[Chapter Twenty-Five]

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[Chapter Twenty-Five]

You were fidgeting in your seat. Currently, you and Chihiro were sitting in a large conference room at his firm, patiently awaiting the arrival of Jiro and his lawyer. You weren’t sure how you were going to react when you finally saw him. Part of you pictured yourself lunging across the table and wrapping your hands firmly around his neck, never letting go until he stopped struggling. The other part of you pictured you’d just glare at him and keep your trap shut.   A gentle hand covered your fidgeting ones. You glanced over to your left and saw a gentle smile on Chihiro’s lips.   “It’ll give away to them that you’re nervous. Try and stay calm,” he kindly suggested.   You gave him a weary smile and nodded your head while moving your hands to rest on the sides of the chair you sat in. They would be entering any moment now.   The golden doorknob turned before the burgundy door opened. In walked a man dressed in a black pin stripped suit with his hair elegantly combed over. Behind him was Jiro wearing a shirt and tie, dress slacks and dress shoes. What you hadn’t been expecting were his parents. They both sent you an evil glare as they sat down next to their son.   Jiro refused to look you in the eyes; he kept his gaze steadily on the table.   “Afternoon Natsuki. I trust you’re doing well,” the prosecutor greeted your defense lawyer.   Chihiro gave a curt nod. “I am doing well. How about yourself, Hisagi?”  “Things are good; things are good. Shall we get down to business?”  “That would be ideal.”  “Before we get started, I’d like to say my client has no intention of settling,” Hisagi announced.  Chihiro nodded his head lightly. “I see. I would highly suggest reconsidering.”  “Why would we,” Jiro’s mother suddenly snapped. “The things she forced Jiro to do!”  “Ma’am, please calm down,” Hisagi cut in. He turned his gaze back to Chihiro. “May I ask why my client should reconsider?”  “I have interviewed many students at the school and every student signed a document stating that your client always spoke about my client in graphic sexual ways. I also have two witnesses who witnessed separate occasions where your client was either advancing on my client and or being too friendly towards his superior.”  “Yeah and who are they,” Jiro asked.  “I also have a signed statement from Katsuo Ichihara who has listened to many statements from your client creating plans to get my client in bed,” Chihiro ignored Jiro’s inquiry.  “What,” Jiro snapped. “That son of bitch! How could he sell me out like that?”  “Jiro,” his father shouted.   “My fuckin’ best friend turned against me!”  “Sit down,” his father ordered.   Jiro sat down in a huff while you sat quietly beside Chihiro. You had to admit, you were surprised with the amount of evidence Chihiro had compiled. He was definitely worth the money.   Chihiro cleared his throat, attaining the attention of everyone in the room. “Would your client like to reconsider and settle this outside of the court?”  “If I may have a moment with my client,” Hisagi questioned.  “Of course. Come on, [Name],” Chihiro said as he grabbed all his items.  The two of you exited the conference room and Chihiro sat down on a leather couch a few yards from the door. You sat down beside him. “I’m impressed, Chihiro,” you confessed. “I had no idea you went through all that trouble. Thank you so, so much.”  He smiled kindly at you, much like your father did. You had an urge to hug him, but refrained from doing so.  “Natsuki,” Hisagi called from the door. “We’ve reached an agreement.”  “Perfect,” Chihiro smirked as he slowly rose from the couch. He turned to you with complete confidence. “Whenever Hisagi announces he and his client have reached an agreement, it means I’ve won. Come on, let’s go see what they want to do to make it up to you,” he said as he held his hand out for you to take.   You happily took it, your heart racing within your chest. Was this seriously happening? Was it really over? You and Chihiro walked into the conference room and you could see Jiro’s parents were both extremely displeased with him. You took a seat and remained silent.  “My client has decided to drop all charges against your client. He is also willing to agree to some of the terms your client has.”  “Very well.” Chihiro pulled out a paper he had written up the night prior. He placed on his glasses as he began reading the paper. “My client would like to put a restraining order on your client. Also your client is to sign a document stating he fabricated this ordeal for whatever reason; that is unimportant. And lastly, my client would like an apology.”  It became stiffly quiet once Chihiro read off the list. Jiro’s eyes glanced over at you before he bent his head down. He gave a curt nod.   “Great, I’ll need you to sign right here, initial here, sign here, initial here, and sign here.”  Jiro pulled the papers over to him and quickly signed and initialed where he needed to. He slid the paper back to Chihiro.   “Mom, Dad, Hisagi, can you excuse us,” Jiro asked.  “Absolutely not-”  “It’s not really a question, but I thought I’d be polite,” Jiro cut his mother off. “Leave us alone.”  Begrudgingly, his parents were escorted out by Jiro’s lawyer. It was now you, Chihiro, and Jiro in the conference room. Jiro awkwardly rubbed his arm as he stared at the table.  “I am sorry,” he announced. “I know it was wrong of me, but I was jealous.”  You furrowed your brows as you tilted your head to the side. He was jealous?  “I knew; I just knew you and Shuichi had the hots for each other. Why do you think I kept bringing it up? I was pissed that you saw Shuichi as a man and me as a student. I thought ‘he and I, we aren’t that different. If she can see him that way, she can see me that way too.’ I was starting to learn you only had eyes for him.”  You had to admit, you were surprised Jiro had been that aware. Not many people had seen you and Shuichi interact with one another. But those that did had been suspicious; it really shouldn’t have surprised you that Jiro noticed as well.   “Anyway, I guess in a jealous rage, I did something beyond fuckin’ stupid. And I am sincerely sorry.”  It was silent for a few moments. You did appreciate his apology, but that didn’t make what he did okay. He had permanently tainted your record as a teacher. Who was going to hire you? What were you going to do for work? With one look at your record, people would look at you like you were a pedophile.   Your breathing started to increase as you grabbed at the table. Jiro jumped up alarmed while Chihiro turned in his chair, gently grabbing onto your arms.  “[Name]? Are you alright,” Chihiro questioned.  You shook your head as you grabbed onto his arm. You were having a panic attack. You conscious had been too preoccupied with the charges that you swept your other problem under the rug to fester with the subconscious before it reared its ugly head.   Jiro walked around the table and knelt beside your chair. “What’s wrong? What’s happening to her?”  “Breath with me [Name],” Chihiro gently ordered. “It’s alright. There’s nothing for you to be worried about right now. Live in this moment, don’t think about the future. Get yourself back in today, in this moment with me right here.”  You listened to his words and forced yourself to do as he told you. After a few prolonged moments, you had loosened your grip on Chihiro’s arm and your breathing was calming down.   “Here, have some water,” Chihiro offered.  “What happened,” Jiro asked.  “She had a panic attack; I’ve seen many of them in my line of work, but typically when my client has to go off to jail. I don’t know what triggered this.”  “He did,” you shouted, startling the both of them. “Because of him, I am now jobless. No school is going to hire me even if Jiro fuckin’ lied! What am I going to do for money? Where am I going to live? How am I going to survive without income?”  You were more furious than anything. Because of Jiro’s little stunt, you really were in trouble. Hideto fired you under the pretence that you were forcing a student to have sex with you, sexually harassing him, and dating a completely different student. The fact that the last one was true, no school was going to hire you. It was all because of Jiro that you and Shuichi were found out.   “As much as I appreciate your apology,” you said as you tried to hide your fury. “I’m afraid it won’t fix the damage you caused.”  You abruptly stood up and grabbed your things hastily.  “What can I do [Name]?”  You whirled around, your eyes alive with rage. “Do not call me by my first name. You lost that privilege.”  “What can I do?”  “I’m afraid nothing. Unless you know how to turn back time and take back what you did. I would appreciate it if you never spoke to me again.”  You opened the door and began to leave.  “[Name] wait!”  “My client no longer wishes to speak with you,” you heard Chihiro announce.  You brushed past Hisagi and Jiro’s parents. You had to get far away from these people as possible. The elevator door was opening and you bolted for it.   Once inside, you pressed the close door button and made it to the lobby floor. You made it out to the parking lot and got in your car. As you exited the parking lot, your brain began formulating plans for you. Maybe you could go back to school and get a business degree in something. What about an associate’s degree? How would you pay tuition? Loans and you’d have to find a job that didn’t require a degree.  You pulled into your apartment parking lot and walked over to the entrance. You tilted your head to the side as you stared at the male sitting on the stairs. What on earth was Shuichi doing here? You walked over to him, his emerald eyes darting to your form. He immediately stood.  “How are you feeling?” “What do you mean?”  “Chihiro gave me a call and informed me you had a panic attack. You’re worried about your future?”  You sighed as you pulled out your apartment keys. You walked into the building, Shuichi following silently behind. You made it to your apartment and walked inside. The couch looked very inviting. You plopped down.  “I will admit I am worried about my future. On my record I was fired for forcing a student to have sex with me, sexually harassing said student, and dating a different student. What school would hire a teacher with that record?”   “There are plenty of ways to get around this.”  You lazily waved a hand. “On the car ride back I was thinking of going back to school. Maybe I’d go for two years and get an associate’s degree. I could move back in with my parents too. It would suck, but they won’t charge me rent.”  Shuichi said nothing as he listened to what you said.   “Either way, I really don’t want to think about it right now.”  “Very well. What would you like to do?”  “I haven’t the slightest clue.”  Shuichi moved so that he was sitting directly next you and placed his arm around your shoulders. You happily leaned into him as you tilted your head up to kiss him. He complied more than willingly. His other hand raked its fingers through your locks, gently massaging your scalp.   You pulled away and gazed up into his eyes. “What are you and I going to do?”  “We’ll take it day by day. I won’t abandon you so easily, [Name].” “Neither will I. I would love to see where this takes us.”  He smiled elegantly as he leaned down, capturing your lips once more in a tender kiss. It didn’t matter to you if this a year or two down the road didn’t work out. You felt blessed enough to have this time with him. 

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