Brendon intertwines our fingers and kisses my cheek before we enter his parents' house. I smile as we walk in and I feel right at home. I squeeze Brendon's hand and he smiles down at me, his big brown eyes softening.

"Well, are you just gonna stand there staring at each other or are you going to introduce her to me?" A petit brunette woman stands in front of us, smiling with her hands on her hips. Brendon laughs quietly and rolls his eyes at her.

"Kyla, this is Autumn, my girlfriend. Autumn, this is my sister Kyla, the middle child" Brendon smiles and walks toward Kyla, bringing me with him. She extends her hand and I take it, giving it a firm shake.

"Nice to finally meet you, Brendon has been texting me to tell me all about you, so I didn't want to miss the chance to meet you" She smiles "Mom and dad are in the living room, come on"

We follow behind her down the hallway, Brendon never taking his eyes off of me. Sometimes I start to think he's obsessed with me, but then I remember I used to literally be obsessed with him, so it's okay.

As soon as I step into the living room, I'm bombarded my a bone-crushing hug. The person (who I'm assuming is his mother) steps away and I catch up on my oxygen intake because before I look over and see an older woman with dark hair, brown eyes and a big pleasant grin. Definitely his mom.

"It's so nice to meet you, I'm Brendon's mom" She hugs me again, but not as tight.

"It's nice to meet you too, Mrs. Urie. You have a lovely home" I smile, suddenly feeling shy.

"sit down, make yourself comfortable" Brendon places his hand on the small of my back and leads me over to the couch and I sit down next to him with his arm around my waist.

"Brendon, she's just as beautiful as you described" His father smiles, leaning forward in his reclining chair. "There hasn't been a phone call in two months where he hasn't gushed about you"

I blush and look at Brendon, shooting him a wink.

"Well, on that note, please tell us about yourself" His mother cuts in.

"Um, well there isn't really much to tell... My birthday is January 13th, my favorite color is red, I live in Huntington Park, I work at a tattoo shop, I love music, I have three tattoos, I used to have a pet cat named Spud... Yeah, that's about it"

"What about your family? Any siblings?" Kyla sits on the arm of the couch.

"Well, I have one sibling. He disconnected himself from us a couple years ago because my parents wouldn't let him live in their house without paying rent and helping out with chores. He's thirty years old and can't support himself" I shrug.

"Sorry to hear that, must be hard not having him around" Kyla says.

"No big deal, really. We weren't ever really close. But thank you for the sympathy" I smile.

"You said you work at a tattoo shop, do you do tattoos or something else there?" His dad pipes in, looking very interested.

"I do piercings. I do draw and design tattoos though. Tattooing them onto people is something I refuse to do because I don't have the patience to do it, as well as the fact that since I'm the resident piercer, I get all of the piercing appointments and I bring in a better income that way. I guess, in a way, I get paid commission"

The night goes on and we have dinner, (Brendon's mother and sister are a perfect team in the kitchen) and by the end of the night, I feel like part of the family. They like to pick on Brendon, so I joined in on that and it made me feel like I was fitting in flawlessly. His dad tells the funniest jokes and Kyla is probably the sassiest person I've ever met, but also the sweetest when it comes down to it. His mother is so kind and quiet, she melts into the background kind of like I'm used to doing. I can see the two of us getting along really well.

Throughout the whole night, every time I would look over at Brendon he would already be looking at me with a fond smile, his chin resting in his palm. He's so adorable when he does that. I think I might be falling for this man already.

I Know It's You. (Brendon Urie love story)Where stories live. Discover now