7. Talk

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"Hello?" Yuuri asked as he picked up the phone. 

"Put him on speaker," Yurio said.  Yuuri nodded and did so.

"Hi, Yuuri! I'm at Yakov's, I just got back from Thailand. Can you come get me? I don't know if you still live at the Sunnyside apartments so I came here and called you," Phichit spoke.  

"Oh, no. Actually, I live like ten minutes from Yakov's now. I'll pick you up in a few. Hang on," Yuuri replied. 

"Okay, thank you," Phichit hummed in Thai, and after replying with 'you're welcome'  Yuuri ended the call. 

"Crap, what am I going to do? Phichit is coming over and I don't have any rooms left!" he sighed frustratedly. 

Viktor stared at him sympathetically. His eyes brightened. "I know! Yurio and Phichit can stay in your apartment, and you and I can stay at mine."

Yuuri started to roll his eyes because it honestly sounded like Viktor was just trying to make an excuse to sleep with him again, but stopped midway because he realised he had no choice but to comply.

"I (kind of) hate to say it, but you're right. I guess it's the only way," Yuuri stated flatly, not wanting to give away any emotion. Viktor smiled, as always. 

"Let's go pick up your friend, then. You said he could help us find jobs, but you never said how, so..." 

Yuuri nodded, then proceeded to explain that Phichit's family owned a Thai restaurant nearby, called Chulanont Thai Restaurant, which was well-known throughout the state to be one of the best. If he explained their situation, he knew Phichit would help them in a pinch. 

All this was happening as the two got in Yuuri's car (which he never used, really), leaving Yurio behind because she was going to take a shower, and went to pick up Phichit. 

They arrived at Yakov's. Neither wanted to step foot inside and thankfully they didn't have to. Phichit had been sitting near the door and had spotted them through the window. He ran out of the coffee place, as Yuuri walked towards him to offer help with his things. 

Phichit ran right into his friend's arms, hugging like he hadn't seen him in years.  It'd only been two weeks. Phichit had been visiting family in Thailand. 

"Yuuri! It's been ages, my friend!" He yelled excitedly. He seemed on the verge of combusting with excitement. 

"Hey! It's not been long, only two weeks, Phichit!" Yuuri laughed. 

"True, true," Phichit replied, then saw Viktor standing by the car some feet away. 

"Who's that? Your boyfriend?" He exclaimed, pulling away and pointing at Viktor.

"Uh--" Yuuri was cut off by Viktor, who said, "Not yet. But I will be." 

"Rad! I'm Phichit Chulanont! Who are you?" asked the Thai man gaily. Viktor walked up and hugged him. "I'm Viktor."

"Yuuri, I like him. You better get him before it's too late," Phichit said to his friend, giving him a thumbs up over Viktor's shoulder. 

Yuuri blushed but smiled demurely. He picked up Phichit's luggage and placed it in his car. 

"Alright let's go," he says to the two men. He thinks he sees Yakov glaring at them from inside the coffee shoppe. 

"Yeah, sure," Phichit grins and removes himself from Viktor's arms. He gets into the back seat, and Yuuri is about to go to the driver's side when Viktor says, "Hey, Yuuri. Is it okay if I drive?"

Yuuri looked at him for a second, then nodded unsurely. He didn't want to end up in a car crash. The speed limit in Russia is usually around 60 kilometres an hour, though the Russian's are known to drive up 120 kilometres an hour. Chaos rules the roads of Russia, I suppose. 

Plus, Yuuri drove like a grandmother, though he wouldn't admit it. 

Unfortunately, Viktor had no sense of speed when driving, and went haphazardly fast on the road, making Yuuri sure they would crash. To Phichit, however, Viktor's reckless driving seemed only to make him a more desirable friend to him, and companion for Yuuri. In his mind, he thought as follows:

Woaw, Viktor's totally rad. Yuuri seems to be writing his will in his mind. I hope he leaves me his Free! posters, because he has all the limited edition ones. Wait, what would Viktor and Yuuri's ship name be.... OH, MY GOD. It's Viktuuri. OMG, that's too perfect. I ship it so hard. I'm gonna tell Mila, Christophe, and everyone. OMG, THIS IS AMAZAYN. 

Returning to the story, the three reached Yuuri & Viktor's apartment complex in one piece, much to Yuuri's content. 

Yurio awaited them inside when they entered Yuuri's apartment. Home. Whatever. 

"What took you so damn long

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"What took you so damn long. You weren't having a threesome were you?" she asked, leaning against the door as they walked in. 

Yuuri attempted to deny that it had happened, whilst Viktor nodded enthusiastically and Phichit gave Yurio a look. 

"Unfortunately not, my friend," he smiled

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"Unfortunately not, my friend," he smiled. 

Yurio rolled her eyes, but closed the door and walked into the kitchen, following the others. 

"I'm Phichit," said person smiled, stopping to fully introduce himself. 

"I'm Yurio. But I won't be for much longer," Yurio replied, moving hair out of her face. 

"What do you mean? Are you changing your name?" Phichit replied, confused. 


"Oh, okay. What are you changing it to?" 

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