Chapter 8

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Tina and Newt awoke the next morning, still holding hands. They looked at each other and smiled.
"Did you really kiss me last night?" Tina asked.
"I think so," Newt laughed." And I'm gonna do it again!" Newt giggled as he leaned in to kiss her. Newt finally arose from the bed.
"Alright, I am going to feed my creatures, and then wash up, just, make yourself at home, I really don't care what you do, just don't pet the Occamys." Newt announced.
"Okay," Tina said as she watched Newt hurry off. Tina just sat and thought about last night. She thought about kissing him late into the night, and how happy the feeling of his lips made her. She was happy that last night happened, but a bit sad that it ended. She wanted so badly to kiss him again, to feel his beautiful lips pressed against hers. How would she tell Queenie about her quiet, yet magical adventure? She started giggling.
"And what are you laughing at?" Said a rather pristine looking Newt. This startled Tina, for she jumped when she heard his unexpected voice. He was still not wearing his usual old, battered, and blue coat, and the first two buttons of his white shirt were unfastened. Tina secretly prefered this attire over his regular.
"Oh, nothing." She answered with another giggle. Tina got up from the bed and walked over towards Newt, leaning in to kiss him. This time, the surge of delight rushed through Newt, as he enjoyed the sensation as much or more than she did. By the the end of a long, few minutes of kissing, they were both out of breath by the time they drew back.
"We'd better get back to Queenie, she's probably getting a bit worried." Tina exclaimed.
Newt nodded and followed as he hastily buttoned his shirt. He soon ran back the fetch his coat, which contained a very angry Pickett.
"Pickett, I'm sorry for throwing you, it was just in the moment." Newt tried to explain to the disheartened bowtruckle. His words were followed by some strange, squeaky mumbling, which Newt seemed to understand.
"Of course I still care about you! I can't believe you would think otherwise, Pickett!"
More squeaks.
"Yes, yes I'm very sorry for my fowl and cruel actions, and I will not do so again. Happy now?" Newt huffed.
Pickett just sighed and rolled his eyes, but seemed to forgive him.
"What was he mad about?" Tina inquired.
"He was angry with me for throwing my coat last night. I forgot he was inside of it." Newt replied with a frown. They were finally out of the case and inside the room which it lie in. Tina opened the bedroom door, walked into the kitchen, followed by Newt, and was almost attacked by Queenie with an awkward hug.
"Teenie! I've been worried sick about you! I never want you run off like that again! Beds empty, no note!" Queenie cried.
"Well I'm sorry 'Mother' I'll be a good girl next time." Tina retorted sarcastically.

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