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A couple weeks later, the guys and I are all hanging out around the pool at Brendon's house. Brendon walks out of the house holding something behind his back, smirking a little.

"Autumn, I got something for ya" He smiles, sitting down at the edge of the pool with me. He pulls a pair of water wings from behind his back and grins mischievously. I roll my eyes at him punch him in the chest playfully.

"You're an ass" I laugh, getting up and grabbing my towel. I lay it down on the cement and lay on top of it, looking up at the sky. A few seconds later, I see Brendon standing over me.

"You're blocking the sun, bro. Trying to get a tan" I poke his shin and sit up

"Fine, I'll sit" He sighs and sits next to me "so, are you free tomorrow? I was thinking we could go out to dinner, then come back here and hang out, just me and you" He smiles, looking slightly nervous.

I mentally freak the fuck out for a second before answering.

"I work until four but I'm free after that, I would love to go" I say as confidently as possible, considering I'm shaking because Brendon fucking Urie just asked me on a date.

"Awesome! I'll pick you up at six, is that okay?"

"Yeah that's fine" I smile, trying hard not to freak out and make him change his mind.

"Good, can't wait" He runs his fingers through his knotted wet hair.


Once I finish getting ready for the date, I sit down on my bed and let myself calm down.

Calm down, he's just a guy. Yes, he's an extremely hot guy who happens to be your favorite singer, but he's just a guy. A normal, every day guy.

I sigh and check the time. Ten minutes to collect myself. Oh dear.

A few minutes later, there's a knock on the door. I grab my purse and walk to the door, putting on a smile before opening it.

"Hey" Brendon smiles, and I notice he's wearing his glasses. I love the way he looks in glasses. He brings me out of my thoughts by bringing flowers out from behind his back.

"Oh, you brought flowers! Thank you so much!" I grin, taking them "Come in, I'll put them in a vase or something" I step out of the doorway and walk to the kitchen with a him in tow. I find a small vase and fill it with water.

"Thank you so much for the flowers, that was so sweet of you" I smile, dropping the flowers into the vase and setting them on the counter.

"I thought you might appreciate the gesture" Brendon says, leaning against the counter next to the flowers. It's a picture perfect moment, I swear.

"I definitely do" I smile and shift my purse on my shoulder "Should we go?"


After a pleasant dinner and lots of laughs and old stories, we head to Brendon's house to hang out and watch movies.

Around the middle of the first movie we choose, I feel Brendon's arm snake around my waist and pull me close to him, making me blush and lean my head on his shoulder.

"You're so cute when you blush" Brendon says quietly. I smile and blush darker, covering my face with my hands.

"Why are you covering your face?" He chuckles, pulling me even closer to him.

"Because I look like a tomato" I reply, muffling my voice with my hands. Brendon chuckles again and pulls my hands away from my face.

"Gosh, you're the cutest tomato I've ever seen" He smirks

"I think you need a stronger prescription for your glasses" I laugh and cover my face again.

Brendon sighs and clicks his tongue "It's really hard to kiss someone when their face is covered, you know"

I peek between my fingers and see him looking down at me with a small smile. I drop my hands into my lap and smile back at him nervously.

"Are you finally gonna let me kiss you?" He laughs quietly.

He doesn't wait for me to answer before he presses his lips against mine.

I Know It's You. (Brendon Urie love story)Where stories live. Discover now