17. Overwhelmed

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Viktor had been placed on a convertible chair, which had been turned into a bed. 

After Viktor had passed out, Yuuri had pressed the emergency button on his bed and waited for the nurse to arrive. Sala had entered, and upon seeing Viktor on the floor, left and came back with a couple of other workers. 

'Emil, careful,' Sala said slowly to a fellow coworker, who was obviously new. Viktor had been eased onto the chair, which was then reclined. 

That was some hours ago

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That was some hours ago. Phichit and Yura had arrived at the hospital only some minutes ago. Otabek and Mila were with them. Otabek had texted Yura asking if she was available, and Yura had to explain everything that had happened. Otabek and Mila, mostly Mila though, had insisted on accompanying them to the hospital. 

Mila was on the phone talking quietly to someone she called 'Georgi'. They seemed to be good friends. Otabek and Yura were discussing art quietly, casting occasional glances at Viktor and Yuuri. 

Yuuri himself was very silent. It wasn't that he didn't want to talk—he did, very much— but he couldn't hear what they were saying and he was afraid to tell his friends he was deaf. 

But he was going to have to tell them at some point. They would start to notice. Right now, they just thought he was too shook up and tired and had left him alone, in presumably comfortable silence.

Yuuri glanced discreetly at Viktor. His Viktor. Yuuri thought about how lucky he was that he hadn't died. Or gone blind. 

He didn't know how he would've been able to live without seeing Viktor's smile, Viktor's eye's, Viktor's beautiful lips. The way he always looked at Yuuri... with love, with care, with the amorous shine in his eyes. 

Viktor's eyes fluttered open. They stared deep into Yuuri's eyes. Their blue colour was faded, dull. Devoid of life. 

It made Yuuri want to cry. 

Viktor sat up, turning his body towards Yuuri. He smiled sadly, raising his hand and placing on Yuuri's cheek.  

Viktor began to mouth something, then stopped. His face hardened, blanching. He looked again at Yuuri, the sad smile slowly melting away, into a relieved one. 

He moved again and wrapped his arms lovingly around Yuuri, who winced slightly since he was sore from the impact of the incident. He had probably bruised real bad, but otherwise, he was fine. 

Aside from being deaf, that is. 

Yuuri let out a wispy breath, hugging Viktor back tightly, tears streaming down his face for a reason he did not know. 

Perhaps it was from the raw emotions Viktor charged him with in that bone-crushing hug. 

Perhaps it was from the steady beating of Viktor's heart or the feeling of relief in his body. 

Perhaps it was simply because he felt safe and protected in his true love's arms. 

'Viktor,' Yuuri spoke slowly, in (what he assumed was) a hushed tone. In fact, to Viktor, his voice was so quiet and whispery it seemed more like a ghostly murmur. 

Viktor hummed against Yuuri's neck, knowing he would be able to feel the vibration on his delicate, porcelain-like skin. 

'Do you know... What I find sad?' Yuuri asked him, his voice faltering. He had not thought about this before. Now that he realised this, it was breaking his heart into billions of shards, sharp and painful. 

'What?' Viktor replied against his skin. 

'You—' Yuuri was cut off when Yura called Viktor's name. Viktor removed himself from Yuuri, turned to her, annoyed, and answered. 'What?' 

'What are you guys talking about over there? Tell me all those secrets,' she replied. Viktor rolled his eyes, glared at her, and turned his gaze back to Yuuri, who was looking down at the hospital sheets. He was shaking. 

Viktor pulled out his phone, opened the notes and typed something furiously. He tilted the phone slightly, so Yuuri could see what he'd written. 

Should I tell them? Or will you?

Yuuri did not reply for a moment. He lifted a shaking finger up, pointing at the silver-haired man. Viktor nodded. 

Phichit was sitting beside Yura, anxiously tapping his foot on the floor. 

'Yuuri.... Yuuri is deaf.' 

Stunned silence. 

Neither Yura nor Phichit made a sound. Otabek's expression was unreadable. Mila had her phone in her hand, and as soon as the news was delivered,  it fell to the floor with a resounding clank. 

Phichit responded before Yura could. Yura's face had grown ashen. Phichit was calm and collected but it looked a little haggard and sad. 

He replied, 'I see. Well... I will take up the task of teaching him to sign. I will teach you and Yura as well.' 

Viktor was shocked

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Viktor was shocked. Phichit knew sign language?

'You know sign language?' Yura screeched. Phichit ignored the loudness of her outburst but nodded. 

Nurse Sala walked in at that moment and informed them that an ENT would be arriving the next day to see if Yuuri's hearing might be improved by a hearing aid or cochlear implant, or something of the sort, but Viktor wasn't paying attention. Yuuri didn't think he would be eligible for any of those either way.

After Sala left, everyone was quiet again. Yuuri gently tapped Viktor's hunched shoulders. 

The Russian turned and smiled at him like he had earlier. Yuuri pulled him close, putting his lips close to his boyfriend's ear. Viktor's arms were wrapped around him again, softly but protectively.

'I will never hear you say to me...I love you.'

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