4. Identity*

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There was a fiery expression on Viktor's face, and he looked like he was about to tackle him.

Which, he did.

Right as a door slammed open.

Viktor and Yuuri looked up, thinking that someone had broken in. 

"Who's there?" Yuuri called out carefully. 

"It's me, you idiot."

Yurio. But...

Oh, he probably won't like that, but what can I do? Should I call him Russian Fairy instead? 

"Yurio-- I mean, Yuri-- what are you doing here?" Yuuri asked, slightly embarrassed because of the position that he and Viktor were in. It was a bit of a sexual position, actually. 

"I came here because I'm homeless and you're the only person whose address I know," Yurio replied, completely ignoring what was happening in front of him

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"I came here because I'm homeless and you're the only person whose address I know," Yurio replied, completely ignoring what was happening in front of him.

"Homeless? What do you mean? I thought you lived with Yakov," Yuuri said, gently pushing Viktor off of him. Still, Viktor moved behind him and wrapped his arms around him in a protective embrace.

 Still, Viktor moved behind him and wrapped his arms around him in a protective embrace

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"I did. Then he kicked me out. I had to pack up all my stuff and leave. We, um, we had an argument," Yurio explained, the blank expression on his face replaced momentarily with a hurt one. 

Yuuri still did not understand. He knew that Yakov had a temper, but he didn't think he had it in him to do something as heartless as kicking out a child, much less one who never had any resources, to begin with. 

"I don't mean to prod, but what did you fight about?" Yuuri ventured tentatively. He had to be careful with his words. If he said even the slightest phrase wrong, he risked Yurio shutting down and not telling him anything. 

"Me. He's a kind of a douchebag, honestly," the Russian Fairy said, but his voice cracked. It became evident that he'd been holding his emotions in, not wanting to appear weak or vulnerable. Yuuri hated that.

"Well, you must've screwed up big time to make him kick you out."

Yuuri inhaled sharply. Viktor, being oblivious as usual, had just made a completely terrible comment.

Yurio started to cry.

He was no longer holding anything in. He wasn't an impenetrable wall anymore.

"Oh, my. Yurio--Yurio calm down," Yuuri was immediately at the young boy's side, speaking softly. Viktor had that "Oh crap" expression on his face. 

"Yurio, tell me what happened—" Yuuri turned to Viktor and said, "—Viktor, you idiot! What, are you Jumin Han or something?" 

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"Yurio, tell me what happened—" Yuuri turned to Viktor and said, "—Viktor, you idiot! What, are you Jumin Han or something?" 

Viktor immediately felt a pang of regret. He'd been stupid and made an incredibly insensitive comment in a serious situation.

"I'm sorry, Yurio. I'm sorry, gosh please I'm so sorry," Viktor apologised frantically, moving to the younger male's side. 

"Whatever, I don't care. I'm pathetic. Stupid, stupid me. I shouldn't be crying. I'm not weak like this."

Yuuri cut into their conversation then, saying, "Yurio—is that okay? Can I call you that?—" Yurio nodded offhandedly, "—okay, great. Can you please tell me everything that happened? I know it seems a bit nosy of me, but I won't understand this unless you tell me. Besides, it's not good to keep things in. And, you're not weak. You never were and never will be. " 

Yurio nodded, then exhaled through his mouth, causing a wisp of his hair to blow in front of him for a few moments. 

"Well, after you quit your job—"

"YUURI, YOU QUIT YOUR JOB?! WHY?!" Viktor interrupted Yuri midsentence. Yuuri studied Viktor a moment before speaking.

"Because Yakov is a homophobic, xenophobic asshole. Yurio is the most important person right now, so please be quiet. Sorry Yurio, keep talking."

"Right. Well, after you quit and left Yakov told me to take a break and meet him in his office. I went and he started telling me that I needed to dress like a man, not a girl. But um, I told him that I couldn't do that because I was expressing who I am...I sort of outed myself to him and he flipped out. He said that I was born a male and would always be male. That was... that was when he told me to go home and pack my things. That he wasn't going to house a tranny." 


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"Oh... Do you want us to use female pronouns, then?" Yuuri asked. 

Yurio nodded slowly.

"Okay. Alright. That's fine. I'm glad you know who you are. You know I'm always here for you and I'll support you in any way I can," Yuuri smiled, finally understanding. 

Both Yuuri and Yurio turned to look at Viktor to gauge his reaction in lieu of Yuri's revelation.

Nothing. He was speechless. 

"Viktor?" Yuuri poked the latter in the arm. 

"Hm, what?" Viktor said suddenly.

"Yurio is done telling her story. Were you even listening to her?" Yuuri replied, annoyed. 

"Oh, yeah. I was just listening, then I kind of got... distracted," Viktor replied sheepishly. 

"Distracted by what?" Yuuri deadpanned. 

"Uh. Heh. By..um...By you." 

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