Chapter 28

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Newt's face began to turn red as he remembered what he did last night.
"I'm going t- to erm, f- feed my creatures." He stammered as he awkwardly left the room.
Tina smirked as she decided to go help. She grabbed a bucket and went to go feed the mooncalves. She skipped up the little hill and began throwing the food for the mooncalves. After than was done, she went to go find Newt, who was talking to Dougal and Elizabeth.
"Hey, guess what!" Newt said with excitement.
Tina nodded to signal him to go on.
"In about 3 months, we will have baby demiguises running around! Elizabeth and Dougal are going to be parents!" Newt exclaimed in a heartwarming tone.
"You're kidding!" She shrieked. "That's adorable!" Tina said, her heart melting.
Both Tina and Newt were grinning ear to ear.
"I'm a bit nervous though. It's just that... I- I've never birthed a demiguise before, I've only had Dougal, and well he's a boy, so." Newt admitted nervously.
"Well, um, I'm sure you'll do fine." Tina said, trying to be positive, although there was a bit of shakiness in her voice. "Let's go up eat breakfast." She changed the subject.
Newt nodded and followed her up the hallway. Queenie was in the kitchen cooking happily. She immediately acknowledged Tina and smirked.
"Stop reading my thoughts!" Tina snapped.
Queenie just shook her head in denial and continued to absorb every thought Tina had about kissing Newt last night. She was doing so throughout the entire meal.
"Stop it!" Tina said, even though not even she could stifle a giggle.
Newt smiled nervously too. All he wanted was to keep it secret, but looks like he wouldn't get his wish.
"Oh Newt, stop it, you knew I would find out somehow!" Queenie chuckled, now latching onto his thoughts.
He sighed heavily and continued to pick at his breakfast. By now he was bright red, Queenie was embarrassing him, and Tina for that matter.
"Oh, I just can't believe you too love birds!" Queenie shrieked excitedly, causing Newt to turn an even brighter shade of red.
"I always knew that you would fall in love with each other!" Queenie sighed happily. "It's so adorable."
"We're not in love!" Newt tried to lie, but he couldn't help but laugh.
"Right." Queenie rolled her eyes.
"Queenie!" Tina snarled.
"Oh, don't make me mad sister! Don't forget, I know each and everything thought of yours, and I can tell them all to Newt!" Queenie replied.
"No! Don't you dare, Queenie!" Tina shrieked.

Awkward Love (Newt Scamander and Tina Goldstein.)Where stories live. Discover now