Autumns' P.O.V

Walking down the street with Brendon and the puppy, who's name is jim, I feel content. I could definitely get used to this.

I look over at Brendon, who has a small smile on his face, looking down at the ground. He looks like he's deep in thought.

"What's on your mind, babe?" I ask, looking down at Jim and his constantly wagging tail.

"I was just thinking, I'm really happy like this. It feels right, ya know? Peaceful." He smiles, squeezing my hand gently.

"I was thinking so too" I sigh

"Does that mean you'll move in?" He grins, looking hopeful.

"Not necessarily, we'll see at the end of the week"

Jim stops suddenly to sniff the grass, then looks up at us as if to say 'Hey, let's go back and play'.

"Please move in babe, please. I'll do anything" Brendon whines. I laugh quietly and turn around to walk back to his house.

"Begging will get you nowhere, Beebo" I kiss his cheek "Now let's go back and play with this cute little doggo"

Brendon groans and stomps his feet a couple times before walking beside me back to the house.

As we sit there playing with the dog, my phone rings. I look at the ID and it's Dallon.

"Hmm, it's Dallon. Wonder why he's calling me instead of you" I wonder before answering the call.

"Dallon, what's up?" I greet him

"Hey, can you do me a favor?" He asks, sounding excited about something.

"Depends, what is it?"

"Will you stop by the apartment tomorrow around five and get Sierra all dressed up and stuff? I planned a surprise date" He replies. I can practically hear him grinning from ear to ear.

"Absolutely! What are you guys doing? Is it like, a special occasion?"

"It's our month anniversary, we're going to a nice dinner and then I'm taking her to see a play, cause we're classy like that"

"That's awesome, yeah, I'll definitely help her get ready"

"Thanks so much! Talk to you later" He hangs up the phone. I put my phone down and go back to playing tug of war with Jim. Brendon scoots over to me and pulls me into his lap, immediately pressing his lips to my neck.

"You're so beautiful like this. Calm, at peace" He mutters against my skin.

"I love you, Brendon" I sigh, leaving the dog to chase a tennis ball around the room.

"I love you too" He kisses my neck again "more than anything"


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2017 ⏰

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