Chapter 23

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Newt could tell she was tired, so he kissed her goodnight before she fell asleep. He couldn't erase the image of Queenie's shock from his mind. Although Tina was fast asleep, she was rather restless, tossing and turning in her sleep. Newt couldn't help but feel bad for her, he understood how upset she was about Queenie's reaction. Newt sighed loudly before falling asleep next to Tina.
The next morning was dreaded by all three of them. Queenie didn't even bother cook breakfast, all she did was angrily set a pitcher of milk and a box of cereal down on the table. Newt wasn't sure whether he expected a lecture or awkward silence during the meal. But Queenie wasn't one to hold her silence. She started on an angry rant.
"I can't believe that you're just goaing to ignore the elephant in the room." She snapped. "I'm so mad, at both of you!" Queenie snarled, shooting a nasty glance at Newt. "Lying to me, then acting everything is fine! I'm outraged with your actions." She spat.
"Queenie, you're being ridiculous. You don't need to know everything about my life, or Newt's!" Tina said rationally.
Newt became rather nervous at the mention of his name.
"You'll have to deal with me keeping a secret. I wasn't lying to you about anything!" Tina continued.
Queenie stayed silent through the rest of the morning, leaving for work earlier than usual.

Awkward Love (Newt Scamander and Tina Goldstein.)Where stories live. Discover now