[Chapter One]

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“If you need any help, we have students with free time who need community service,” a coworker of yours stated.

“I’m aware of that, but at the same time I don’t want to be taking away from their lives.”

The older woman sighed as she smiled kindly at you. “They need the hours, [Name], and if helping out a teacher with running miniscule tasks count as hours, someone is bound to jump on the opportunity. Talk to Hideto; I’m sure he’ll write an announcement.”

“Alright, I will. Thank Mimiko.”

Her smile widened before she stood and left the classroom. You sighed as your hands curled around your empty mug. You were overwhelmed with work; working at Meiou Academy was a lot different than the public schools. Teachers had to put in more hours and work harder so that their students could benefit and get their money’s worth. This was your first year working at the private school and you were still adjusting; you weren’t even into the month of November yet.

Somehow, you felt as if you were failing. You spent two years at the public school before you decided to apply to Meiou. They were utterly different and the fact that you were falling behind in your work put a damper in your optimistic persona. Not being able to keep up with the other teachers made you feel as though you just wouldn’t cut it.

“Well, I should probably go talk to Hideto.”

You swiftly got up from your chair and exited the classroom, heading down to the principal’s office. The one thing you loved most about this school was that the faculty was understanding and caring; much better than the faculty from the public schools. You just didn’t want your pride to be damaged.

A week had passed by, but no students had come knocking on your door. You were beginning to think no one wanted to help out a “lazy” teacher. You couldn’t really blame them. Why would you volunteer to help out a teacher when you could be hanging out with friends?

“Excuse me; are you Miss [Last Name]?”

You glanced up from a paper you were grading and your eyes clashed with dark emerald eyes. His crimson locks enhanced his unique eye color and brought notice to his pale silken skin. Even from your spot in your seat, you knew he towered over your five foot six form. His shoulders were squared and his back was straight; perfect posture. He wore a kind smile on his enticing lips, luring you into a spell you were unaware was cast. He’s gorgeous.

“Yes, I am Miss [Last Name]. What may I do for you,” you inquired as you smiled brightly up at him.

You couldn’t get over the sexual attraction you had towards this student and that sent red flags up instantly. He was a student at the school you taught at; you shouldn’t be attracted to him. But he was gorgeous; possibly the most attractive male you’ve ever seen in your twenty six years of life.

“I saw a flyer on one of the bulletin boards; you’re in need of a teaching assistance?”

You laughed lightly as you leaned back in your chair. “I suppose in a way I am.”

“I’d be willing to help if you still need it.”

“Of course! May I have a name?”

His smile softened slightly. “Shuichi Minamino.”

You scribbled down the name on a random piece of paper. “And what year are you?”


“Aa, you’re graduating this year? Excited?”


You placed your pen on the desk as you turned to look him in the eyes. God, his eyes. You loved them. You’ve never seen such dark green eyes before. And the wisdom within in them nearly suffocated you. He must be an old soul.

The Student (Kurama X Reader ) Yu Yu HakushoWhere stories live. Discover now