[Chapter Seventeen]

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You were pacing wildly in your bedroom as you tried to calm your anger down. You had immediately left school grounds and drove home. You were only in your apartment for ten minutes before someone was knocking on your door. At first, you ignored it, but it appeared that the person wasn’t going away.

You stormed to your front door, thoughts swarming of Jiro and his sick lie. You opened the door and blinked at who was standing before you.


“What happened, [Name],” he questioned as he stood out in the hallway.


His eyes darkened as he gave you a pointed look. “If you don’t wish to talk about it, then say so. Don’t lie about it.”
Your mouth dropped open as you felt anger boiling. “Fine. I’ll fucking tell you what happened. Fucking Jiro said I was forcing him to have sex with me or else I would fail him. He said that to Hideto. And I don’t think my actions helped the situation.”
“What did you do?”

“I slapped him.”

Shuichi didn’t say anything, but you could see the anger slowly seeping into his mind. His fingers were curled into his palms and his teeth were clenching together as he did his best to remain calm. He was nearly as upset about the situation as you were.

“And he simply did this to protect himself from getting into trouble,” Shuichi announced more to himself than you.
“Yes. Why don’t you come inside,” you questioned as you stepped out of the way.

He did as you asked, making his way to the couch. You followed him and sat down beside him.

“Shuichi, I’m going to lose my job. He’s going to ruin my life. I don’t know what I’m going to do.”

His arms slowly wound around your form as he pulled you to his chest. “We’ll figure something out.”

“I won’t blame you if you back out. If you leave, it’s completely understandable.”

He gently gripped your chin and made you look up at him. His face was completely serious as he locked gazes with you.

“I’m not going anywhere anytime soon, [Name]. I’ve told you once before, I’ll tell you again; I’m picky when I choose women I spend time with. If I would run away from a small bump in the road like this, than you wouldn’t be worth my time. But I’m not running and for good reason. You’re worth every second.”

You were silent for a few moments, taking in his beautiful face. How had you been so lucky to catch the attention of Shuichi?

“Shuichi, what are we going to do,” you whispered as you buried your face in his chest.

He rested his head against yours as he allowed a deep sigh to roll off his lips. “We have to wait and see what the principal will do.”

“I hate waiting.”

“Then should we do something to keep your mind off the waiting,” Shuichi inquired, a light playfulness entering his voice.

You looked up at him, eyes twinkling. “What do you have in mind?”
You would never have guessed miniature golf, that was for sure. But you would learn Shuichi was a man of many surprises, and miniature golf was one of them. Though, you were a bit surprised that one was still open in the cold fall.

He paid while you picked out the golf balls. Crimson red for Shuichi and forest green for you. Red to go with his hair and green to go with his eyes. He chuckled as he placed a delicate kiss to your temple as the two of you walked towards the course.

“I believe that might be bordering obsession, [Name],” he teased as he took hold of his golf ball.

You shrugged. “You’ve got silky smooth hair and beautiful eyes. I’m jealous.”

He shook his head lightly. “Well you shouldn’t be. After all, they’re just looks.”

You laughed as you poked Shuichi with the butt of your putter. “You know very well how attractive you are. Don’t be modest.”

“Yes but the question is,” he paused as he walked right up to you, standing so close but not reaching out to hold you. “Do you know how attractive you are?”

You blushed at the intensity in his eyes. “I don’t believe so.”

“I thought as much,” he whispered before placing a kiss to your lips.

You pulled away, a smile upon your lips. “Just how attractive am I?”

“A bit too much,” was his rushed reply before kissing you once more, his hands finally touching your body.

You allowed the kiss to linger before pulling away yet again. “We should probably start.”

“Indeed, but I somehow found something more entertaining than golf,” he announced as you walked towards the first hole.

A joyous laugh left your lips as you turned your head to look at him. “Oh really? I had no idea.”

He chuckled as you placed your ball down. For the eighteen hole course, you and Shuichi teased, joked around, and had a good time. Your mind was off of Jiro and what Hideto was going to do and all you thought about was how much fun you were having with Shuichi.

You placed your putter on the counter as Shuichi counted up the scores.

“So, how I’d do?”

“You’re five above par.”


He opened his mouth to say something (probably optimistic) but you beat him to the punch.

“That’s great! I never do that good!”

A smile spread across his lips as a chuckle escaped him.
“What about you,” you questioned as you wrapped your arms around him as you stood behind his body.

His hands gently grabbed your wrists as he pulled you tighter against him. “I was one under par.”

“Hmm, so you beat me by seven points?”


“Good job,” you said as you leaned up and placed a kiss to his exposed neck.

He chuckled as he turned around and placed a kiss to your lips. “What do you wish to do now,” he inquired and you shrugged.

“I have no idea. I had a lot of fun, though; so thanks for cheering me up.”

Gently, Shuichi trailed a finger down your face as he smiled. “It was my pleasure.”

It was amazing how he could easily get your mind off of the most troubling things. You smiled at him as he took your hand in his and the two of you started walking off towards the car. You glanced over towards the entrance of the miniature golf building and furrowed your brows. Why did that girl look familiar?

Your mind registered it was a girl who was one of your students. Her gaze was locked with yours before she looked down at your hand entwined with Shuichi’s. But you also remembered that she was the girl who left your class right as Jiro approached you earlier today.

Your hand instantly left Shuichi’s hand and he looked over at you in question. However, you weren’t staring at him; you were staring at where the girl had been. What was her name again? Oh yes; Chiyo Kurosaki.

“Is something wrong, [Name]?”

“I… don’t know. Let’s just leave,” you replied as you hurried over to the car.

Shuichi looked over to where you had been looking at; he saw nothing but an empty doorway. What had riled you up?

You were sitting in the passenger seat, waiting for Shuichi to get in the car, but he was still looking at the doorway. She disappeared once you let go of Shuichi’s hand; you were worried she’d say something to the principal or even her friends. But the look in her eyes… it was almost as if she didn’t care.

You grabbed a hold of your hair as you moaned in frustration. No matter what, you were screwed. If you were cleared of the rumors pertaining to Jiro, you were sure they’d find out about you and Shuichi. What were you thinking? Your whole life ruined. Was it worth it?

The driver door opened and Shuichi gracefully slid into the car. He placed the key in the ignition before looking at you. It was almost as if he knew your thoughts as he reached over, grabbed you by the back of your neck, and placed a tender kiss on your lips.

You leaned into him, embracing the emotions he was invoking in you. His lips were smooth, soft, and inviting. Gently, he nibbled on your lower lip and you leaned further into him, placing your hand on his cheek as you opened your mouth. Your tongues clashed against one another in a passionate dance; Shuichi’s fingers curled around your neck as his tongue flicked against your own.

You pulled away, breathless. Slowly, you opened your eyes to see just how stunning Shuichi was. And the look in his eyes; the sincerity, the amount of care he held for you, the intensity… it was worth it. Even if you could never get a job as a teacher again; even if you shamed your family for getting involved with a student; even if you had to serve time… he was worth it. He made you feel wanted, needed, alive; no other person had ever made you feel appreciated the way this young man did.

Smiling beautifully, you placed a soft kiss to his lips. “Thank you,” you whispered as you allowed your hand to slide down his cheek to rest on his leg. “Thank you.”

He smiled back; his smile looking even more handsome, more alluring, more enticing than before. You felt your heart clench at the sight, but it was clenching in a good way. That smile was for you and only you.

“Let’s go home,” you said lightly.

Shuichi simply nodded before putting the car in drive and leaving the parking lot.

Shuichi dropped you off at your apartment before receiving a phone call from his mother. It was urgent, so he didn’t get a chance to spend more time with you. You politely let him go and simply kept yourself as busy as you could for the rest of the night.

You hadn’t slept much that night, due to the stress you were feeling. What was going to happen? Who would Hideto believe?

You walked into the school as late as you possibly could as a teacher was allowed. But it was still half an hour before the homeroom bell was going to ring. You were making your way towards your classroom but stopped in the middle of the hallway as you saw someone sitting at your door. It was a female; you could tell by the uniform skirt she was wearing, but you didn’t know who because she had her head buried in her arms that she had resting atop her knees.
Cautiously, you approached her, your stomach in your throat.

“May I help you?”

When the girl glanced up, her brown eyes staring directly into your own [eye color] eyes, you stopped breathing.

“I was hoping that you and I could talk, Miss [Last Name].”

“S-sure thing, Chiyo,” you stuttered out as you got out your classroom keys. “Let me unlock the door.”

With shaking hands, you managed to slide the key in and unlock the door. Robotically, you turned on the lights and walked over to your desk while Chiyo closed the door. She placed her bag down in an empty desk before walking over to stand in front of your own desk. You stood awkwardly as she simply stared at you in a bored manner.

“What do you want to talk about?”

“I want to know why,” she stated.

“Why what?”

“Why would you risk everything to be with him?”

“With who?”

“Shuichi Minamino. I know you saw me yesterday. Tell me why,” she demanded, her brown eyes narrowing ever so slightly.

“I…” you began before collapsing in your chair. “Because, Chiyo; he’s worth it. He makes me feel like I’ve never felt before. Wanted, needed, appreciated, cared for. He wants me as me.”

Chiyo stared at you as she contemplated your words. “Have you two done anything?”

You gaze snapped up to meet hers before narrowing them. “I don’t believe it’s any of your business.”

“I’m pretty sure it is, seeing as I know the real truth.”

You stared at her, feeling some anger start to surface. What was she doing? What was with all the questions? She was up to something, you knew that. But what was the point in lying to her?

“Fine,” you sighed out. “No, we haven’t.”
“You haven’t? How come?”


“I need to know why,” she insisted as she placed her hands down on your desk.

“Because I’m not a woman who throws herself around at every good looking guy. I take my time; I give myself when I’m in love, not in lust.”

“And Shuichi’s okay with this? He’s patient?”

“Of course he is. What type of man do you think he is,” you asked her offended.

She shrugged her shoulders. “Certainly not the type to be dating a teacher.”

Your face flushed due to anger and embarrassment. “Well I certainly didn’t peg myself to be the type to date students.”

“Touché,” she said with a nod. She stood tall as she crossed her arms over her chest. “The way I see it, you’re shit out of luck. You’ll be without a job, even if Hideto favors you. Meiou has a reputation to uphold and you just blew your one shot.”

“I didn’t, Jiro did,” you hissed out.

“Even so,” she continued once more, walking over towards the windows. “Your shot is blown. I say ‘fess up to the truth; tell Hideto about you and Shuichi. That way Jiro gets what he deserves for lying about something so serious.”

“And what about Shuichi? He’ll get in trouble for sure.”

She turned to stare at you. “Doubtful. He’s a teenage boy with raging hormones. The faculty is more likely to understand why he did what he did. Whether or not they believe he did so willingly.”

“Why are you telling me this,” you finally questioned your opinion.

She blatantly ignored it as she made her way back to the front of your desk. “Listen, you’ll get into less amount of trouble if you simply tell Hideto the truth. Jiro gets punished, you still get fired, Shuichi’s let off the hook… you’re most likely not going to trial if you tell the truth. Shuichi won’t press charges, he’s an adult so his parents can’t force him to. I just see it best for you to tell the truth than try to hide it.”

“Chiyo,” you began but were cut off as the classroom door opened and in stepped Shuichi.

His eyes briefly widened. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
“You’re not interrupting anything,” Chiyo stated as she walked over to her bag. She gracefully picked it up and made her way to the door. “Just think about what I said, Miss [Last Name].”

With that, she exited the classroom. You nibbled on your lower lip as you thought back to what she said. What was seriously going on here?

“Is everything alright?”

“She knows about us,” you told him straight up. “But she’s not going to say anything. I don’t know why.”

Shuichi furrowed his brows as he stood his ground. She knew but wasn’t going to say anything? Why was that? He stared over at you and sighed; you were clearly distressed. He didn’t blame you. But you needed to be strong in order to overcome this.

“[Name],” he softly whispered as he made his way over to you.

You glanced up at him and waited for him to continue, but instead noticed his eyes narrowed in anger while he began clenching his jaw.

“What are you doing here,” he questioned angrily and you were surprised as he continued staring at you.

“I don’t know what you mean,” you heard the cold voice of Jiro. “I was told she wasn’t coming to school.”

Shuichi turned around on his heels, his glare directed at Jiro. “Who told you that?”

“The principal. He said she was getting put on probation.”

“What? That’s absurd,” you stated as you stood up from your seat. “If anything you should be suspended! How could you make up such a ridiculous lie?”

“It wasn’t a lie,” he stated.

“We all know it was,” Shuichi announced. “You don’t need to keep face in front of us.”

Jiro smirked as he took a step towards Shuichi. “Well look at you; trying to defend her and everything. She’s not worth it, Shuichi. She’s a whore.”

You noticed Shuichi’s shoulders tense at the last sentence Jiro said.

“She’s loosey goosey. Just in it for the sex. She’s probably been with more men than she can count on all her fingers and toes.”

“That’s enough,” Shuichi growled out, his eyes dangerously narrowed.

Jiro’s back instantly straightened from the look he was receiving. Who knew Shuichi could cause so much fear in a person from just one look?

“I don’t know what you expect to gain from this extravaganza, but I assure you I won’t allow you to win. You will get what you deserve. I suggest you leave now.”

Jiro didn’t attempt to argue back. He cast you a weary look before leaving the classroom. You stared at Shuichi’s tense back, but didn’t dare say anything. Despite the situation and despite how angry he was, you were a little bit flattered. Shuichi really cared for you; he kept surprising you and you kept questioning how on earth did you get so lucky.

Shuichi turned to you, his expression obviously annoyed and even a bit bothered. You offered him a small smile as a thank you, but he didn’t return the gesture.


He sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. “I’m going to sort this out.”

Shuichi turned and headed towards the door; you quickly got up from your seat.

“Wait, Shuichi, what are you going to do? Shuichi, stop. Why aren’t you stopping?”

He left the room with you trailing behind him. He was dead set on his mission and you were worried about what he was going to do. You noticed he was heading towards Hideto’s office.

“No, Shuichi, don’t do this,” you pleaded as you grabbed onto his arm. “Don’t do this to yourself.”

“I’m not doing it for me,” he said as his emerald eyes locked with yours. “I’m doing it for you.”

“But Shuichi,” you whispered, tears filling your eyes.

He reached Hideto’s office and calmly walked in. You were seconds behind him and noticed that Chiyo was sitting across from Hideto. The principal glanced up from his gaze on Chiyo to look back and forth between you and Shuichi.

“May I help you,” he inquired and Chiyo turned in her chair to arch a delicately plucked eyebrow at the two of you.

“Jiro was not forced to have sex with Miss [Last Name],” Shuichi stated calmly, almost as if he was listing off the capitals of countries.

“He was not,” Hideto questioned in surprise. “How do you know this?”

Hideto looked at you for a good while before looking back at Shuichi, waiting for a response. The redhead looked collected as he took in a breath before delivering his proof.

“Because [Name] and I are together.”

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