Dancing! Chapter 15

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I'm sorry I haven't been writing. I had a wedding to go to and have been busy. I will write more.
Y/n Point of View
----------------------------------------------I woke up to Jeonghan staring at me and everyone walking around getting ready.

"Good morning. It's time to get up and get ready, we need to record." He smiled in a sing-songy voice as he let go of me.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes. We got up
and I went and got ready. It wasn't time to leave yet so I went into the living room.

"Would anyone like breakfast? I can make some eggs and toast." I asked, I was hungry so I suspected they were too.

They all nodded and I went and made breakfast. We ate and after a bit we left. I had never seen the Pledis recording studio, we usually practiced in the practice room. All the members were watching us and as we were singing they were smiling, but the thing I loved most was watching Jeonghan. We mostly sang staring at each other. Once we finished and walked out. I didn't realize that the other members had left and that PD-nim and Seventeen's manager were there.

"I love the passion! It feels like the two of you are actually dating!" Seventeen's manager seemed happy and PD-nim was smiling as well.

Jeonghan put his arm around my shoulder and smiled at me. They explained that now that it was recorded that we needed to make a video for it. They had already had an idea and we would start filming in 1 month because they had to get it all ready. It was the middle of the day and I was getting hungry, but I didn't want to say anything. We all hung out in the practice room and PD-nim walked in and asked to talk to me. We left the boys and went into the hall.

"Y/n, I want you to loose about 10 kg before we shoot the video." He explained, I nodded, but how was I supposed to loose 2 months worth of weight in one.

PD then left and I walked back into the practice room, I put on a fake smile and forgot about my hunger. All I could think about was loosing weight. I asked Seventeen's manager to drive me back home. When I got home no one was there so I decided to work out on my own. I worked out until I realized the boys could come home any minute. I then took a shower and waited for the boys. 15 minutes later they came home.

"Y/n! How was the practice?" Hoseok said right as he came in.

"It was good, we should be shooting the video in a month." I answered back with a smile.

Taehyung came and sat down next to me. "I see you took shower, are you hungry? We can go get food.

I nodded and Hoseok suggested we get BBQ. When we got there, I ate rice mostly.

"Y/n eat some meat, rice isn't enough." Jimin said as he held some meat out to me.

I shook my head and he stared at me for a bit, but didn't push it. All I ate that night was rice.
----------------------------------------------Jimin's Point of View
-------_--------------------------------------I wonder why Y/n wasn't eating. I'll ask her tonight since she is staying with me. When we walked in the house we all got ready for bed and then decided to watch a movie since it wasn't that late. We watched this movie about a person who changed genders everyday. It was interesting. We decided to go to bed and Y/n climbed in with me.

"Y/n why weren't you eating? Rice isn't that filling." I whispered.

"No reason, I just wasn't that hungry. I had a large lunch." I understand that, but I hope she isn't lying to make me feel better.

She quickly went to sleep after that and I staid up a bit, thinking. I did eventually go to sleep though.


I woke up and Y/n wasn't in the bed with me. There was a note saying she went to the studio early. I got up and got dressed and all the boys were awake as well so we headed out. When we got to the studio. We asked the lady at the front desk where Y/n was and she said the gym. I guess she just wanted a morning workout because she doesn't need to loose weight. We met up with her there and today Hoseok and I were going to teach her a partner dance since the duet she is doing doesn't have any dance to go with it. I decided to teach her Troublemaker's Trouble Maker. I would be her partner, Hoseok would be dancing Troublemaker's Now with her tomorrow. She follows directions very well and is a good dancer. Her expressions were great. In the middle of us PD walks in and asks us to do the whole dance. We did it and it was perfect.

"I want you to film this, I will hand the actual trainers come in and touch up your dancing before it, but I think it will bring more fame to Y/n. I will get your manager and the trainers now." PD said and left.

We learned this in one day and he already adored it. After about 30 minutes our manager came in with two of the dance trainers. For about 2 hours the trainers critiqued Y/n and I. The explained that in a few days we would film and that we should practice a lot. I felt bad for Hoseok he was supposed to dance with Y/n also, but I guess I get her all to myself. Which I am perfectly fine with. I'm glad I chose this dance, too. I think you would understand why.
----------------------------------------------Y/n's Point of View
----------------------------------------------I can't believe we are actually doing this. This dance is so embarrassing, and all of the internet was going to see it. My friends are gonna call me right when it is uploaded. It is a fun dance though. I blushing half the time, but Jimin didn't seem to notice. It was about 7 when we all left. Jimin explained to the other members what was going to happen and they looked a little jealous of Jimin. I didn't understand why, I'm not someone people would want. Even PD says I need to loose weight. I made the boys dinner, but I didn't eat. The boys noticed and I just said I wasn't hungry. I didn't eat all day that day, but I needed to loose weight.
----------------------------------------------Thank you for reading and again I'm
Sorry for implosions so late, I love you all and I hope you have a good day/night! Bye!!

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