The TV Show Chapter 19

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Mingyu Point of View
----------------------------------------------I was looking through my phone on social media and noticed paparazzi had seen Y/n at the airport. From the pictures it looked like BTS's manager brought her and she was there to pick up her friends. I showed the other members and they told me to call her. I think they just wanted to see her and this was an excuse, but I wanted to see her too so complied.

"Hello Good Morning Mingyu" she answered from the call.

"Hello, y/n. The boys and I noticed that you were at the airport and it looked like you picked up a few friends and we were wondering if we could meet them. We haven't seen you in awhile and would like to see you again." I explained.

"Let me ask Namjoon." I could hear her yell to Namjoon then say we could come over.
I told her okay and hung up. The boys and I got ready and left.
Y/n point of view
"More people mean more translators" I said looking at Vernon and Joshua when they walk in.
They nod and the rest of the band comes in and sits on the floor. I climb into Vernon's lap and he wraps his arms around me and we all keep talking.
"Y/n this is the most amount of friends you've ever had in your life." Lucky says and all the people that speak English in the room laugh as I nod.
Joshua translate that for the rest of the boys and they all look at me like really and I nod.
"I wasn't a very popular person"

We keep talking for awhile, then Seongchoel says he wants to talk to me and pulls me into one of the bedrooms.

"A tv show has come to us and wants to make a show somewhat like One Fine Day, but we take a girl with us. They have us the option to pick who we wanted and we chose you. So, would you like to be in a show with us?" He asks and I nod.

"Yea, I'd love too."

"Okay good, we will pick you up tomorrow with your stuff packed and we will set off. Our manager will tell you more details tomorrow." He smiles.

I nod and we go back in the room where everyone else is and I sit back in Vernons lap.

"It is hard translating for this many people." He says and I laugh.

"We should head to our apartment, we will see everyone later." Sol says and Lucky looks up at her like why, but goes.

They all wave bye and head out. "Namjoon, I'm going to go with Seventeen on a new tv show okay?" He nods.
I go to get up out of Vernons lap but he just pulls me back. "Stay like this for a bit" I nod and lean back on him. We talk for a bit then Jin turns on the tv and we watch tv. I eventually get up and go start packing and Jun comes and helps me.

"We don't know any details from the show so we are learning as much as you are tomorrow." He says as he folds some of my clothes.

"Really? Well I hope it's fun. It's weird that it's only one girl and 13 boys. I wonder what's going to happen." I said and Juns eyes went wide.

"What if it's a dating like thing? What if we have to complete task in a date like format?"

"That would be cool, I'd watch that."

Jun nods and we keep talking and packing. After an hour and a half we finish packing my stuff and go back into we're everyone is. Seventeen says they have to go pack now and leave. I sit next to Namjoon and he puts his arm around me.

"Vernon didn't want you to get up from his lap. He looks disappointed when you had to go pack." He laughs.

"Yea, it was comfortable for him. I finished packing tho with Juns help. We don't know what the show is about but Jun and I think it's going to be a dating type thing."

Jungkook stood up when I said that. "What?!"

"Calm down it's just a show. Why did you get so emotional about that?" I say and he sits down embarrassed. After a bit of tv I go make dinner for everyone and put it on the table. We eat and go to bed. I sleep with Jimin tonight. He holds me close to him and we fall asleep.


I woke up to Jimin staring at me smiling.
"Your so peaceful when you sleep." He says.

"Thanks?" I laugh

We get up and I go start on breakfast for everyone. I decided to make eggs and French toast and Jimin tried helping me a bit. The boys one by one woke up and came and sat at the table. Once I finished cooking I placed it on the table and we ate. Once I finished eating I got a text from Wonwoo says they were outside. So I told the boys bye got my stuff and went into the bus they were riding in. I sat next to Joshua and there manager started talking.

"The show is called "Cupids Bow." Each day Y/n will be pared up with one of the boys and they will complete tasks in a date like format. They either have a task they have to complete together or apart, but every task has to do with each other. We are going to be going too America, the first state we are going to is Florida." We all look very excited and the bus is driving to the airport.

We didn't notice but there were cameras in the bus already and the show had just started. We get to the airport and there is a camera crew there. We get through bad check and our passports were fine. We are now waiting for the plane. I can taken away from the boys by a worker for the show and they hand me an envelope.

"First task: pick the boy to be your first 'date' for tomorrow. You will share a hotel room, and spend the day together tomorrow." I paper inside the envelope says. I nod and ask if I just walk to the first person.

They tell me yes and and I go back into the room and look at all the boys. They all look back at me confused. I walk toward Seongcheol and take his hand and show the workers. They nod then explain what I was doing. Seongcheol smiled at me. I sit next to him and we all talk till the plane comes. When the plane comes we get in and sit down. I'm next to Seongcheol. It's a 10 hour flight so must of us just sleep or talk or anything but the hours are long.

10 hours later~~~

We get to America late at night and everyone is tired. Vernon, Joshua, and I all help get the boys out and to the hotel. The producer gives us each our room keys and me and Seongcheol go up to our room. There is already a camera set up so I walk toward it and wave to it.
"Oppa! The camera moves with us!" I say excitedly.
He laughs and walks toward me.

"It's late lets go to bed" he says. I get pajamas and go into the bathroom and change then go and lay in the bed. Seongcheol does the same and we go to sleep.
----------------------------------------------The next many chapters will be about Seventeen and the tv show, so I hope that makes some of you happy since I haven't incorporated them much. I hope everyone has a wonderful day/night.

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