Chapter 30

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Newt waited for Tina to come home. He had a plan to keep her awake until midnight, so he could be the first to say happy birthday and give Tina her birthday present. Newt expected her arrival soon, so he decided to prepare some tea for her. He heard her unlock the front door and step into the flat.
"Good morning I mean goodnight, no, I mean Hello." He greeted her awkwardly.
"Hello, Newt." She said suspiciously.
"Here," he said as he handed her a cup of tea.
"Thank you." She answered as she took the warm cup. "How's Elizabeth feeling?"
"Oh, she's good, just a bit tired. Dougal is worried about her, but she'll be fine."
"I can't even imagine how adorable baby demiguises are." Tina smiled. "Is Queenie back?"
"No, she went to get some things from the market. She should be back soon though." Newt replied, trying not to spoil any secrets.
"Okay." Tina nodded.
"You know what, lets go to my case." Newt suggested as he got up from the table and went to the case with Tina.
Just as they were about to get into the case, the front door opened and Queenie entered, trying to be quite so Tina would detect anything.
"I- I'll be right back, you um, w- will you go check on Elizabeth?" Newt stuttered as he went to go help queenie.
"Um, okay..." Tina said, sounding a bit confused by Newt's suspicious activity.
As Newt entered the kitchen he dropped his voice to a whisper.
"So, did you get everything?" He asked quietly.
"Yes, I got everything for ber favorite breakfast, dinner, and cake. I also got her this!" Queenie said, trying not to talk loud.
She pulled a box out of a bag and took the lid off. Inside was a shiny plaque that said in engraved letters: Auror Goldstein.
"D'you think she'll like it?" She breathed.
Newt nodded and smiled.
"It's for her office door!" Queenie whispered with excitement. "Now, your job is to keep her in the case untill I come in and bring some tea down." Queenie instructed as Newt nodded to show that he understood. "Oh, and I'll knock this time." She added.
This made Newt turn an alarming shade of red, but although he was embarrassed, he laughed too.
"I'll cast a muffling charm so she can't hear me. And tomorrow, you have to wake up before her and help me make breakfast." Queenie gave more instructions to Newt.
"Okay, got it." He answered as he left the room to go back with Tina.

Awkward Love (Newt Scamander and Tina Goldstein.)Where stories live. Discover now