A few days before the band leaves for the festival, Brendon and I go out for a quiet dinner. For me, the third date is a big deal, and my mom says that that's when the guy usually asks the girl to officially be his girlfriend, but I guess we'll see what happens.

Brendon and I are just getting finished eating, when he reaches over and takes both my hands. I look up at him, confused.

"I have a question" He says, a smile playing on the corners of his mouth. I nod and smile back, squeezing his hands.

"I was wondering if, after we get back from England, you would like to meet my parents"

"I would love to! There's just one thing... My parents are prying that they meet you as soon as possible before we step into an actual relationship. And since you'd probably want to introduce me to your family as your official girlfriend, do you think we could make a short visit to them first?" I look down at the table "my parents are really weird about that kind of thing"

"Oh, absolutely! If your parents want to meet me as soon as possible, I can do it tomorrow after I prepare everything for my flight" Brendon brings my hand up to his lips and kisses it. "Plus, its a good excuse to see you one last time before we leave"

I blush and smile up at him, biting my lip. He makes me blush so easily, it's crazy!

Brendon pays for dinner and we go back to his house. It's only about seven, so I decide I'm gonna have him take me home around ten. 

"Do you want something to drink?" Brendon asks, heading to the kitchen with me in tow.

"Sure, what do you have?" I smile, sitting at the counter. He pulls out a bottle of fancy flavored vodka. "Well damn, are you trying to get me drunk?"

"You've seemed kind of stressed out lately, I figured you need to loosen up a bit. Don't worry, I'll drink too, but not a lot" He pours some of the vodka in a cup and mixes it with some kind of soda. He slides it over to me and I take a big drink of it, wincing when it burns my throat. Yeah, I know. I am a total wimp.

"So, what are your parents like?" Brendon stands next to me and leans against the counter with a beer.

"My dad is pretty professional and expects an immense amount of respect, while my mother is very, very lenient and just loves anyone that will have conversation with her. But they're both really great people who are very accepting." I smile, taking another big gulp of my drink.

"I suppose I can be respectful, and I can definitely hold a conversation" He chuckles quietly and sips his beer.

"Good" I giggle "So, what are your parents like?"

"Mom is really friendly, and loves to talk. A lot. Dad is kind, accepting, he's like an old, less crazy version of me." Brendon sits down and wraps an arm around my waist.

"Awesome, I really hope they like me" I lean my head on his shoulder run my hand over the short hairs on the back of his neck. He shudders and laughs, his hand traveling to my hip and squeezing it.

"That tickled" He laughs and turns to me, smiling. I stick my tongue out and do it again just to bother him. His hand squeezes my hip again and pulls me toward him. I giggle and sit in his lap, running my fingers through his soft hair. He smirks at me and kisses my neck, making me blush.

"You're unbelievably beautiful right now, Autumn" He says quietly, cupping my face in his strong hands. I sigh and look down, blushing deeper.

"You don't believe me?" He asks, bringing my face closer to his.

I don't have time to reply because his lips are pressed against mine. He pulls my torso against his and deepens the kiss by swiping his tongue against my bottom lip, wanting entrance. I allow it, and his tongue explores my mouth, making me moan softly into the kiss. He pulls away a second later and picks me up. He sets me on the counter and stands between my legs.

"You're really good at getting me hot and bothered" I pant, pulling him closer by wrapping my legs around his hips. He just smirks and kisses my neck while I reach down to the hem of his shirt and pull it up.

"I want this off" I smirk, tugging the shirt up past his belly button. He disconnects his lip from my neck and slips his shirt off. I smile and roam my hands over his torso, taking in every detail.

"Seems like you like what you see" Brendon chuckles and pulling me to the edge of the counter so that my thighs are touching his hips. I lean forward slightly and kiss his neck up to his jaw, making him mutter something breathlessly. He bites his lip and brings his hand up the back of my shirt and unclips my bra. I gasp and pull away, blushing a dark red.

"I-I'm sorry, am I going to far?" Brendon asks, pulling his hands away.

"No, but I do think that's as much as I'll do for now" I blush "We aren't official yet, so I guess I feel weird about it"

"I completely understand, babe" He smiles and kisses my cheek while I clip my bra. I smile and kiss him quickly. He finds his shirt and puts it on while I jump off the counter.

Brendon drives me home and kisses me good night.

"I'll see you tomorrow, beautiful" He smiles, kissing my hand.

"Just text me when you get here, handsome" I smile back and step out of the car. I blow him a kiss and walk up the stairs to my apartment.

I Know It's You. (Brendon Urie love story)Where stories live. Discover now