3. Inside*

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There was a knock on Yuuri's door. He got up to answer it.

"Hello, Yuuri! Can I sleep over?"

"V-Viktor?' Yuuri stared incredulously, "What are you doing here? How did you find my apartment?"

Viktor smiled, eyes smiling along with his upturned lips. 

"Silly! We're neighbors! So, how about it, Yuuri? Can I sleep over?" He asked

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"Silly! We're neighbors! So, how about it, Yuuri? Can I sleep over?" He asked.

Well, frankly it was too hard for Yuuri to say no. The adorable smile on Viktor's face was simply too much. The only person crazy enough to reject that kind of face was probably Yuri. That boy was too picky. Sometimes, Yuuri thought Yuri was too sensitive, that there was a look in his eyes that said Yuri was holding back, somehow. 

"Uhm, yeah, sure. Come in," Yuuri replied, cheeks warming at the thought that he was letting someone into his home, whom he only just met. 

"Spasibo*!" Viktor smiled again and walked in. Yuuri shut the door behind him, hoping no one had heard them.

"So, what... what brings you here, Viktor?" He struggled to say, as he felt slightly uncomfortable having someone he'd just met coming into his apartment late at night, especially a guy (who was very good-looking).

"I wanna spend the night with you! I told you when you opened the door, no?" Viktor replied easily, already setting up his blankets and a pillow on the couch, like it was a normal thing for the two to do. As if they'd been friends for years.

"I'm sorry... I don't really know you and I don't feel comfortable with you staying here..."

Viktor turned to Yuuri, surprised. "But you let me in. We can get to know each other now!"

Yuuri realized that he would have no luck trying to kick out the Russian man. Besides, he was right. If Yuuri really felt uncomfortable with him sleeping over, he wouldn't have let him in in the first place.

"Fine... I suppose you can stay the night. But only tonight okay?" Yuuri relented, shoving his hands in his pyjama pockets.

"YES!" Viktor whooped, then plopped down on the couch. "Let's watch a movie."

Yuuri stared at Viktor (this seems to be the only thing he does), then nodded slowly. "O-okay. What do you want to watch?"

Viktor replied, "Have you heard of the Hamilton musical?"

Yuuri hadn't heard of it.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS!?" Viktor yelled, startling the younger male. "THAT IS LITERALLY THE BEST MUSICAL EVER!"

"I-I'm sorry. I don't really have time to focus on those kinds of things, what with work and everything."

"No, no, It's fine. I downloaded bootlegs of both acts before they got copyrighted. I'll go back to my house to get my computer."

Yuuri nodded, and Viktor went to retrieve his computer. 

'That's not something you tell  people- that's pirating!'  Yuuri thought. He wasn't really interested in watching the musical. He didn't like musicals. 

Viktor pulled up the First Act and wrapped a blanket around him and Yuuri, making them sit uncomfortably close.

Uncomfortable for Yuuri, anyhow. Viktor seemed to be all touchy-feely with him. He wrapped his arm around Yuuri's waist, making him stiffen. The oblivious Russian took no notice.

Yuuri couldn't bring himself to pull away or say anything because he felt like Viktor was a sensitive little thing that would shatter if rejected. In slightly less formal words, a precious cinnamon roll.



Yuuri turned to look at Viktor. It was nearly one in the morning. After watching the Hamilton bootlegs, they'd decided to watch some conspiracy theory show on Netflix.

"How well do you know Yuri... Plisetsky?" was a question he was not expecting.

"Honestly, I don't know him very well. Sometimes people would confuse the two of us because we have the same first names. I do know that when Yakov first started the Cafe, it was only him in the business. Yuri was kind of a bad kid then, always stealing from stores and getting in trouble. He was a runaway and spent most of his time out causing trouble. Yakov picked him up and has been raising him since he was around 9."

Viktor nodded, fascinated at having learned something new.

"Ah, I see. That's kind of a rough history. I see why he is the way he is now. I'm guessing Yakov changed the name of the Cafe after Yuri came along. You know, we should come up with a name for him so people don't confuse you two. How about Yurio?"

Yuuri stared at Viktor. "We can't just call him some name without his permission!"

"Sure we can," Viktor replied, grinning.

"But what if he doesn't like that?" Yuuri countered.

"Well, then too bad for him!" Viktor shrugged. "Hey, let's make something to eat! I'm hungry."

Yuuri snorted. Only Viktor had the ability to turn an entire conversation completely around. He really was a great conversationalist.

"Okay, sure," he said, standing up, and Viktor did the same.

"Really!?" Viktor squealed. Yuuri nodded slowly, now second-guessing his words because there was a fiery expression on Viktor's face, and he looked like he was about to tackle him.

Which, he did.

Right as a door slammed open.


*Spasibo: This actually sounds more like 'spasiba' . It means 'thank you'

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