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dans pov (a few hours earlier)
i step out of the bathroom,
look to my left, no one is there.
then i look to my right.
chris and his gang is there.
i'm immediately filled with anger. without thinking i march over to them,
"hey!" i say loudly. then i realize what i've done.
"hello danny, where's your boyfriend? huh?" he laughs and looks and his friends. they laugh as well.
i start to walk backwards, but two guys pull me back and they all circle around me.
"please." i mutter
"what? your boyfriend isn't here to protect you." chris says in a mocking tone. i feel a tear run down my face.
they pull me into the bathroom.
"what should we do first?" they all look at him.
a few minutes later, my head is being dunked into a toilet. and they're punching me, and kicking me, and i'm in so much pain that by the time they leave i'm just a sobbing mess.
i recollect myself and try to stand. nothing seems to be broken, just really bruised.
i walk to mirror, pain shoots up my left leg, i fall onto the ground. never mind. thats definitely broken.
once again i left my self up, but this time, i use the wall for support.
when i get to the mirror, i lift my shirt up.
red, purple, blue, and green marks everywhere.
i rush over to a toilet and start to throw up.
my whole face is damp and sticky from crying. i try to stand again, but i wobble and plummet to the ground.
someone walks into the bathroom.
"oh my god! are you okay?!" he asks frantically.
"do i look okay?!"
"no, sorry, uh. um can i help you to the nurse?"
i shrug and the guy helps me lift myself off the ground
"okay, you're heavier than you look. no offense."
"wow, thanks." he smiles.
"so, what happened? if you don't mind me asking."
"huh? oh yeah. um, nothing, i just uh, yeah, its nothing." i say quickly
we eventually make it to the nurses office.
"see ya." the boy says.
"bye." i feel my cheeks grow warmer. he smiles and leaves.
"what have you done this time?" the nurse asks me.
"i fell." she glares at me and picks up a phone
the nurse tells me i can go home and that she called my mom.
my mom pulls up to the school, i say bye to the nurse and get in.
"are you okay, daniel?"
"yeah, im fine mom. i just didn't feel well." i pull my sleeves down over my hands and try to make sure there are no obvious bruises showing.
"can you drive me to the hospital?"
"i want to see someone."
"mom, are you serious?" she looks confused.
"phil, as in, y'know...phil." i raise my eyebrows. "nothing?"
"oh. him." i ignore her.
"can you take me there or not? i can get a uber if i have to."
"yeah, fine. whatever."

a/n: what did you get for the holidays? (sorry if you don't celebrate)

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