First 'Date' Chapter 20

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Y/n Point of View
I woke up to Seungcheol's arms wrapped around me. I got up and someone knocked on our hotel room door. I decided to wake Seungcheol up before I opened it. When he woke up I went to the door and it was the producer. He handed me an envelope and I waked back and sat back on the bed. I opened the envelope and in the inside it said.

"Welcome to your first 'date', today you will be going to the most wonderful place on earth, Disney World. Throughout the day you will each be handed envelopes to do different things. Like take a picture in front of a specific thing or ride a ride together and give a silly face when they take a picture. The first thing you both have to do, is find a way to get to Disney world. We are waiting, have fun."

We both get up and look through our bags for what we should wear this.

We head out once we get ready

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We head out once we get ready. When we leave the hotel room, I take my phone out. I ask the producer if we can do anything to get a ride and he says yea. I tell Seongcheol that I have a friend that lives close by and I call him.

"Jay, hey I'm in Florida filming a tv show for Korea and we need a ride to Disney world to complete a task. Could you help me?" I say into the phone.

"Wait, your in Florida for a tv show?" He asks.

"Yea just answer my question!"

"Yea yea I'm coming what hotel are you at."

I tell him the hotel and we wait for him to get here. It doesn't take long and we get in his car with a camera man.

"So what's this tv show?"

"It's called Cupids Bow, I'll tell you about it later just drive." I say then look at the camera.

I explain who is driving us and we eventually get to Disney world and we tell him bye. When we walk in the producer hands us both an envelope and says to open it separately. We walk a bit away from each other and read it. Mine says:

"Take as many pictures of S.Coups without him noticing." Then they hand me a camera. I turn toward him and take a picture of him while he is reading. 

----------------------------------------------Seungcheol's Point of View----------------------------------------

When I walked a bit away from Y/n I opened the envelope. It said:

"Make y/n blush as many times as you can throughout the day." I smile reading it thinking about how many ways I could make her blush.

We walk back together and head into what I thought was Magic Kingdom. Today I think will be a bit hard since I'm not very good at English, y/n speaks English though so I think it will be okay.

"You look very pretty today y/n" I tell her with a smile, I saw a little blush.

"Thank you, you look very handsome" she says back, she's so nice.

I look back at the producer without her noticing holding up my hand saying 1 and he nods. She runs up ahead looking very excited.

"Oppa! Look at the castle!" She says and points to it.

I smile and nod and run after her. "You seem very excited, what do you want to do first?"

"I'm hungry, we didn't eat breakfast." She says.

A worker hands us a paper saying that they reserved a table at the Castle for breakfast so we start walking over there. The closer we get to the castle the more excited she gets and she starts pulling me. When we get in y/n says something in English and a waitress takes us to a table. We sit in a corner and they only let one camera person in so he sets up the camera. We look at the menu and she translates it for me. We order what we want then wait for it.  I look out the window looking at all the people.


----------------------------------------------Y/n Point of View-----------------------------------------------

While he was looking out the window, I take a picture of him, then quickly hide the camera before he notices. I look to the producer and give him a thumbs up.

"Y/n, have you been to Disney World before?" He asks.

"Yes, I went here twice as a kid. I have pictures on my phone if you want too see them." I say and he nods.

I go on my moms Facebook and pull up the pictures and show him.

"The first time I went was with my mom, my dad, and my older cousin. The second time was for my cousins dance competition, so it was my mom, my dad, my friend Sol, my cousin and her family and her friend and her family." I explain.

He nods smiling. "You were such a cute child."

I blush a bit. "I look almost exactly the same. The second one was only 5 years ago."

"Oh, really?" He says and I nod.

The food comes and we start eating. "Is it good?"

He nods and while he is distracted I take another picture. Once we finish eating we get another envelope. "Go ride Space Mountain and make the straightest face possible while riding it."
We get up and start going  to the ride. Seungcheol takes my hand and we hold eachothers' as we are walking. While he's looking around I take my phone out and hand it to one of the people filming.
"Take a picture this is cute."
The camera man holds up my phone and while we are walking he takes a picture, then gives me my phone back. We eventually get to the ride and we have fast passes, but it's still a bit of a line. We stand together with the camera man behind us. We wait in line talking and eventually get on the ride. We sit down and the ride starts. I learned that it's really hard trying to make a straight face in pictures, but when we did it turned out great. We spent the rest of the day in the park doing our tasks. In the end we both succeeded and had many pictures. It was about 4 when we got back to the hotel. We gathered all the boys back into our room and showed them all of our pictures. The director then hands us a note. I ask if we can open it and he nods. I open it and it states.
"Now S.Coups will pick Y/n's next date. They will be having fun in Y/n's hometown of Louisiana."
Right as I read that my eyes light up and the guys smile.
"I get to see my parents right!" The director nods.
"Everyone will meet your family and y'all will be staying at your parents house."
Everyone can see how excited I was.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I'm sorry for it being short and being up so late school started and I've had writers block. I love you all I hope you have an amazing day/night.

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