Chapter 4

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Newt sighed and thought about how he yearned to see Tina, to see her smile again. He missed her dearly. He wondered how he would make it through another three long days without seeing her. He watched the water around him, gazing at the city of London growing smaller and smaller as he drew farther and farther away. All he could think about for three straight days was Tina. From the moment he woke up until to second he fell asleep all his thoughts were about Tina. It was finally the day he would arrive in New York, and he couldn't be happier. Just a couple more hours, he reminded himself every few minutes. Before he knew it, the ferry came to an abrupt halt. At this point, Newt was dozing off, so the jolt of the ship startled him. He bolted up in shock, but once he noticed that the ferry had come to a stop, he sighed with relief. Newt was unable to contain his excitement, he was hopping and skipping all the way off the ferry, not caring that everyone around was staring at him with a judgemental look. Newt lifted his head up, standing on his tiptoes, cranning his neck as he searched for Tina amongst the crowds. He scanned each and every person, hoping Tina would be one of them. He suddenly smiled as he saw her patient face, looking around and waiting. His first impulse was to run up, and literally sweep her off her feet, but he stopped himself, for he didn't want to seem awkward or obssessive. After a long moment of thinking about his not-so- dramatic entrance, he finally concluded that he would quickly walk towards her, looking happy but not weird. Newt began to walk at a brisk pace, approaching Tina happily.
"Tina." Said Newt so quietly, that it was almost a whisper. Yet, Tina seemed to still have heard over the bustling crowd. She whipped her head around to face him. She tilted her head and smiled, it was pure glee spread across her face. Newt couldn't hold it in any longer. He rushed in to hug her tightly, lifting her a few inches off the ground. The embrace lasted about a minute or two before they drew apart slightly. Newt's arms were still wrapped around Tina, as if he never wanted to let go of her. Newt bit his lip again.
"I've missed you." Newt breathed.
"I have too." Tina replied. Newt made eye contact with Tina for the first time, gazing into her perfect brown eyes. He smiled for a long time, feeling a surge of delight rush through him.
"I'm so glad you came." Muttered Tina. At this, Newt smirked, knowing Tina would understand what he meant.
"Let's go, home." Tina said in a hushed voice. Newt responded with a nod. The two of them walked home, side by side.

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