Chapter 1

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Tina looked up as she saw her owl flying in, carrying a letter. The owl swooped down and dropped the letter onto the table at which Tina was sitting at. Curious to see who this letter was from, for she rarely received mail from anyone, Tina rapidly opened the letter with excitement. It read:
Dear Tina,
I've finished my book, and have decided to title it Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find them. Thank you very much for the wonderful title idea. I have my original copy safely tucked away, which will soon be in your possession, for I have decided to come to New York, to visit you. Please respond quickly, for I must arrange a date to come out, if it is alright with you of course. I shall see you soon hopefully.
Newton Artemis Fido Scamander
Tina giggled with happiness as she pulled out her wand, pointed it at some parchment and a quill and said "Accio." The parchment and quill floated across the room, and landed softly on the table. Tina began to write her response immediately. She finished soon, sealed up the envelope and handed it to her owl, who flew off swiftly.

Awkward Love (Newt Scamander and Tina Goldstein.)Where stories live. Discover now