Practice Chapter 14

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Y/n's Point of View
----------------------------------------------I woke up and got out of Jin's grip. I got dressed and got ready then looked at the time. I wrote a note to the boys saying I was going to walk to Seventeen's dorm. It would be our last practice before the recording hopefully he is there. I was half way there when I saw a group of people with cameras. I tried not to make eye contact, but that didn't work. One of them recognized me and ran over. I started walking faster and they followed. They caught up with me and one grabbed my arm.

"You're Y/n! Please tell us how you feel about all the things people are saying about you and the boys!" The first cameraman said.

"Tell us about your time with the boys!" I woman with a notepad said.

"Has anything intimate happened yet?!"

"I head you are also doing a duet with Jeonghan from Seventeen! Is That where you are heading now?!"

My anxiety was building that kept asking questions. I'm usually with the boys when there are reporters. I was so mixed up with the questions. My head was everywhere, I can't breathe! I was looking at everyone with a nervous expression they all antes answers that I couldn't answer. I then heard someone yell.

"Hey, get away from her! Can you not tell she can't breathe?!" The voice was familiar.

"Jeonghan! Are you and miss Y/n actually doing a duet?!" One of the reporters said.

"That's confidential information." He then took my hand and navigates me out of the crowd and away from everyone then sat me down. "Are you okay? Why didn't one of the boys bring you, or why didn't you call for us to pick you up?"

"I'm fine and I didn't want to wake them, I thought I could walk by myself no trouble." I said still having some anxiety.

He hugged me. "Well Namjoon called me and you were supposed to go to the hospital today to get your shoulder unrapped so I am bringing you since I found you. Your lucky I was at the store."

I nodded and he called his manger to come pick us up and drive us to the hospital. When we got to the hospital they took my bandage off and I was discharged till I had to take my cast off my wrist which would be in a month. We then went back to the dorm and all the boys created us at once. We went into a room and practiced. I now have memories all the lyrics and can sing them in my sleep. We decided to have Jihoon judge us so we brought him in and sang to him. He said we were doing great and the recording was going to amazing. We got tired of practicing so we went into the living room with everyone else and hung out. The guys begged me to sleep over and since we were going to be going to the studio early in the morning I decided too. I called Namjoon-oppa and explained that I was staying the night. He said to be safe and that he would bring some clothes over for me.

"Do you want me to make dinner?" Jeonghan and I are very hungry because we didn't each lunch.

"Sure, but don't make a mess with everything like last time." Joshua said with a chuckle.

"I'll help." Both Jeonghan and Seungcheol said at the same time.

They just looked at each other. They both came into the kitchen and I assigned them tasked. It was a lot cleaner this time. When we were cooking I had Dino set the table. The meal was delicious. While we were eating Namjoon came and brought my clothes over. I thanked him and he left. Once we were finished eating we were all pretty tired so we all changed and went to sleep. I again slept between Jeonghan and Seongcheol. They both watched me fall asleep.
----------------------------------------------Jeonghan's Point of View
----------------------------------------------I held her while she slept. I am very happy I was chose to do this duet with her. I've gotten so close with her because of it. Her voice is so pretty also. I eventually fell asleep. I was holding her close to me.


I felt Y/n tapping me and whispering for me to wake up. I opened my eyes and I realized how close I was actually holding her. Her face was so close to mine.

"Can you let go of me for a second, I'm thirsty?" She whispered, I could feel her breathe.

I let go of her and she got up to get water. She drank the water and came and laid back down. I held her close to me again and waited for her to go to sleep. When she did I kissed her forehead and went back to sleep.
----------------------------------------------I know this one is even shorter, but I wanted to save the recording for its own chapter. I hope you have an amazing day/night, I love you all!

The Foreign Trainee (Bts x Reader x Seventeen) (Harem) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now