 to learn how to sing and dance, so she could be a kpop star. She always had hope, but she has no Asian in her what's so ever. She is an American and lived in the same place her whole life. When she was 13 her parents put her in school to learn Korean, she is now fluent. Today is the day she is flying over to Korea to live her dream. She is living in a home her teacher owns from home. Her teacher has a home in Korea for visiting, but lives in her hometown. Her mom is driving her to the airport, since she is an only child her mom doesn't want her to go, but knows it's something she wants to do.
 Y/n Point of View
"Mom don't cry when I get on the plane." I said

"You know me y/n, you know how I am. Your my only child I will cry." She said.

"Okay the plane leaves soon so we need to hurry and find my gate." I said looking around trying to see where to go.

"Number 22 right? It's right there." She says as she points to it.

We walk over there and sit down. I've been so excited for this moment, I'm sad I'm leaving, but I'm so happy at the same time. I can't wait to get there.

"Flight 22 to South Korea is boarding now." A woman's voice said on the intercom.

I hugged my mom and she watched me leave crying. As I got on the plane I took my seat. I saved enough money to be flying in couch, I've been saving since I was 15 to go on this trip. I sat by a window and waited for the plane to take off. I saw some people come in, but I didn't think much of it till one sat next to me and saw that the people that came in wear a bunch of guys. The plane we were on was small and not many people paid for coach so it was just me and all theses guys. They were all wearing face masks, so I looked at the one next to me, he didn't pay any mind to me and was talking with his friends there was 7 guys in all and the one sitting next to me looked very familiar. He noticed me looking at him and he turned to face me. I swear he looked very familiar. Right as he was about to talk a flight attendant came and told them to take off their masks. I instantly realized who they wear and blushed embarrassed about not realizing. The flight attendant left and the person sitting next to me looked at me again. I hid my fave not wanting him to know that I was blushing. I could feel his eyes on the back of my head. Namjoon's eyes are staring at the back of my head.
"Are you okay?" He said in English.
"I'm fine." I said back in Korean so he knew I spoke it.
"Are you sure?" He said still staring at me, this time he said it in Korean.
I looked at him still blushing, "Yes, I'm fine."
"Awe your blushing-"
"Stop messing with her hyung." Hoseok cut him off.
"No, it's fine, Hoseok." I said

They all looked at me, shit I said his name.

"You know who we are?" Jin said.
"Yea..." I wasn't sure how they would react.
"So, that's why your blushing." Namjoon said and pinched my cheeks.
"How old are you? Jimin said.
"Younger then all of you." I said smiling. 
"Everyone buckle up and prepare for take off. " said the woman on the intercom.

We all buckled up and got ready to take off, I have never been in a plane before. I am scared and excited, but right as we took off I was terrified. All I could do was stare out of the window in terror. Yoongi  who was sitting behind me, was staring at me, I could feel is eyes.

"Are you okay?" He said concerned.

I didn't answer, I couldn't. I just stared out the window, I couldn't move. In a matter of a second everything went dark.


Namjoon's Point of View


She just fell on the chair, her eyes were closed and she wasn't responding to Yoongi who was trying to talk to her. I shook her arm, she was breathing, but unresponsive. I called for the flight attendant and explained to her that she just randomly fainted, she responded by going to get an ice pack and telling me to put it on her head, I did as I was told and watched her to make sure everything was okay until she woke up. She woke up about 2 hours later.


Y/n Point of View


I woke up breathing heavily, but Namjoon grabbed my hand.

"It's okay, calm down. You just passed out." Him just saying that comforted me. "Is it your first time on a plane?" 

"Yes, when travelling my parents and I do road trips." I said.

He smiled, his dimples showing. "What's your name?" Right as he said that all the boys looked at me, they seemed interested as well. 

"Oh, I'm sorry, I never introduced myself. My name is Y/n L/n, I am moving to Seoul, South Korea to try for my dream." I said smiling.

"And what is your dream?" Asked Taehyung

"I want to be an idol, like you guys. I want to change people's lives, my goal in life is to impact people. " Ever since I was young, whenever someone asked what I wanted to do as a job, I always said I wanted to impact a lot of people.

"That's very nice to hear, I don't hear that often." Jin said smiling.

"Well today you impacted my life!" Jungkook said.

"Good." I said smiling as big as I could.

Through the rest of the ride I explained to them how I learned Korean, how i got interested in  the culture, where I will be staying, everything. It was a very long flight, but it was nice.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I will update as much as I can, hope you liked the first chapter! 

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