[Chapter Seven]

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Tuesday came and went. Wednesday morning you found a neatly stacked pile of the papers you asked Shuichi to copy for you on your desk. You were slightly hopeful that because he ran off the copies for you that he wasn’t uncomfortable around you, but you wouldn’t honestly know. He was a hard man to read. Perhaps when you thought he was being playful and flirtatious, he was simply being himself when he’s around friends.

By the time the last class ended, your stomach was in knots. What if he didn’t come? What if he did and it was awkward? I’m making such a big deal out of nothing. You couldn’t sit still in your desk so you decided to rearrange the room to your liking. After all, the rambunctious students had a belief that they could move the desks to their liking. As if.

You had finished half the room and glanced up at the clock. It was fifteen minutes after Shuichi usually dropped by, but he wasn’t here. You really screwed things up. What if he went to the principal? You’d be fired for sure. And what’s worse is that you’d have a very difficult time finding a new job as a teacher.

You couldn’t take it anymore and you collapsed in a desk in the middle row, three chairs back from the front of the room. You allowed your body to fall in a heap on top of the small desk as you burrowed your head in the nook of your elbow. You wanted to cry. What would you do if he went to the principal? Your life would be ruined. Your family and friends wouldn’t be able to look at you the same. You would be jobless.

“Miss [Last Name]? Are you alright?”

Your head snapped up as you locked gazes with Shuichi. Concern was written all over his face as he hurriedly walked over to your form. You gave him a weak smile.

“Yeah, I’m fine.”

“Miss [Last Name], I don’t think you are. What’s bothering you,” he questioned as he pulled a desk over so he could sit close to you.

“Nothing,” you laughed out. Why had you been so worried before? Shuichi wouldn’t do that to you. He’d probably talk to you first before talking to the principal.

He stared at you for a few moments as he contemplated whether or not to let the subject drop. You could see the debate in his eyes and that made you happy. He really cared about you, even if it was just as a friend. You would take that… for now.

Finally, he sighed, which meant he was dropping the subject. Your smile widened as you sat up straighter in the student desk. Your smile must have been contagious because the red haired male smiled as well.

“Thank you for copying that worksheet for me. You’re a lifesaver.”

He chuckled. “It was no problem, Miss [Last Name]. Honest.”

You giggled, feeling extremely giddy. Things weren’t weird. They weren’t uncomfortable or awkward; they were perfect. Shuichi tilted his head slightly to the side as he looked at you.

“Sorry,” you mumbled as you tried to make yourself not appear as excited as you were.

“There’s no need to apologize; it’s just you changed demeanors so quickly.”

You shrugged your shoulders. “Don’t know what to tell ya, Shuichi.” It fell silent before you began talking again. “I’m so happy it’s the middle of the week.”


“God yes. Then the weekend comes and I can sleep in.”

A light laugh left his lips. “You sleep in late?”

“Eh… I’m usually dressed and ready by ten AM but at least I’m not getting up at the crack of dawn.”


The Student (Kurama X Reader ) Yu Yu HakushoWhere stories live. Discover now