The next day, I wake up to a text from Dallon, as well as one from Brendon. I smile when I see Dallon's message. Him and I have become really good friends, I pretty much tell him everything, because I feel like I can trust him.

D- How did the date go? Brendon seemed really smiley this morning when I woke him up

A- It was fucking awesome, I had such an amazing time. We kissed twice and it was perfect! We get along so well, it's like we've been friends for years. I could go on and on, Dally Weekes.

I grin and check the text from Brendon, starting to blush.

B- I had an amazing time last night, I can't wait to see you again! how about we do something the next day you have off? Arcade, bowling, Disney, beach, something of that sort?

A- Last night was awesome! The next day I have off is Saturday, we should definitely go somewhere with an arcade! We could hang out at my apartment after

I finish the text and get up and out of bed, walking to the kitchen and getting cereal. Today is a day off, I'm gonna give myself a lazy day and watch Netflix.


*Time skipping to Saturday because I know you came here for de romantico*

"I'm gonna start giving you gas money, you keep driving back and forth to get me" I laugh as I get into Brendon's car.

"I don't want you wasting your gas money. You're just getting out on your own and supporting yourself, you need to save all the money you can. Believe me, I speak from experience. Besides, I like that moment when you walk down the stairs and I see that beautiful face of yours. It's kind of like a scene in a movie" He smiles over at me, taking my hand and kissing the top of it.

"I would argue with you, but you're too damn charming" I sigh, blushing slightly.

"Good to know I can win a dispute just by being sexy" He chuckles, pulling away from my building and turning onto the road quickly.

About an hour later, (due to traffic) we pull up to a pizza place/arcade and I can't help but get unnecessarily excited. I haven't been to a place like this in years!

"Oh my god this is awesome!" I squeal, making Brendon laugh and smile fondly at me.

"Hey, guess what" He chuckles, shutting the car off. I raise an eyebrow at him, still grinning.

"There's an all-age bouncy castle, laser tag, bumper carts, and my personal favorite, the virtual roller coaster" He grins, getting to be just as excited as I am.

"Can we do Laser tag and then eat?" I'm a master at laser tag, I can't wait to kick your ass in it"

"Yeah, I'm pretty beast at it too. We shall see, my dear" He steps out of the car and before I can reach to open my door, he's already opening it for me.

That's new

"Why, thank you good sir" I attempt a British accent and step out of the car.

"You're very welcome, m'lady" He replies, shutting the car door and locking it. I kiss his cheek and slip my hand into his, intertwining our fingers. He puts his sunglasses on and smiles down at me as we walk across the vast parking lot.

Suddenly, I hear the sound of a phone SFX camera noise and Brendon's attention is brought to a teenage girl standing off to our side.

"If ya want a picture, all you have to do is ask" Brendon smiles, changing our direction and pulling me in the direction of the fan.

"Sorry, I would have asked but I wanted to capture the cute moment you two were having. Ya see, I'm kind of an amateur picture editor, and I thought I could edit it and stuff. But I would love a picture with both of you" She smiles shyly, looking down at her feet.

"Oh, no need to apologize at all, I would love to see that picture! Just tweet it at me and I'll print it out and stuff. What's your name?" Brendon smiles and squeezes my hand. She tells him her name is Bridget and that she's been a fan for about three years.

He places his hand on her small shoulder "You're fuckin awesome, let's take a picture so you can brag to your friends" He grins. Bridget takes a cute picture with us and hugs both of us tightly.

"I hope you guys know that people are already coming up with ship names and fanfics of you guys. Some of us have started calling you mom and dad" Bridget smiles, barely containing her laughter.

"Considering I'm the same age as some, if not most of them, that's a little bit weird" I laugh quietly

After a few more minutes of conversation, Brendon and I walk into the building and go straight to laser tag. He ends up totally kicking my ass at it. Twice.

"You're a good opponent, harder to beat than Dallon is for sure. I think we should team up next time" Brendon says as we walk up to the counter to order a pizza.

After we eat, we go into the arcade and play some games. I'm in the far corner playing pac-man, and I look away for a moment to search the room for Brendon. I shrug and return to my game, when I feel a pair of arms wrap around me. I almost yell, but I look back to see his handsome features. I laugh quietly and continue my game, blushing.

A few levels later, because I'm distracted by Brendon's small gesture of affection, I get killed by a stupid ghost and I groan in defeat.

"You're terribly distracting, Beebo" I giggle and turn around in his arms, looping my arms around his neck and feeling like a giddy freshman girl on her first date.

"Oops, my bad" He smirks. Oh my god, that look could melt glaciers in the Arctic.

Brendon pulls me into him, leaning in and still sending me that earth shattering smirk. I step onto my tippy-toes and our lips meet. He brings his hand up to cup my face, our lips moving together.

It all feels perfect. How could it get any better than this?

I Know It's You. (Brendon Urie love story)Where stories live. Discover now