Explaining to PD Chapter 9

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11:00 PM with me. It's Thursday, and on Saturday I go to my school to learn Korean. I don't know much yet, but I'm learning. I can read Hangul though. Oh, one of my friends ran away from home today because she has her problems. Here's some advice, if you need help always ask for it. I learned that from experience. Anyway, hope you enjoy this chapter!
----------------------------------------------Hoseok's Point of View
----------------------------------------------Y/n stared straight at me until she fell asleep, you could see the tiredness in her eyes. I knew I couldn't go to sleep until she did or she wouldn't sleep, so I waited. I was also holding her, she was shaking for awhile, but she calmed down eventually. Once she fell asleep I did too. It was a peaceful sleep. When it was morning I woke up before she did. I also woke up before Jimin or Taehyung. I didn't move though, I staid where I was, just staring at her. She was smiling. I hugged her tighter, I wanted to be like that forever. It was so nice. Then Suga walked in, he started to speak, until I pointed at her. He walked up to Jimin and woke him up, then walked up to Taehyung and woke him up. He told them to follow him into the living room and when I could to meet them out their. Not long after , Y/n woke up.

"Oppa, good morning." She said and rubbed her eyes.

"Good morning." I said smiling back. "We should get up thought, we are gonna help you with vocals today. Since the doctor said not to move your arm to much."

She nodded and got up. She went and chose clothes and walked back.

"I want to try to put it on myself, but stay just in case. I will probably fail." She took off her pajamas easy, and put on her bottoms easy, but she was struggling with her shirt so I helped her.

When I pulled it over her head, she looked up at me smiling.

"Thank you, Oppa-" Jimin walked in then.

"Oppa?" He was staring at me, amd then he shook his head. "We need to get going are you ready, Y/n?"

Y/n nodded and we headed out.
Y/n's Point of View
When we got to the studio, we recorded some songs that they thought my voice would fit. In the middle of us, PD-nim walked in. I was singing still and he was talking to the boys and when the music ended I just looked at them curious. Namjoon-Oppa motioned for me to come out so I stepped out.

"PD-nim wanted to watch you practice, he wanted to see how you sounded in the recording studio." Namjoon-Oppa explained.

I nodded and went back in the studio and put on the headphones. I began singing, I thought I did pretty good. I stepped out.

"That was good, I just wanted to check up on you. Be careful with your arm, okay." PD said.

"Oh, PD-nim we need to talk to you after we are done, we as in the boys." Yoongi said, PD nodded.

We kept practicing for about 2 more hours, then they sold me to stay in the waiting room and wait for them.
----------------------------------------------Yoongi's Point of View
We wanted to explain to PD-nim what happened to Y/n. He needed to know and y/n seemed so shocked from it, I don't think she would tell him. We walked into his office and Namjoon-hyung started us off. We then just explained the whole story. About how she is now scared of the dark and can't sleep alone. Hoseok explained that her shoulder should heal quicker then her wrist and the wrist is wrapped more so, when her shoulder heals we can start dancing again. PD-nim understood and we went back to the studio to get y/n then left. When we got home it was around 6:00 and everyone was hungry. Y/n volunteered to cook, and we argued, but she won. She was cooking and every once in awhile we checked on her and asked if she needed helped because we were worried. She just kept brushing us off. She eventually did finish without our help and it was good. It was simple Korean BBQ but it was good. Once we finished eating we decided to watch a movie. Y/n was practically falling asleep next to me. She was going to be with me tonight. Once the movie was over Hoseok was asleep, it was good  and bad that Y/n didn't need help with her clothes because it would have been nice to help her, but she would have been embarrassed. She climbed into my bed and I held her waist. She stayed close in my chest till she fell asleep. I hope she heals soon.
----------------------------------------------I'm sorry this one is even shorter than the others, from now on I will make longer ones than before. Hope everyone has a great day/night!

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