The Hangover Chapter 11

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I will try to make it longer than before, yes I know I failed last time, but I got tired. Now, today i had my korean language school and then went to get my hair trimmed and then went to a fair. At, this fair I sat alone, bored half to death and didn't know what to do with my life. I asked so many people if they would come, but they were either busy, or didn't feel like going. I was so desperate that I even asked my ex-boyfriend. He went the day before, so he didn't feel like going today. Anway enough about my lonelyness, hope you enjoy the chapter!


Y/n's Point of View


I woke up, my head hurt so bad. I just stared at the ceiling. I heard talking so I sat up.

"Good Morning sunshine." Taehyung said, sitting at he table with the other members.

I just looked at them for awhile, with probably the most irritated face ever, then laid back down. My head and body felt so dead. I smelled of alcohol, I needed to take a shower. 

"Hoseok, come help me, I need to take a shower." I said, still laying down.

"Hoseok isn't here, he went to the store with manager-nim, pick someone else." Yoongi answered back.

"Aish! Jungkook-oppa help me!" I needed to take a shower, I didn't care who helped me anymore.

He got up and I looked up at him, like help me up. He lifted me up bridal style and carried me to the bathroom and stood me up. He turned on the water to the bath and helped me get undressed. My head felt like, shit. I truley felt like I was dieing, I'm never drinking again. He then helped me into the bathtub and left.


Jungkook's Point of View


She truley was helpless, and she really needed help. Namjoon is gonna scold her when she gets out of the bath. Her body was small and cute, but she can't handle a lot of alcohol. When I left the bathroom, I suggested that we go and check on her every 5 minutes, just incase she needs help. I put bubbles in the bath so the boys wouldn't see much. We have to take her to the hospital today, to get her shoulder re-wrapped. Every five minutes we checked on her, and she needed help everytime, specially because she could only use her left hand, since she had to be very careful with her right. Each time the boys went in, they came out smiling. I wish I could keep her body to myself. When she was finished she called me back and I helped her dry off and with her clothes. 

"Do you want any pain medication for your head?" She nodded and I got some from the cabnet, before we left the bathroom I kissed her on the cheek and she looked at me and gave me and 'really?' look while she was blushing, I just smiled.

When we left, everyone saw she was blushing and they all looked at me, irritated. Once Y/n took the medicine, Namjoon told her to sit at the table with them. This is the start of the scolding.


Y/n's Point of View


"Why, did you drink, when I told you not too?" Namjoon-oppa asked.

"A guy wouldn't let me go until I did, so I drank, then it made me want more so others bought me drinks. Eventually, I had many drinks and yea, now my head hurts and I feel dead." 

"You should have listened than. What would have happened if, you stumbled outside. That person that broke your arm could have found you, or you could have gotton run over by a car. You need to listen and be careful, your still a baby. If you don't listen, I'm going to have to be stricker. Do you want that?" He was sturn.

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