Chapter 2

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Newt Scamander noticed Tina's owl coming through his window. He smiled at this, for he new that she got his letter. He ripped open the letter, eager to read her response. It said:
Dear Newt,
I'm so glad you asked to come. The answer is for sure yes. I'm rather jubilated to see you once more. I'm happy for you about your book, I know it will be popular. I will see you soon, come as quickly as you can!
With love,
Porpentina Goldstein
Newt smiled and bit his lip. Without bothering to respond again, he opened his case, and quickly clambered out. He picked up the case, and dashed away, in order to find the quickest way to New York. He rushed to the harbor where the ferries were docked. Newt aproched the guard, who had a vacant, yet stern expression upon his face.
"I need to get to New York as soon as possible," Newt said very quickly.
"Ferry doesn't leave for New York for 6 days." Guard snapped as he rolled his eyes.
"I can't wait 6 days." Newt replied blandly.
"Well, you're gonna have to." Said the guard angrily.
Newt shook his head as he pulled out about 1000 dollars in muggle money. The guard stated stared at the heap of money in Newt's hand.
"I'll pay more if I have to." Newt said in a determined tone. He knew that he didn't have to pay nearly this amount of money to bribe the guard, but why not he thought to himself, he never really needed muggle money for anything else.
"Alright. Get on the ferry." The guard said.
Newt nodded towards the guard in thanks. He was so happy, that he was almost skipping onto the vacant ferry. He paid the captain, who very gracious of the money, and the ferry set off quickly.

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