Moving In Chapter 3

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It's 11 O'clock at night again. I have an important test for school tomorrow, but oh well. I drank to much caffeine today. Anyway, enjoy.
Y/n Point of View
----------------------------------------------When the boys manager dropped us off we got out quickly and bowed as he left to get my things. I have only lived with my parents so this will be a very different experience. They quickly escorted me to their dorm. It was a little messy, and they had tons and tons of clothes. Like I could never imagine having so much clothes, ever. We sat at the dinning table and started talking.

"Okay we don't have an extra room so we will let you choose if you would like to sleep in the living room or with one of us." Namjoon explained.

"I'm okay with sleeping in the living room, thank you. I rather not intrude on your guys is privacy." I honestly didn't expect to be living with them, and they didn't either, so I'm fine with sleeping in the living room on the floor.

Namjoon's Point of View
----------------------------------------------I would have rather'd her sleeping with me, but I will not argue. She probably feels bad being here, she did just meet us on a plane.
"I would be fine with you sleeping with me." Jungkook said, that little scoundrel.

He couldn't have been more blunt could he.

"No, really I'm fine." She said, she seemed a little uneasy.
Right as she said that manager-nim walked in with a suitcase and two other people walked in behind him with 3 small boxes.
"Is that all you own?" Hoseok said surprised, I understood why.
"Yea, I kept most of my stuff back in America." She must have only taken the necessities.
Y/n Point of View
I went up to their manager and took the suitcase and told the two men behind him to put the boxes my the wall. They left after, but manager told me to stay safe with the boys.
"It's getting late, I'll get you some blankets and pillows." Him said and got up.
I asked wear there bathroom was, because I wanted to take a shower after the long flight. Jungkook took me to it after I got some clothes and some soup I brought with me. He explained how to use it and then told me there was a lock if I felt more comfortable locking the door. I did lock it, once he left.
Jimin's Point of View
"I hope she can sleep in a house with 7 guys. I didn't understand why PD-nim made her stay with us or on why she didn't refuse. She must be timid." I said, she was full American I hope she won't get insulted as a star.
"Yea, well let's set up the bed for her and start getting ready to sleep. We have to train her tomorrow." Namjoon-hyung said.
We all said okay at one time and started making her bed. We all then got ready for bed and went to sleep, at least everyone else did, I couldn't sleep.
----------------------------------------------Y/n Point of View
I finished talking a shower and put my very cute pajamas on. (The picture on the top) I didn't dry my hair much because I usually let it drip dry back at home. I walked to the living room and see Jimin sitting there drinking water.
"You didn't dry your hair?" He said as he got up.
I shook my head no and he picked you the towel that was around my shoulders and dried my hair, he was standing pretty close.
"You should dry your hair, you might get sick, we don't want you sick." He looked like he was sincerely worried.
"I never used to dry my hair at home." I confessed.
"This is a different environment." He said as he finished up drying it.
Him being so close, he is very handsome, and tall. I'm only 5'1 and 1/2 inches. I was always the shortest in my class. While I was in thought I didn't notice him staring at me and smiling.
"What?" I was wondering why he was staring at me.
"Oh, nothing. You should get some sleep and dry your hair next time.
" Okay, goodnight." I said and smiled as he walked to his room, I slipped into the bed they.
----------------------------------------------Jimin's Point of View
Man, she is so cute. She should take care of herself better, I really don't want her to get sick. Goodnight, Y/n. See you tomorrow.
----------------------------------------------Y/n's Point of View
I was the first to wake up, only because it's hard for me to sleep in other places. It's 3 AM when I wake up, but I can't fall back asleep so I get up and clean. I had nothing else to do. I cleaned till about 4:30, then I decided to make them breakfast. I hope they like fried eggs. I start making the eggs then and around 5 they start waking up. Namjoon was first, but he didn't notice I was up because he went to the bathroom immediately. Once he walked out Jin went in. Namjoon walked into the kitchen and jumped. It seems like he didn't remember I was there.
"You startled me!" He said holding his chest. "Why are you awake so early and how did the house get so clean? Did you clean it?! You didn't have too! We would have!"
"No, it's fine. It's the least I could do
And I couldn't sleep that's why I'm up." I said finishing up on the eggs. "Want some eggs?"
"Sure." He said as he sat down. "Next time wake me up if you can't sleep, I'll help." (I didn't know how to word that, sorry)
"I was fine, I don't want to wake you up for something stupid." I'll be fine.
One by one the boys come eat, they enjoyed my cooking it looked like.

Once everyone was done, they said their thanks and I went and changed and got ready. I needed to go shopping for a couple things. I told the guys I was going out and they told me to be at the studio by 1:00 PM for my first training they had to go and practice beforehand. I grabbed my purse and before walking out I grabbed my mask and sunglasses because their manger told me that whenever I leave the dorm to wear it, but I can take it off after. When I got to the bus stop I took them off. I waited for the bus and once it got there I went to the back and sat down. I was going to the shopping distract to buy my mom a necklace, I promised her. When we got there I paid the bus driver and walked around. I was a little tired so I went to get some coffee first. At the coffee shop there was an old man with his wife and he looked at me with pure disgust. I understood why, I'm not native here. I can take insults, I know I will probably be getting them a lot, so I learned to live with it. I ordered my coffee and left. I put my ear buds in and walked around the shopping center. As I was walking my clumsy self bumped into someone. He had a mask on and some sunglasses and he looked about 5'3. He apologize and I nodded apologizing as well and we went our ways.
???'s Point of View
As she started walking off I realized something fell out of her pocket so I picked it up. It was her phone, I tried calling for her, but she didn't hear me. So, I decided to go home and ask the boys what to do.
Sorry for leaving off on a cliff hanger, but I should really go to sleep. It's 12:30. Hope you enjoyed and I hope you have a good day/night!

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