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slowly, with shaking hands, i twist the cap off of the small orange pill bottle.
i put the cap aside, and shake a few out into my hand...
a voice begins to whisper, it's words creeping through my head.

do it.

c'mon, you want to see phil, don't you?

"y-yes." i say aloud.

stop being such a wimp.

i sniffle, my nose is running.

you're so pathetic.

i wipe a tear off my cheek.

hurry up,

just do it.

i pick up a glass of water that was sitting on the table next to where the pill bottle had been moments before.
my face is damp with tears. my hands shake the pills and water violently, causing the water some of the water to spill onto my feet.

come on, dan.

the voice is getting impatient. it's getting louder and faster. its words are becoming harsher.

it's not like anyone will miss you.

the only person who loved you is dead.

why don't you join him?

i move my hand towards my mouth.

swallow them.


i move my hand closer.

almost there. just a little bit closer.

i dump the pills in my mouth.

i lay down on my bed. i think. i wonder what my parents will do... it's hard to imagine them being upset over this.
they won't even be surprised. i doubt they'll even notice a single fucking difference between me being alive and me being dead. either way, they don't care about me and wish i could be "normal".
i wonder what people from school will think, will they be surprised? will they know i did this because i'm too weak to get over phil?-

suddenly, my phone buzzes.

a text message.

a/n: its ducking 7 am and i haven't gotten any sleep. i have a huge headache and a very stuffy nose.
ughhhh i hate being sickkkk
anyone have any tips on how to get rid of stuffy nose?

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