15. Inseparable

941 62 114

MOOD: Enya - Only Time / Enya - A Day Without Rain 


'NO!' Viktor screamed, tears running down his face as he watched the collision. His heart broke into thousands of pieces. His glass heart was shattered. Shattered, perhaps, beyond repair. 

'Yura, call emergency services,' Phichit said calmly

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'Yura, call emergency services,' Phichit said calmly. Yura nodded, face white, as she shakingly dialled the number. 

Phichit surveyed the scene in front of him. Viktor was kneeling before the walkway, tears streaming down his face. His hands shook violently as he pulled at his hair. 

He screamed. 

Phichit sighed, letting out a long, pained breath. He walked slowly, unsure, towards the Russian man he'd met not many days before. 

The man who seemed unbreakable, made of every resilient material known to man. The man who did nothing but smile, laugh and shine so bright. The living embodiment of.. perfection.

'Hey... Are you in need of a hug?' Phichit asked softly, kneeling before the crying man. The Russian looked at him through teary eyes, cheeks glistening with the trails of his tears falling freely like waterfalls. 

Viktor looked up, his face twisted into the most heartbroken expression. He nodded before breaking down again, and Phichit brought him into his arms, running his fingers softly through Viktor's matted hair. 

'Yuuri, he will be okay. I know he will,' he whispered soothingly. Viktor shuddered in Phichit's warm embrace as if the emotional trauma was physically hurting him, beating him up from inside. 

'I hope so,' Viktor replied coarsely, 'I want to hear his voice again. I want to see him smiling. I want him to hear me tell him how much I love him.' 

Phichit, who'd been playing the strong card throughout the entire ordeal, finally let a few tears run down his cheeks. He did not stop caressing Viktor's hair, but rather let the tears fall onto the Russian's head, disappearing forever to the Thai man. 

The sound of sirens wailing in the distance brought the three people to look up. There were people standing by, phones in hand, recording the scene in front of them. Among them, was Isabella. 

Yura, who noticed her standing worriedly on the sidewalk, marched right up to her, stomping on the ground before stopping before the woman. 

'What do you want, you hag?' She spat. Isabella flinched. 

'I... I came to see what happened. I heard the guy with pretty hair screaming, and I told JJ I'd dropped something. Are you all okay? What happened?' She replied somewhat hesitatingly. 

'No. Yuuri got hit by some stupid idiot in his car who wasn't paying attention,' Yura replied, somewhat civilly.

Isabella's face flushed. 'Oh...'

'Viktor, hey, the ambulance is here. Yuuri will be okay, I promise,' Phichit murmured to the now-quiet Russian. Tears were still freely cascading down his cold cheeks, but he was still in silent agony, the scene of the Accident replaying in his head over and over as if it was possessing him.

Yuuri was quickly loaded onto a stretcher. Viktor immediately got up to go with the workers. Phichit had Yuuri's car keys. Phichit did not attempt to dissuade the man from going, he knew that Viktor wanted to be with his love (especially if it was to be the last time he'd see him outside a coffin). 

Yura and Phichit watched without speaking, as the ambulance drove away. A news van had shown up. They were peppered with questions, which they answered vaguely.   

After escaping the news reporters, Yura and Phichit walked back to the exhibition centre to retrieve Yuuri's car. They had parked near the exit, so it was fairly easy for them to get to it and leave. 

Phichit dialled Viktor's phone. He did not pick up. Phichit dialled two more times and finally, on the third try, Viktor answered. 

'Yes?' An unnaturally quiet voice answered.

'Viktor? It's Phichit, where are you at, my friend?' Phichit asked tranquilly. Viktor mumbled a reply in an uncharacteristically monotone voice, soon after hanging up.

Phichit and Yura drove on in silence. When they reached the hospital. After parking, the two walked into the hospital, making their way through confusing hallways and turns until they reached the waiting room Viktor was in. 

'Viktor!' Phichit exclaimed, making his way hastily towards the Russian. Viktor's face was pale, lined with tear stains and his eyes were pale. When Phichit wrapped his arms around him in a comforting hug, he was cold beyond anything. 

'He'll be okay,' Phichit murmured. 

'I hope so.' 


'Mr. Nikiforov?'

Viktor's head snapped up. It had been hours since Phichit had and Yura had arrived and since they'd left. It was probably early morning. Viktor had not slept at all, anxiously waiting for news of his boyfriend, even though he knew no one would call his name at one in the morning. 

His mind was too laden with thoughts, prayers (even if he wasn't religious), and memories. 

Yuuri's laugh, Yuuri's smile. Yuuri's eyes.

Yuuri's voice. 

That was what he missed about him most. His voice. Listening to him speaking to him in soft tones, lined with shyness and love. 

'Yes? That is me,' Viktor stood up, anxious. The woman, who seemed perfectly awake and fresh, beckoned for him to follow her. 

'I am Sala Crispino, Yuuri's nurse. Mr Katsuki is in stable condition, however, Mr Katsuki has developed a new complication due to the glass found in his ear. The doctor will explain everything in detail.' 

Viktor followed Sala into a room in the far corner of a long hallway. The doctor, a male who closely resembled Sala nodded in greeting to Viktor. 

'Hello. I am Doctor Crispi-' The doctor began but was cut off briskly by Viktor. 'Please, tell me what's wrong.' 

The doctor smiled painfully and cleared his throat. 'The glass found in Mr Katsuki's ear, which belonged to his eyewear I suppose, combined with the noise caused by the car which hit him and his own voice have caused severe damage to his cochlea. The nerve cells and hair have been torn.' 

Viktor looked desperately at the doctor, tears he didn't know he had, streaming down his face, 'WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?'

'Mr Yuuri Katsuki has become permanently deaf.' 

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