6. Kings

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That place just happened to be Viktor's lips. 

(note: play this before reading on)

Yuuri's eyes widened and he pulled back quickly. He also fell off the bed, which was probably not very fun. In fact, it probably was very painful. 

"Oh! Yuuri! Are you okay!?"Viktor yelped, hopping off the bed to help Yuuri up.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine. I'm sorry for that. That was really, um, really unexpected," Yuuri replied, embarrassed. He seems to embarrass himself a lot in front of Viktor. 

"What do you mean? It was great," Viktor laughed, then realised what he'd said. "Sorry, that's probably not what I'm supposed to say."

Yuuri swallowed a lump in his throat before replying, "It's okay." 

"Can we do it again?" 


Yuuri's hung open, but Viktor couldn't see it, obviously. 

"Can we kiss again?" 

Viktor said this at the same time the door to Yuuri's room opened, and Yurio walked in looking very, very upset. 

"I said I didn't want to hear you two having sex, and what do you do? Make so much noise I can't fucking sleep," she was raging. Holy Lord Doitsu, was she mad.

"Woaw, calm down girl. Yuuri just fell off the bed," Viktor said calmly. 

"Were you that rough?" Yurio asked incredulously. Her voice had taken on a playful tone. 

"Shut up! We weren't doing that," Yuuri whined, pouting though he knew he couldn't be seen. 

"Okay, okay. But seriously, go to sleep. Oh, you should totally tell Viktor you lied by the way," Yurio laughed, then left. 

Only Viktor and Yuuri were left. Again.

They seem to always be alone, and yet they don't make a mve on each other. How frustrating.

"What do you mean you lied? What did you lie about?" Viktor asked, eyeing Yuuri.

"I think he was referring to what hallened after you left. Yakov asked her and I if we were gay, and I said I wasn't. That was a lie," Yuuri replied.

"Oh. You are? I thought you were just messing around with me. Having a bromance, you know?" Viktor said, a hopeful edge in his tone.

"Wait, you actually have feelings for me?" Yuuri asked incredulously. Viktor nodded fervently.

"Oh, yeah. I really like you. You're just so amazing. You seem so approachable and you're so, so nice. I also really like your smile. And your eyes, and lips, and face. Basically, I love everything about you," he raved, his eyes bright like a fangirl's when she talks about her favourite ship.

But I'm not limiting it to just fangirls. Fanboys do it too.

Oh, and fanpeople. Don't forget them!

Yuuri was blushing, because he's not used receiving such compliments, much less love confessions. His face was red, and he felt really hot.

Oh look, self-confidence,  that's good. You go Yuuri.

"You're katsudon that enthralls men. You're the best of the best, Yuuri."

"HUH!?" Yuuri screeched, then covered his mouth, and prayed to his friend Phichit's little guinea pigs or hamsters or whatever they were, that he hadn't woken up Yurio.

"Yuuri, you naughty boy," Viktor gave a low chuckle. Yuuri blushed, and his face tightened as he realised that Viktor's words had turned him on.

Thank the lords the light wasn't on.

"Yuuri," Viktor purred, running his fingers along his back, making Yuuri shiver involuntarily.

"Y-yes, Viktor?" Yuuri breathed out. He was feeling really hot now.

"We should go to sleep!" Viktor giggled and pulled Yuuri down onto the bed with him, and pulling him close.

Viktor wrapped his arm around the Japanese man, snuggling close to him and sighing.

"Good night for real this time," he laughed softly, placing another friendly kiss on Yuuri's cheek.

Yuuri hummed softly, "Good night, Viktor."

This time, Yuuri turned and kissed Viktor's temple, carefully, so as to avoid another accidental kiss on the lips.


"Guys, I think you're moving too fast. At this rate, you'll be married by next week," Yurio said that morning.

Viktor laughed. "We're not moving too fast! We're not even dating, yet.

Yuuri rolled his eyes. Yes, he and Viktor had only known each other  for literally twenty four hours, but Viktor was so fast-paced that Yuuri was having a hard time figuring out which stage of friendship entailed kissing and hugging and sleeping together.

"Right. Well, just so you know...None of us have a job, so I don't know how we're going to be living together," Yurio replied,  taking a sip of the mango smoothie Yuuri had made her.

Yuuri and Viktor's heads turned to face her.

Crap. She was right.

"Um.... i would really appreciate it if you suddenly surprised us saying you're secretly rich, Yuuri," Viktor laughed nervously.

"Sadly, I am not. But my friend Phichit might be able to help," Yuuri replied,  eyeing the two men -- I mean, the one man and the woman.
Yuuri's phone rang. He picked it up, looking at the caller I.D.

"Oh, look. That's him."

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