20. Introductions

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This chapter might not be very good. It's a little longer than I thought it would be, but I have a lot of stuff I wanted to put in here so.... Happy Reading~!

'Chris?' Viktor asked as soon as he walked into the living room. Chris looked up, wide awake. 

'Viktor!' he exclaimed happily, standing up and walking towards the platinum-haired man. 

He hugged him tightly, saying, 'It's sooooo good to see you! I met this guy online who said he knew you, and I just haaaaaaaaad to come visit! The dude's name is Phichit. He was super chill and gave me your address and everything!' 

Viktor replied vaguely, patting Chris's back awkwardly. He did not expect to run into his old boyfriend at eight in the morning. 

'Um... Hi, Chris,' Viktor said haltingly. He didn't know what to do. Had Yuuri let him in? 

Had he broken into his home!?

'You should lock your door at night, dude. I walked into your house no problem. I ran into your boyfriend, too! He's a keeper, for sure! Soooo, how have you been?'

Viktor did not know how to reply. He could tell Chris to leave, get out, never come back again, or something. At the same time, they hadn't broken up badly. They'd promised to stay friends too. 

Then again, Chris and he had done things together. Alone. In the bedroom. 

Viktor didn't want to think about it. 

'Viktor?' Yuuri's voice came from behind him. The Russian jumped. 

'Yuuri, my love,' he smiled as he turned around to face his boyfriend. He looked adorable, his hair sticking up in random places, with a loopy smile on his face. 

'Are you okay with him here?' Viktor signed. Yuuri nodded. 

'He knows sign language,' he added. 


Yuuri stepped forward, smiling. He bowed slightly and muttered, 'I am... Yuuri Katsuki.' 

Viktor noticed a blue object on his ear. 

Yuuri had his hearing aids in, even if they didn't help too much. 

'Nice to meet you. Chris, but you already know that,' said person laughed, winking. Yuuri's face was flushed, as he clearly was trying to decipher what the quickly mouthed words were.

'Slow down, please. Or sign,' Yuuri quickly pleaded, embarrassed.  Chris smiled, cocking his head to the side. 

'I reintroduced myself,' he replied kindly. Yuuri nodded. He attempted a small smile before bowing his head again and excusing himself to the kitchen. 

Viktor watched him go, then turned to Chris, his friendly features gone, replaced with a hard expression. 

'Why are you here?' he asked accusingly. 

'I am just visiting! I met Phichit online, and I told him about you, and he knows you! He asked if I wanted to visit, and I said yes, so I did! You're glad to see me, aren't you?' Chris hummed in a happy response. 

'What do you want with me? I'm not interested in getting back together,' the platinum-haired man replied coldly, 'I have Yuuri.' 

Chris's eyes widened, his face momentarily shocked before melting away into another cheery grin. 

'You think I want to us to get back together?' he laughed, 'No, honey, what we had was hot but it's gone cold now. We're friends, no? I have an eye for that Phichit guy, though, he's cute.' 

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