Brendon has been on tour for three days now, he's currently in Texas. He's been calling after every show, when I'm already in bed, ready to go to sleep. Irritating but totally worth it. He should be calling here soon, considering I'm in my pajamas watching Netflix and eating Nutella straight out of the jar. Unhealthy, I know.

Speak of the devil

My phone rings on my nightstand, blaring When the Day Met the Night. I sing along for a moment before picking up.

"Hey there babe" Brendon answers and I can almost hear the smile in his voice.

"Hello, sweaty tired Beebo" I grin, rolling over onto my stomach and staring at the wall.

We talk for a little bit, pretty much the same conversation we've been having for the last three days.

"Okay, goodnight babygirl. See you in four days" Brendon makes kissy noises into the phone. Cringey much?

"Bye babe, miss you" I laugh and hang up, rolling back over and turning off my TV. Time for bed!


Today is the day that my new roommate, Sierra moves in! I've spent all morning converting the living room into my bed room, taking all of my stuff out of the bedroom so that we can set hers up, and putting up a big sparkly blue curtain to separate my room from the kitchen.

I can't wait to live with her, we've been hanging out at least once a week for a good month, so we know each other pretty well. She should be here any minute, actually.

After we get Sierra's stuff into the bedroom, we unpack her clothes and put them in her dresser. She sure does talk about Dallon a lot, so I can definitely tell she likes him. Can't say I blame her, Dallon and her would be a perfect match.

After we put her clothes away, she sets up her TV and puts a curtain up so that there's a walk way between her room and the bathroom. Looks kinda sketchy, but sketchy is totally fine when you live in a shitty apartment in southern California.

"Thank you for getting some stuff unpacked, I can't wait to settle in and get comfortable" Sierra grins, falling back onto her bed. "Oh, and I have half the rent money all ready, and some left over for groceries"

"Rent is due in two weeks, and here's your key to the apartment" I take the key out of my pocket and hand it to her. Life is gonna be a lot easier with her around.

Another filler, I'm sorrryyyyy.. I promise I'll think of interesting stuff soon, I'm having problems thinking of stufffff

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