22. Cover

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I have an important question for you guys at the end of this chapter!




'Yura?' Yuuri said, hands shaking slightly. Yura looked up at him happily. She'd been in a wonderful mood since Yuuri's gift had been revealed. 

'Yeah?' she asked. 

'I don't think... You should... I mean, don't break with Otabek...please.' 

Yura furrowed her eyebrows. She looked pained. 

'I...' she began, then switched to sign, 'I have been thinking. I was just upset and heartbroken. I don't really think that Otabek and I have fallen out of love... Rather, we are struggling. I love him even more now than I did before. If we cannot endure this, our love is destined to fail, is it not?' 

Yuuri smiled. 'Your love is strong, just as Viktor and mine. It will endure. It will endure the harshest of storms. I promise you this, darling.' 

Yura looked away with a buoyant smile. 


She turned back to Yuuri, nodding to show she was attentive. 

'More shopping?' Yuuri asked quietly, eyes glinting. 

Yura looked at the several bags already surrounding the pair. She looked up at Yuuri, meeting his eyes, a loving expression on her face. 'Okay.' 

Yuuri nodded, picking up bag after bag and hauling them on his own, giving the blonde freedom to look and grab on her own. 

She picked out a couple more shirts, dresses, shoes, jeans and even a few skirts before the two decided they were spent.  

The two carried bags of clothing, shoes and accessories all the way back home. Yuuri fell on the floor, huffing from the exercise. 

'Viktor! Phichit!' Yura yelled. No answer. 

'Seriously, where are they when I want to show off how beautiful I am?' Yura huffed, throwing herself grumpily on the coach before hopping right off it as if it had caught fire. Yuuri laughed, sitting on the black arm chair next to it. 

'What is wrong?' He tried signing through his laughing, though it proved to be difficult because his arms were shaking. 

'The couch is wet,' Yura replied disgustedly, touching it, 'and sticky.' 

This was the couch Chris had slept on. 

Yuuri laughed even harder now, tilting his head back and letting out hearty laughs. 

He knew exactly what Yura had sat on. 

'We should clean this,' he said through laughs. Yura's eyes had gone wide when she realised what she'd touched and she was furiously wiping her hand on Yuuri, who was pushing her away playfully. 

'Chris is so disgusting!' she yelled angrily. However, she had decided to shout this as Chris walked through the door, which neither her nor Yuuri had heard open. 

He looked at her with a faux hurt look on his face. Then he realised there was a dark wet spot on the couch and he blushed but winked flirtatiously at Yura, whose horrified look changed into one of repulsion. 

Viktor and Phichit walked in, chatting about the colour of something. They shut up as soon as they saw Yuuri, Yura, and caught hold of the rather... sticky situation in front of them. 

Viktor rolled his eyes at Chris and told him to clean up the mess he'd made. Chris hushed him carelessly. 

'You certainly did a lot of shopping, Yuuuuuuuura,' he giggled Yura glared at him. 


It was early morning those three days after Viktor, Phichit and Chris set about planning the proposal. Yura's help had had to be employed in choosing the layout of the flowers around the ice rink and on the ice. 

The manager of the rink, Aaron, had allowed them to hang strings with roses and had even asked some of his workers to help with the set up. 

Eliza, of course, had immediately agreed to help. John and Lawliet had taken a little more to convince. Lawliet hadn't been much help. All he'd really done was sit around and eat cake that he seemingly procured from nowhere.

The three had left Yura to distract Yuuri while they went to 'do some shopping'. 

In reality, they spent all day working to make the ice rink perfect for Viktor's proposal. They had ended up  renting the rink the entire day so they could work. 

Viktor was very pleased with the final product. 

There were Mary roses along the top of each column surrounding the rink, connected by 'invisible' string which was lined with an assortment of French hydrangeas. These were intricately wrapped around each other and also fell in waterfall fashion down the white columns The floor was lined with the Mary roses, each side of the rink perfectly lined in rows,  three and four roses alternating at each new row. 

'This is perfect,' he smiled. 

He went into one of the rink bathrooms and changed quickly into black jeans, a black undershirt and a sparkling velvet-like pink and magenta jacket. He went back to the rink and put on silver skates. 

'Phichit,' he said as he glided about the ice to warm up (and calm his racing nerves), 'it's time to get Yuuri.' 


Okay, so this story is almost over. Here's the important question:

Which do you guys prefer for the cover of this book? 

This one:

or the one we have right now:

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or the one we have right now:

or the one we have right now:

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