Darkness Is Scary Chapter 7

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I want to get my hair permanently straightened and dyed, but apparently that's to many chemicals and I'm sad. I hate my curly hair, that's from the Spanish in me. Anyway, Enjoy the chapter!
----------------------------------------------Y/n Point of View
----------------------------------------------When I finally got home, I realized I was crying. I tried to pick up my arm, but I couldn't. So, I knocked on the door hopping one of the boys would answer, since I didn't have my key. Thankfully they all opened the door and when they saw me holding my arm and crying, their expressions became worried.

"Y/n what happened?! Can you move your arm?! We need to go to the hospital!" Hoseok said, he was very alarmed.

We all left and Jin took the van and drove us all to the hospital. I was shaking and crying, everyone was trying to comfort me. When we finally got to the hospital we rushed in and a nurse took me to a room for x-Ray and to try to calm me down. The boys staid in the waiting room. The nurse took the x-Ray and could tell my looking at it that it was bad. I couldn't move my arm at all. She told the boys, that they could go in the room I was in. She gave me pain killers to try and help with the pain. I was still shaking, I was jumpy. I was scared. What did that man mean?
----------------------------------------------Hoseok's point of View
----------------------------------------------She was so scared, you could see it in her eyes. What happened, who caused this, why did they do this? I knew I couldn't ask her now. Jungkook hugged her, trying to tell her she was safe and that everything was okay. It looked like she wasn't listening, that she was all in her head. She wasn't okay, and everyone knew that.

The nurse walked in with the x-Ray and Namjoon told her to come in the hall with him and explain, and he would explain it to Y/n. We were her guardians tonight, because her real ones were in another country. I was holding her hand, the one she could feel. She was shaking, but it looked like she could focus now, that she wasn't inside her mind anymore. Which was good. Namjoon walked back in and sat next to her and explained that her shoulder was pulled out of place and that her wrist was broken. He also explained that she was going to stay the night in the hospital and they will put a cast on her wrist an wrap her shoulder tomorrow, but that only one person could stay the night with her. Right, when he said that she looked right at me. Everyone else seemed like they understood and told her that they would see her tomorrow and goodnight. A few of them kissed her cheek before leaving. I nurse came in and wrapped up her wrist and shoulder so it wouldn't get worse. I sat down next to her looking at her closely.

"Are you okay, now?" She was calm and wasn't shaking as much.

"Yea, I'm okay now, thank you." She smiled slightly.

"Are you okay enough Y/n tell me what happened?" It had to have been a scary encounter for her to be so shocked up about it.

"I was walking home from the Seventeen dorm. They told me, they would bring me home, but I insisted that I could walk. They kept saying it was unsafe, but I didn't listen. So, halfway to home, it became really quiet and the only lights around were the streetlights. I started hearing footsteps, so I started walking faster and faster. I wasn't fast enough, but apparently I was fast enough to break my shoulder when he grabbed me. " She chucked. "The thing that scared me most is when the man pulled me toward him. He whispered in my ear 'Be careful, with your career choice, sweetie.' That's all he said then he let go and left. It was threat. I don't want to be in the dark anymore Hoseok, I'm scared."

I hugged her." No one will hurt you, we will protect and you will debut safely."

She hugged me back and smiled.
----------------------------------------------It's 11:30 at night, tradition is still going. Random fact about me is I'm also afraid of the dark, like the main character. Anyway back to the story!
Y/n's Point of View
Maybe that man was just joking, nothing could really go wrong right? I let go of Hoseok and scooted over for him to lay down next to me. He lays down and he wrapped his arms around me and told me to go to sleep, because I needed rest. I put my arms on his chest and lays there for a bit.

"Hey, and if you want call me Oppa, when it's just us, okay?" He asked, I nodded in response.

Why did they all want me to call them Oppa, they can't like me can they I've been with them 3 days, but I have talked to them a lot. I just blew it off and fell asleep.
----------------------------------------------Hoseok's Point of View
She is so small, just looking at her makes me smile. Her sleeping face is so cute. Man, I wish I was the one doing the duet, maybe I'll ask PD-nim when she heals. I stay staring at her for a bit and the nurse came in to check on her and saw us and smiled, then left. I fell asleep after that. I hope she heals soon.
----------------------------------------------Thank you for reading, and yes actually scared of the dark. I sleep with my TV on every night. I also have to sleep with noise so I put music on the tv for sound and light. Anyway, I hope you have a good day/night, love you all!

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