[Chapter Twenty-Eight] Last Part!!!

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You hummed lightly to yourself as you stopped at a red light. Today had been a good day at work. You managed to help Hatanaka find a solution to his problem. The two of you had been working closely on a project for the past two weeks and it was rewarding to finally get it done and over with.

Your cell phone rang and you glanced down at the caller ID. You smiled as you saw the name.

"Hey Shuichi."

"Hello [Name]. Are you leaving work," he questioned.

"Yes. Do we still have dinner reservations?"

"Yes. At seven fifteen."

"Great. Bye, love you."

"Love you too. Bye."

You hung up the cell phone and you smiled happily to yourself. You pulled up into your driveway and pushed the garage door opener button. You watched as the door slid up with ease and allowed your car entrance. You parked the car, exited, and closed the garage door while slipping inside the house.

You threw off your shoes in the mudroom and casually made you way into the kitchen area. You loved how the house was always clean; it helped ease your muscles after a hard day at work. Work that was always hectic and a bit messy. The cleanliness of the house soothed your soul.

You glanced out the kitchen window into the backyard. The urge was too great to resist. You quickly slid open the sliding glass door and walked barefoot out into the yard. The grass was plush and beautifully green. It felt soft to your bare feet and you allowed a long exhale of air to leave your lips.

Your toes curled into the grass before you casually made your way over to the beautiful garden. You walked through the stone pathway, your hands lightly touching flowers as you walked past them. A few times you stopped to smell them before continuing your way.

As you stood erect from smelling a flower, sturdy arms wound around your waist and pulled you back against a sturdy chest. You smiled as you leaned into the body and you gently grabbed onto his arms.

"Hey," you whispered.


You turned around and smiled as you gazed up into brilliantly green irises. He smiled handsomely down at you as he pulled you close. You knew what he wanted and did not protest. You leaned up, placing your lips against his feather smooth ones and reveled in the feeling.

"Are you parents' coming over before we go out," you questioned Shuichi as you pulled away from the kiss.

"Mother wanted to stop by. I think she has something she wants to give us."

You furrowed your brows as you tilted your head to the side. "Do you know when they'll be arriving?"

"Around six fifteen. Don't worry, she knows we're leaving at six thirty," he chuckled out.

You smiled as you placed a kiss on his lips.

"What about your parents," he inquired.

"They already called. Did they call you?"

He laughed. "Yes, surprisingly."

"Why is that surprisingly? They love you! More so than me," you grumbled.
Shuichi's hand drifted down your backside to your bottom and gave it a firm squeeze. You squealed in shock.

"What was that for?"

"Punishment for believing such a ridiculous statement."

"Oh hoho. Aren't you clever."

He smiled devilishly at you. "I'd like to think I am," he said as he picked you up bridal style and walked back into the house.

You were laughing and telling him to put you down, but he absolutely refused. He walked around the first floor of the house, spinning you and pretending to drop you.

"Oh look at the happy couple," Shiori's voice interrupted the two of you.

"Oh thank God, you're here," you said. "Now he'll put me down."

"Who said," Shuichi inquired.

"Shuichi's the possessive type when it comes to you, [Name]," Hatanaka laughed out.

You scrambled out of Shuichi's hold and rushed over to his parents'. You gladly gave them a hug hello.

"Thank you so much for stopping by," you said.

"Oh don't thank us," Shiori chided. "We're always happy to see you two. Oh that reminds me! Here!"

She handed you a card that addressed both you and Shuichi. "We'll be sure to open it at dinner," you told her.

"Great! We dropped by a little earlier, by we're off to go visit Shuichi at school. We're taking him out to dinner tonight."

"You know how it is when you're in college; you're always starving."

You laughed. "I know, I don't know about him," you said as you gave Shuichi a gentle shove.

"It doesn't matter if I went to college or not. I understand his pain."

Your mouth dropped open in surprise. "Hey now! I feed you a good amount of food every day. Don't pretend I'm withholding food from you. Besides, you're a grown man; you can make your own food."

"She does have a point."

"Great, they women had allied together. You're screwed now, Shuichi," Hatanaka joked.

"I'm only teasing," Shuichi said as he wrapped his arms around you. "You know I love you."

"You better," you grumbled into the kiss he gave you.
"Oh you two," Shiori sighed out. "I think we better leave them alone, Hatanaka. Come on, let's get going."

"Bye! It was nice seeing you," you said to them as they began walking out the front door.

"Yes. We'll be seeing you this weekend, correct," Shuichi inquired.

"Right. Because I'll be one year older," Hatanaka joked. "We'll see you then."

"Have fun tonight!"

You watched as the two entered into their car and drove off. You turned to Shuichi and smiled.

"We should get dressed out of these clothes. I'll beat you upstairs," you shouted as you began climbing the stairs.

Shuichi wasn't too far behind you before he grabbed hold of your waist and hoisted you up from the stairs.

"Hey! That's cheating," you shouted while laughing.

"You're head start was cheating," Shuichi replied as he placed you behind him.

"But I need a head start," you whined as the two of you made it upstairs. You pouted as Shuichi made it first into the bedroom and wore a winning smirk on his face. "You're a meanie."

"I can't always be a gentleman, [Name]. Sometimes, as a male, I need to win."

"Oh you win about three times a week," you grumbled.

"Our sex life does not count as winning for me, seeing as you initiate more often than I do. You'd be the winner if we counted our sex life as a game."

Your mouth dropped open in surprise. "Shuichi, I'm appalled! I am a lady and ladies do not act so boldly."

He roughly grabbed you and spun you around. "But I like my women bold," he growled as he placed a heated kiss to your lips. "And I like them with [hair color] hair, [eye color] eyes, and their names [Name]. Know where I can find one?"

You allowed your fingers to bury themselves in his crimson hair as you kissed him back passionately. "Right here, in your arms," you whispered against the kiss.

"Just where I like them to be."
You laughed as you pulled away from the kiss. "We need to get ready, Shuichi. If we keep this up, we won't be there in time for our reservation."

"You're right."

The two of you quickly changed out of your clothes and into dressier ones. By the time six thirty rolled around, both of you were in the car and on your way to the restaurant. It took thirty minutes to get there, but the route was scenic.

Shuichi parked the car and made his way over to your door. You smiled as he opened it for you and extended a hand for you to take.

"Thank you," you smiled as you placed a kiss on his lips.

You walked hand and hand to the entrance and the wind was knocked out of you. The place was absolutely beautiful. You hadn't expected the restaurant had the potential to look this good. The two of you walked up to the podium and Shuichi smiled.

"Dinner reservations for two."

The hostess smiled back at him as she grabbed two menus. "Of course, right this way."

"Dear," you began. "You didn't say your last name."

"Oh right. I'm sorry. Dinner reservations for two under Minamino."

The hostess couldn't help but laugh. "Aa yes, right this way."

You laughed as well. The hostess brought you over to a table by the window that overlooked the city. You sat down and smiled at the view. It never ceased to amaze you.

"Tsatski will be your waitress," the hostess announced.

"Thank you."

"Not a problem, Mr. Minamino."

Once she was gone, you turned your gaze to your husband. "The place looks great. Thank you so much."

He smiled brilliantly. "Chihiro also chipped in. As a gift."

"Oh, we'll be sure to send him a thank you card."

Moments later, Tsatski showed up with a glowing smile on her lips. "You two look absolutely fabulous. And what a brilliant idea to turn this old restaurant into a high class one for just one night. I'm sure it put a dent in his wallet," Tsatski nodded her head to Shuichi.

He chuckled. "Not as much as you would think."

"Will you two be having your usual?"

"I will be. What about you, Shuichi?"

"Yes, that would be wonderful. Thank you, Tsatski."

"Anything for the beautiful couple."

She disappeared to the kitchen.

"Shuichi this really is beautiful. Thank you so much for doing this. I wondered why we had to get all dressy for this place," you added with a chuckle. "I thought we were going to look so out of place."

Shuichi chuckled as well. You had noticed in the parking lot, only a few cars were there, but inside, there were no customers. You frowned.

"Where's everyone else?"

"The restaurant's closed today. It's a favor Chihiro asked them to do."

"Oh my goodness." You were going to cry, you were positive. "I can't believe all this."

Shuichi smiled as he reached across the table and gently held your hand. "I love you, [Name]. I love you so much."

A tear escaped your eye. "I love you too."

"Here we are. Both your usual."

"That was quick."

"We began cooking them about fifteen minutes before you arrived. We figured you two wouldn't switch up on us tonight and it would be our gift to you guys."

"Thank you. Everyone is being so kind. Tell everyone we're very grateful for their kindness."

Tsatski smiled before walking over to you. "You're welcome," she said as she hugged you. "Now eat up and have a wonderful evening."

Dinner went great as the two of you chatted about anything that came to mind. You loved how carefree you were around Shuichi. He truly was a miracle in disguise. All the hardships you went through with him were worth it. He was worth anything.

At the end of the meal, Shuichi stood up from his seat and offered you his hand.

"May I have this dance," he inquired.

You smiled as you took his hand in yours. "Of course you may."

As you two walked out towards an open area, the song began to play. You instantly recognized it. "Shuichi this is-"

"I know. Our wedding song. Happy one year anniversary, [Name] Minamino. I love you."

"I love you too."

As the two of you glided across the makeshift dance floor, the workers of the restaurant watched on with smiles on their faces. Tonight was a night not only you and Shuichi would remember, but it was a night the workers would remember as a great display of affection from the couple they all believed exuberated the most love life had to offer.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2018 ⏰

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