Chapter 12

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"Wow." Newt said in awe as he looked at her drawing. "That's... stunning." He said. Her talent truly was breath-taking. Newt knew that art made her happy too. Seeing her smile filled him with delight. All he wanted was for her to be happy, doing the things she loved.
"The reason why I started drawing is because when I was younger, I always saw my mother drawing and painting. I used to love to watch her." Tina sighed. "When she, w- when she passed away, I began drawing to remind myself of her." Tina announced randomly.
Newt just touched her hair and kissed her. He didn't known what to say with his words, so he said something with his actions. Newt began to throw off his coat, but stopped him self, lest Pickett would be angry with him again. Newt started kissing her once more, but stopped abruptly when he heard Queenie knocking on the case. Newt jumped up and threw his coat back on, trying to hide all evidence of them kissing from Queenie. Queenie knocked again.
"Come in." Newt shouted. Queenie came down into the case.
"Hi!" She said bubbly, unaware of her ruining the moment between him and Tina.
"Whatcha doing?" Queenie asked curiously.
"Oh, um... nothing." Newt lied.
"Okay, well, dinner is almost ready, so come up in a few minutes." She said as she climbed the ladder.
"Well that was... close?" Newt said, unsure of his word choice.
"Sure was." Tina laughed.
"Now where were we?" Newt asked seductively.
Newt pulled off his coat and gently set it down on the table.
He picked up Tina and carried her to the same bed as the night before. But as soon as they started kissing, Tina backed away.
"What's wrong?" Newt asked innocently.
"As much as I'd rather be here, we'd better go and eat dinner with Queenie, I don't want to hurt her feelings." Tina answered.
"Okay, lets go." Newt said as he buttoned his shirt.

Awkward Love (Newt Scamander and Tina Goldstein.)Where stories live. Discover now