Back to Eating Chapter 16

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Y/n Point of View
I went to sleep with Namjoon-oppa that night. I'm always comfortable with him. When we laid down, he looked at me concerned.

"Did you eat at all today?" He whispered.

"Of course I did." I lied, I didn't want to tell him PD told me to loose weight.

I mean I don't know how else I could loose weight. I have to loose 2 months of weight in one. I am going to work out, food isn't that important right? He didn't push it and we went to sleep.


I woke up before all the boys and headed to the studio again, I left a note of course. I worked out till they came and got me and I went back to dancing with Jimin. The boys watched this time and they still had a hint of jealousy in there eyes, but when it was over they all loved it. We decided to go to lunch after that and I didn't eat much again. I think the boys were starting to wonder if something was up, Namjoon-oppa and Jungkook-Oppa both tried to feed me. I refused and they kept trying. I took one bit from each, but nothing else. The boys had to practice to I went back and worked out. After about 2 hours I weighed myself. I lost 1 kg. Only 9 more to go right.

~A week later~

I lost another kg and today was the day I would be filming the dance with Jimin. There manager set up the camera and we danced. It was fun, but at the end he kissed me. I was shocked. I was very shocked. I couldn't move, there manager seemed surprised, too. We kissed for a good 30 sec until he let go of me. I was blushing, a lot.

"Sorry to shock you like that." He said with a smile.

I couldn't speak, I was just kissed by Jimin Park, and it's going on the internet. Their manager quietly got the camera and left, I suspected he went to bring it to the editors. I stepped back from Jimin, comprehending what happened and he giggled a little. The manager came back in with the other boys and said that the video would be up tomorrow. I nodded and Jimin seemed satisfied with himself. Wait till the boys see that tomorrow.

Then Namjoon-Oppa spoke up." We need to talk to you Y/n."

"About what?" I didn't understand, he seemed serious.

"Why haven't you been eating?" As he said that I smiled, it was fake, though.

"I have been eating"

"No you haven't, and if you have it hasn't been much." Jin said.

I looked at Jimin and he had a serious expression as well. "Nothing is wrong don't worry."

"Y/n, why are you starving yourself then?" Yoongi asked.

"PD-nim said I had to loose 10kg in a month."

"There are different ways of loosing weight." Jimin said and took his hands and put it around my waist. "I feel your rib cage. You were already skinny."

" I've only lost 2 kg, that shouldn't have done much."

"Let me get a weight." Jungkook said as he left.

He placed it down and I stepped on it. I didn't loose 2kg I lost 5.

"We already talked to PD I don't think he realized how skinny you actually were." Namjoon said.

"So please eat. You aren't healthy." Hoseok said. " If you keep starving you'll get sick."

I nodded and the boys brought me to a restaurant close by and watched to make sure I ate. I ate, but I was so used to not eating I couldn't eat much. We went home after that and I went and looked in the mirror. You could see me rib cage. I quietly went to sleep with Jungkook that night. I was ashamed by what I did, but tomorrow would be another day.

----------------------------------------------Jungkook's Point of View

I woke up to Y/n sound asleep. I am glad she will finally eat. Namjoon came in and told me to wake her because she was getting her cast off her wrist today.

"Y/n it's time to get up, we need to head to the hospital." I whispered and rubbed her arm.

She groaned and looked up at me tiredly. "Why?"

"Don't you want your cast off?" I smiled looking down at her.

She nodded and we got up. We got ready and left, hopefully there would be no cameras this time. Manager drives us over there and a nurse brings us to a room and takes her cast off. While she was taking it off someone knocked on the door and Jin answered it. I heard them talking and he called for Namjoon.

Namjoon walked over to Y/n. "Would you be okay with having an interview done, since it's only one person this time?"

"Sure, I don't care." Y/n was calm about it.

The man came in, he wore a crisp gray suit with a blue tie. He held a brief case and a notebook in hand.

"Hello Y/n, I'm Chi In-Su. I'm a writer for Star Magazine (it's a made up magazine and a made up name I didn't know what to put). My first question is, how is it living with the famous BTS?"

"It's nice, the boys are amazing and all very caring. They watch out for me and protect me." She seemed truthful, she must really like us, I like her company as well.

"Great. I heard that your friends from home should be coming into town soon, how do you feel about that?"

"Well that's not fully true, I have to wait about 3 months till they can come, but I am very excited." I would like to meet her friends as well, it seems that she loves they a lot.

He interviewed her more and when it was finished we headed home, the video that Jimin and her's video will come out.
----------------------------------------------The words ended at 1010 words it was fate. I hope you liked the chapter and I hope that you have a great day/night.

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