Friends From Home Chapter 18

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Y/n's Point of View
I woke up in Namjoon-oppa's arms. I didn't understand what Taehyung meant went when he said that the didn't agree we could make moves on me. When Jin took me out of the room I didn't worry about it. I heard my phone vibrate and picked it up before if could wake the boys. It was Lucky calling, I got up and left the room to answer the phone and right as I did she screams.

"I SAW EVERYTHING! But that's not why I called, Sol got out of her lease and my parents said I could go early. Tomorrow evening we are leaving, we already arranged everything and have a house and Angel is gonna stay with us for a year." (I know we can't have real names that you don't hear a lot but who cares) Lucky said, I had the biggest smile on my face.

"REALLY?! YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS!" I didn't realize I was yelling and all the boys ran out of there room. "I'm sorry guys, I'm just excited go back to sleep I'll tell you later."

"What are you so excited about?" Jungkook-oppa asked as he rubbed his eyes.

"Just go back to sleep I'll tell you later okay?" I told him and everyone went back into there room.

"I'll see you tomorrow." She said as she hang up.

I was so happy, I got some clothes and got ready then waited for the boys to wake up. Namjoon-oppa left his room first.

"You seemed very excited, who called?" He asked as he sat down next to me.

"Just a friend, I'll explain everything when everyone else gets up."

"Okay we have training today, you are going to be recording a cover, that's what PD-nim asked us to have you do." He explained, this will be exciting as well.

After about 30 minutes everyone was up and in the living room.

"My friend from home called me this morning, her and another one of my friends were supposed to come to Korea with me, when I left the first time. It turned out that she couldn't go because she hadn't turned 18 yet, and my other friend couldn't because she had to wait until her lease ended."

"That sucks." Yoongi said.

"Yea, but her parents are allowing her to leave early and my other friend got out of her lease! Their plane leaves this evening( time differences) and they will be here early in the morning tomorrow! They are also bringing another one of my friends!"

"That's confusing a little, but cool!" Jungkook-oppa said.

"What are their names?" Jin asked.

"The one that is younger then me is Lucky, the one that got out of her lease is Sol, and the other is Angel. They also don't know much Korean."

"Oh okay, well we need to go for your training. It's a long flight so they will arrive in the morning tomorrow." Namjoon said.

We all left then and I needed to decide what song I would cover. An actual trainer came in to help me find a song and she gave me 3 songs she thoughtwould be good. Jessica's Wonderland, Kasper's Lean On Me, and Taeyeon's I. I decided to do Jessica's Wonderland because it's a song I enjoy very much. Today Namjoon and I worked on learning the lyrics. Since Korean is not my first language I misinterpreted some word. We spent about 2 hours memorizing lyrics, then decided to go get lunch. We decided on Korean BBQ. Since I'm the youngest I'm the person that will cook the meat, so I was trying my hardest not to burn myself. Yea that didn't work out. I burned a bit of my arm, so Jungkook took over. Once we were finished eating we went back to the studio. I held ice to my arm Bc it was still burning. The rest of the day the boys needed to do things so I stayed by the side more. It's nice watching them. Once they were done we headed home. When we got home Namjoon-oppa wanted to look at my arm. It wasn't that bad of a burn, but it was still a burn. It wasn't burning much anymore so I didn't need ice on it more. We all decided to just hang out the rest of the day.
"Tell is about your friends, Y/n." Jimin-Oppa said.

"Okay, well Lucky loves you guys. Like a lot, Jungkook is her bias, so she will be attached to your hip. Sol is also a fan of you guys her bias if Jin, but she isn't as crazy as Lucky and won't be as attached to your hip. Angel doesn't listen to kpop or know anything about the Korean culture. She is probably just going because she thinks it would be cool. And like I said before, they aren't very good at Korean."

"How old are all of them?" Taehyung asked.

"Sol is 20, Lucky and Angel are 17, they were born on the same day."

"Oh okay, so your saying Lucky is going to be latched to my hip. Do I have to brace myself for that?" Jungkook asked a bit concerned.

I laughed. "She a bit of an obsessive person, so maybe. Oh, also they are staying at an apartment near by and they might need help moving so I will be going with them to buy furniture and stuff, but if anything happens I'll call you."

They all nod and we watch tv until dinner. Jin offers to cook since I burned my arm and they don't want me to burn myself again. Once Jin finishes cooking we eat then head to bed. I'm sleeping with Jimin-oppa tonight. He's honestly kinda cute when he sleeps, he nuzzled his head into my neck. I fell asleep like that. My alarm was set early but when it went off I turned it off almost immediately trying not to wake the boys. I quietly got out of bed and got dressed. I put a hoody on, a mask, and some sunglasses. I didn't know, but the boys called there manager to bring me to the airport, so when I walked outside he was waiting there.

"Good Morning Y/n." He said while yawning.

I got in and he drove me to the airport. "I could have taken a taxi."

"The boys called me, they want to keep you safe. Deal with it." He says.

"But it's so early. You didn't have to wake up this early."

"To bad, and they want me to bring your friends and you back to you guy's house, instead of the apartment." He explains and I nod.

We get to the airport and wait for them to get off the plane trying not to be seen. Once they get off, we go to them.

"Y/-!"Lucky almost said my name, I covered her face quickly.

We go to the car quickly and I explain who the person driving is and where we are going after hugging them. Once we get to our house. I tell them to be quiet because the boys might still be asleep. They are so we sit on the couch and catch up.
"How have you guys been?" I ask smiling at them.

"Good, how have you been? I've been noticing some things Missy" Lucky says with a smirk.

"I've been fine, the boys should wake up any minute so you can meet them." As I say that Lucky gets excited.

After a couple minutes Hoseok walks out yawning. "Good Morning Y/n and Y/n's friends."

The smile on Lucky's face was priceless. "Are you hungry Oppa?" I ask him he nods and sits on the couch while I go make him food. "Remember they speak English, so practice your English and talk to them."

"How was the- what's the word for flight?" He asks me.

"Flight" I say from the kitchen.

"How was the flight?" He asks them awkwardly.

"It was good" Sol says.

Namjoon woke up then. "Good morning everyone."

"I don't know good English, help me" I hear Hoseok say and I laugh a bit.

"How would you like your eggs?" I ask.
Everyone says fried/over easy. (My family and most people I know say fried but I know some people think that's weird) over time everyone starts waking up and eventually Jungkook wakes up. When he does I saw Lucky stand up quickly and Sol pull her back down. She looked very excited.
"Y/n I'm in the same room with Jungkook!!" She yells, Namjoon laughed.

They are all trying to talk to each other and Namjoon looks like he's struggling at translating everyone. I felt bad so I quickly finished breakfast. Everyone sat at the table and ate. And now me and Namjoon were translators, but it was fine. I enjoyed seeing Lucky's happy face and Angel confused.
----------------------------------------------I was to apologize 7 billion times. I haven't wrote a chapter for months and I am so sorry. I love you guys so much and I feel so bad. I will continue this soon I promise, school starts in a month and I'm creating my Korean Cultural Club. Anyway I hope all of you have an amazing day/night.

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