Chapter 6

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Newt walked in his new bedroom, set down his suitcase, and sat down on the bed. Tina came in as well and sat down next to him.
"How long are you staying in New York?" She asked him.
"As long or as short as you'd like me to. I haven't got a ticket back yet." Newt said.
"Well, stay as long as you'd like. We have a lot of catching up to do." Tina giggled.
"Oh! I've just remembered!" Newt said suddenly as he jumped off the bed and began to frantically open his briefcase.
"I have something to show you! Get in!" Newt exclaimed as he pointed to the case. Tina clambered in, followed by Newt. Newt began to rummage through everything, occasionally beckoning Tina to follow. After a bit of searching, he finally managed to pull out not one, but two demiguises out from under a table.
"Meet Dougal again, and his new friend, or should I say girlfriend, Elizabeth! When he escaped from my case last time I was here, he met her, and I guess he somehow snuck her inside. I'm rather glad he did though." Newt excitedly explained.
"Awww!" Tina said as she tilted her head and moved a bit closer. A true grin of happiness was spread upon her face. Elizabeth jumped into Tina's arms. Newt smiled at this. Suddenly, Newt felt a tug on the cuff of his pants. He looked down, seeing the niffler, carrying what seemed to be a card. Newt crouched down and nodded at the niffler.
"Go on, come now, don't be shy." He said to the niffler. The niffler scrambled towards Tina, handing her the card.
"Aww, thank you!" Tina exclaimed with a smile. She opened it up, and inside, it contained several pawprints of the niffler, the demiguises, and many more creatures, which were all labeled by Newt.
"How's Frank?" Tina asked, but as soon as she said it, she regretted it. Tears started to swell up I Newt's eyes, although he tried to hide it.
"I'm sorry," Tina apologized. Newt shook his head, as if he was saying that it was okay. Tina drew in closer and hugged Newt tight in her arms to comfort him. This embrace was longer than the first, and Newt's sobs increased.
"I just miss Frank so much." Newt managed to say.
"I know, but he's free now, he's happy." Tina said reassuringly.
"I know." Newt choked. Pickett soon emerged from Newt's pockets helped Tina comfort him. Newt giggled through his tears.
"It's s-strange, really, I feel like I'm happy that he's free, but at the same time, I- I almost regret letting him go..." Newt stuttered. He walked over to the empty wall, leaned against it, and slumped down. Tina sat beside him as Newt layed his head on her shoulder. After a few long moments, Newt unexpectedly grabbed Tina's hand, leaned in, and to both of their surprises, kissed her.

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