(Back to regular P.O.V.)

Brendon pulls up to my apartment building and puts the car in park, turning to face me with a small smile on his face.

"So, what days do you have off this week? The guys and I have a few things to do on Wednesday and I was wondering if you would wanna tag along"

"Actually, I have Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday off. I would love to go!" I grin, unbuckling my seatbelt and swinging my bag over my shoulder.

"Awesome" He grins back "I'll pick you up around noon on Wednesday, okay? Thanks for hanging out last night, it was awesome."

"Thanks for letting me hang, see ya Wednesday" I open my door and step out, still grinning from ear to ear. I close the door and wave goodbye, walking toward the stairs to my apartment.

Brendon's car pulls away as soon as I reach the stairs and I still can't stop grinning. As soon as I get into my dumpy little apartment, I grab an outfit for work and hop in the shower, washing the chlorine from the pool out of my hair.

I show up to work a few minutes early and see a list of three appointments on my schedule for the day. First one is a simple nose piercing in about twenty minutes, so I walk to my little corner and get out my supplies, laying them on a sterile surface and spraying them with sterilizing liquid. I turn on my computer and put on Weezer radio on Pandora.

Around five minutes before my first appointment is scheduled, I hear the door open and I walk to the front desk and see a girl around sixteen or seventeen walking toward me with an older blonde woman standing next to her with a bitchy expression on her wrinkled, makeup-caked face.

"Hey there, I'm Autumn, the resident piercer. Are you the 12:30 appointment for the nose piercing?" I smile at her, leaning against the counter. The young girl nods in reply, and I lead her to my station while her mother stays in the main room. She seems like she doesn't give two shits about her kid.

The girl sits down in the chair and I put my gloves on, snapping them dramatically.

"Your mom seems super friendly" I chuckle softly.

"Guess you could say that." She mutters rolling her eyes.

"Well, anyway, what's your name?" I smile at her and notice her Panic! At the Disco T-shirt. This could get weird.

"I'm Liza" She pauses for a moment, studying me. "Hey, weren't you on Brendon Urie's periscope last night?"

I freeze for a second, not knowing how to react "Yeah, I guess you could say we're friends. He's a really cool guy. Anyway, uh, which side do you want the piercing on?" I smile nervously.

"We can talk about it more after you're done sticking a piece of metal in my face" She laughs "I think it will look good on the right side"

I nod and take out my marker. I mark the spot and prepare my tools.

After I'm done, I let Liza look at it in the mirror. She smiles widely and hugs me.

"Thank you! It looks great! Now, let's talk about Brendon" She grins

"Well, he's funny as hell, especially when he's stoned. He's super nice and kind and helpful and all that good stuff. He didn't mind the fact that I'm a total fangirl, which is definitely a good thing. That's all I've got for now, I've only hung out with him once" I smile, throwing my trash away and sterilizing my necessary supplies.

"He sounds awesome! I wish I could hear more, but I've got to go" She hands me the money to pay for the piercing.

"Okay, just don't tell a lot of people, I don't want anyone stalking me or him or anything weird like that. And don't forget to clean your nose twice a day" I walk her out to the front and cross her appointment off the schedule.

"Promise! Thank you so much!" She grins as her and her mother walk out.

The rest of the day flies by, and before I know it I'm laying on my couch eating pop tarts, scrolling through twitter.

I can't wait for Wednesday

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