Chapter 9

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"Where were you anyway?" Queenie asked.
"I was with Newt, in his case." Tina answered.
"And what were you doing in Newt's case?" Queenie snapped fiercely.
"None of your business! In a big girl Queenie, I can do what I want." Tina snarled.
Newt tried to suppress his smiled, but he rather enjoyed seeing this feisty side of Tina. Queenie rolled her eyes at Tina.
"Where's Jacob?" Newt said awkwardly, trying to ease the tension.
"He's at the bakery, he goes in at 7 A.M. I usually go in at 9, but not today because he said that I didn't have to come at that time so I could look for my sister!" Queenie's answer started calmly, but soon turned into another lecture.
"Sorry..." Newt mouthed at Tina.
Tina didn't answer. They continued breakfast in silence before Newt and Tina rose from their seats.
"Going to leave without telling me again?" Queenie inquired, trying to sound innocent. Tina just rolled her eyes, grabbed Newt's hand and left without another word said.
"God, she's just so anoying." Tina sighed.
Newt, who didn't know what to say, stayed silent, but frowned to show he was listening.
"Hey," Newt piped up. "I understand that siblings are annoying, but be grateful for your sister, because one day, she might not be here. " Newt said wisely. "I know this from experience. "
Tina nodded to show she understood.
"You're right, " She admitted.
Newt stopped her for a moment and kissed her.
"I love you, Tina." Newt whispered softly.
Tina just stared into his sharp green eyes before saying "I love you too."

Awkward Love (Newt Scamander and Tina Goldstein.)Where stories live. Discover now