Missing Family Chapter 13

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I am going to start writing this every other day or just randomly. Thank you for reading hope you enjoy this chapter!  Remember bold means English.
----------------------------------------------When everyone was finished eating, the boys had to go practice and they told me to stay home and if I decide to walk around to call them before I leave. I stayed home for a bit, but I started getting bored so I decided to go to the park. I called Namjoon-Oppa and said I was going to the park and left. I didn't want to take the bus so I walked. It was a long walk. When I finally got to the park, I wanted to explore. I had never been to the park, so it would be fun. I had my mask on, but I could tell people were looking at me with a questioned expression. I just hopped no one would put 2 and 2 together. While I was walking around I saw children playing and it brought back so many memories. As I was growing up, I only wanted to be an adult. I always wanted to grow up. I never realized the preciousness of being child. I felt a tear fall down my cheek. I missed mom, and dad, and everyone. I sat by a tree and called my mom.

"Hey, sweetie. How are you doing?" She said, I could here her smiling.

"I miss you, mom. I miss everyone." I said in a whimpery voice.

"Honey, it's okay. Whenever you need me just call. You know I love you, but I have to go. Goodbye, honey. Love you so much." She said and as I answer back with a sad bye and she hung up.

As I was getting up, a 13 year old walked up to me.

"You are that girl that is friends with BTS, right?" She asked, I nodded. "What's wrong you look sad?"

"I just miss my parents, that's all."

"Oh, well you will see them soon, I hope you can at least. I hope you enjoy your time here, if you ever have to leave. I hope you become a big star." She then smiled and left.

I decided to head home then. As I was walking home, a lot of people were on the streets. As I was walking in a crowd someone grabbed my wrist of my good arm and pulled me somewhere. It looked like he pulled me into an alley.

"You still go with this dream of yours, why are you still trying, have you not seem all the stuff. " he had a mask and sunglasses on, but I didn't pay attention to what he was saying and just ran away.

He didn't chase after me, his voice was familiar, but I don't remember what from. When I finally got home, the boys weren't home yet so I just played video games until they got home. My shoulder was feeling a lot better. When they finally got home. Jin came up to me and sat by me.

"How was your walk?" He asked.

"It was nice, I guess."

"You guess, what happened?" He seemed a little worried.

"Well, while I was at the park. I started missing my mom and dad and when I was walking back, a guy pulled me into an alley. He said something about asking why I was still trying, asking if I have seen all the stuff yet, but I just blew it off and ran away."

"That could have been dangerous, you should have called us." He said concerningly. (That's not a word, but oh well)

I hugged him. "I'm fine, no need to worry! Want me to make dinner?"

He nodded and when I looked at everyone else they nodded too. I made a simple dish with ground meat, rice and a sauce with differ bent ingredients in it. They enjoyed it and so did I. After I was finished eating, I went to take a bath. While, I was in the bath, I started thinking. Thinking about my parents mostly. It would be forever till I got to see them again. It would be forever till I got to see any of my family. I was always close to my family. I sat in the bathtub and just cried, all I did was cry. I missed everyone. What if something happened and I wasn't there, I couldn't get there in time. Would I really be able to do all of this? Can I really become a kpop star? I got out of the bath and dried off and put on pajamas and walked out. Everyone had gone to bed except Jin, I must have been crying for awhile.

"You were in there for a- have you been crying? " he quickly walked up to me and hugged me. "I know it's gonna be hard, you're gonna miss your family a lot, but you can do it. You can get through this. You have us."

He held my head to his chest. Could I really do this?

I looked up at him. "How? How do I get through this?"

He hugged me tighter. "We will help, just remember that she is okay and so are you. If you ever need someone just call one of us.  Now let's go sleep. I'll be watching you tonight, to make sure everything is okay."

We walked to his and Najoon-oppa's room and we laid down. He held me close to him and waited till I fell asleep to fall asleep. I hoped I could get through this.
----------------------------------------------I know this is short, but I changed phones with my dad and I have to deal with downloading everything again. I hope you have a great day/night. I love you all.

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