[Chapter Sixteen]

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All yesterday afternoon and through the evening, you had tried deciphering what Jiro had meant. You were hoping it wasn’t what you thought it was, which would be you were the opportunity he wouldn’t pass up. You already had enough drama with the misunderstanding of Shuichi sexually harassing you.

This was a lot more difficult than you imagined it would be. But Shuichi was worth it, you could only hope he thought you were. He was a teenaged boy, after all, and his hormones changed like the wind. You shook your head before looking up at your room full of students. They were taking a quiz; most of them were finished except for a few stragglers. Among the group of students sat Jiro. And he kept looking at you with a predatory gaze. You didn’t like it.

You glanced at the clock. “Five more minutes,” you announced to the class before your eyes settled back on Jiro.

He sent you a flirtatious wink and you did your best to ignore it as well as him. There was only so much you could handle before you flipped. Once the five minutes were up, you collected the remaining quizzes before launching your class right into a lesson. You would do anything to keep Jiro away from your mind.

The bell had rung, which eased your nerves. Jiro would walk out of the room and you had a free period to try to erase everything that just happened. However, as you began to grab your items, you noticed a figure standing by your desk.

“May I h-,” the question died down as you locked gazes with Jiro’s steamy blue eyes.

He was smirking as he rested his hips against the front of the desk. “Are you going to finish that sentence, [Name]?”

Your eyes darted around the room, trying to see if anyone was paying attention. There was only one student left and she was exiting through the back door. You felt your heart rate beating rapidly within your chest. It was clear you were becoming increasingly nervous around this boy.

“What do you want, Jiro?”

“I thought it was a bit clear, but I guess men aren’t the only dumb one of the species,” he joked, running a hand through his hair.

“Shouldn’t you be getting to class,” you questioned, ignoring his statement. You knew what he meant, but hopefully if you ignored it, he would stop persisting.

“I do, but the teacher loves me, so she won’t mind if I’m a bit late. In fact, I’m always late to that class.”


He chuckled as he situated himself so he was slightly sitting on the desk.

“You know [Name], I can’t help but feel a hint of nervousness from you. Do I make you nervous?”

“Jiro, I don’t know what game you’re playing but it needs to stop.”

He rolled his eyes. “You need to lighten up. How many times have you heard in the news or read in the paper about a student and a teacher?”

“Which is exactly why I won’t allow this to happen. They always get caught.”

“So you’re saying you do feel something for me.”

“No. I do not. You’re not even my type, Jiro.”

“Then who is,” he questioned, his flirtatious mood dying down.

“I’m not getting into this with you. This is ridiculous; you’re a student, I’m a teacher. I’m going to have to report this, Jiro,” you told him as you yanked your bag up and began walking to the door.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you, [Name].”

You turned to stare at him in disbelief. Was he seriously threatening you?

“I’m afraid it’s mandatory, Jiro. Perhaps you should have thought of that before you started coming on to me.”

With that, you exited the classroom and walked down to the teacher’s lounge. You shakily placed your bag in a chair and listened as the bell for the next period rang. You were in momentary shock. Your mind kept replaying everything over and over again. What was Jiro going to do?
“I need to talk to Hideto,” you whispered to yourself before hurrying out of the lounge and towards his office. You entered into the main room and did your best to smile at the secretary.

“Hello, is Hideto in?”

“Yes he is.”

“Thank you.”

You gently knocked on the door before entering.

“[Name], how are you?”

“That’s actually why I’m here, sir.”

His face immediately turned serious as he stared at you. He could feel the unease emitting off your form and knew whatever it was you were about to discuss was serious.

“Sit down,” he urged as he closed his office door. You did as you were told and watched as he walked over to his seat and sat into the large leather chair. “Now, mind telling me why you’re a little down?”

You fiddled with your skirt, pressing it to make the wrinkles disappear. You were growing apprehensive, wondering if this was the best thing to do.


“Well, you see… I have a complaint about one of my students.”

“It’s not Shuichi Minamino is it?”

Your head snapped up as you gasped. “No! Absolutely not!”

“I’m sorry. Mimiko informed me what happened; as the principal, I need to know these things.”

“Oh, I see,” you sighed out, your heart slowing down slightly. “It’s actually one of my students. I don’t teach Shuichi.”

“Very well. Continue.”

“It is a male student of mine. It wasn’t until recent that things began to transpire. He started becoming obviously flirtatious and just today he made it abundantly clear that it was me he was after.”

“In what way?”
“I’m not quite sure. Either a relationship or sex. He had joked a few times about myself and Shuichi, which I told him time and time again that it was not alright for him to say that. He could get the two of us in trouble. I don’t believe he understands the consequences of his actions.”

“I see. And who is the student?”

“Jiro Takanowa.”

“Really? I would never have suspected-”

“Sir please,” you begged, tears starting to brim your eyes. “I told him I was going to report this; it’s my duty to. I just… I’m disgusted with myself for getting into a situation like this. All I ever wanted to do was teach; do a good job. And now I’m being targeted by a seventeen, eighteen year old boy. I just… I don’t know what else to do.”

“I’m sorry. I will definitely speak with him about this matter. It will be dealt with by the end of school. Do you wish to go home?”

You shook your head. “I see no need to.”

“Very well. Now just to be certain, he didn’t touch you anywhere, did he?”

You shook your head as you wiped your eyes.

“Alright. The offer still stands if you wish to go home.”

“Thank you sir, but I’ll be fine,” you stated as you got up from your seat. “And thank you for taking care of this. I really appreciate it.”

He smiled kindly at you. You tried to smile back, but your muscles weren’t working. Quietly, you left his office. You felt adrenaline rushing through your body, causing your hands to tremble. You knew what you did was the right thing to do, but somehow you felt a little bit dirty by doing so. You were dating a student here at Meiou. Shuichi may not be your student but you would get in just as much trouble if he were. So weren’t you being a bit hypocritical by tattling on Jiro? No matter how you looked at it, you couldn’t shake the feeling of disgust.

You made it to the teachers’ lounge and quickly went inside. You had a feeling this day wouldn’t go by nearly as quickly as you wanted it to.

Shuichi arrived five minutes after school had ended, which was early for him. He usually showed up fifteen minutes later. He must have sensed something, because he didn’t look decidedly at ease.
“Hey Shuichi,” you greeted him as best as you could.

“[Name], I’m a bit concerned,” he stated, not even bothering to say hello.

You glanced up at him, your brows furrowed. He wouldn’t know about your talk with the principal; that was confidential. So what had him worried?

“About what?”

“I’ve heard some talk pertaining to Jiro and yourself.”

“Um… what?”

The look of sheer shock across your face told Shuichi you knew nothing of what he was talking about. He sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. How was he going to break this to you?

“[Name], it seems that someone spread a rumor about you and Jiro.”

“What… type of rumor,” you questioned as your stomach dropped.

“It is apparent that you two are intimately involved.”

“What,” you shrieked. “That bastard! That fucking bastard!”

Shuichi was instantly by your side. “[Name] I don’t know how-”

“I know how. I told him I was going to report him. So he decides to spread fucking rumors.”

God were you livid. You only swore when you couldn’t think of another way to express your emotions.

“[Name], calm down. You need to think straight.”

Ignoring Shuichi, you made your way down the busy hallway, bee lining it straight for the principal’s office. Shuichi wasn’t far behind.

“Miss [Last Name], you must calm down. Jiro thinks he has the upper hand, you can’t allow him to have it.”

You whirled around, your eyes alive with rage as you stared at Shuichi. “If it had been you… if people found out, I wouldn’t care, because it was true. But this-this prick decides that in order to save his hide he has to lie. My reputation is at risk, Shuichi.”

“You said you were going to report him,” Shuichi reminded you. “Did you?”

“Then you shouldn’t be too concerned.”


“Go speak to the principal. Clear things up with him.”

“Alright. I’ll go speak with Hideto.”

Shuichi walked you to the office and waited as you knocked on the door before entering. You were in for the shock of your life as you stared into the icy blue eyes of Jiro.

“You,” you hissed out as you glared at him. “I heard the rumors you were spreading.”

“Rumors,” he scoffed.

“[Name], please, I need to speak with Jiro alone,” Hideto cut in.

“Sir, Jiro is spreading rumors throughout the school that he and I are intimately involved.”

“I’m well aware of this rumors surfacing through the school hallways. However, I need you to leave so that I may speak with him in private.”

“I haven’t done anything wrong. I’m the victim here.”

“You’re the victim,” Jiro questioned angrily. “You’ve been forcing me to have sex with you or else you’d fail me!”

Rage controlled your movements as you slapped him hard across the face; you were huffing in anger as tears of frustration rolled down your cheeks.

“How dare you,” you growled out. “I would never have sex with some inconsiderate prick such as yourself. I’ve heard of your reputation; the heartbreaker they call you.”

“[Name],” Hideto began, but you continued.

“You don’t care about anyone but yourself. The minute I told you I was going to report you, you started lying to save your ass. Well buddy, you’re gonna get what’s coming to you. Sooner or later, it’s going to bite you so hard in the ass and no one will be there to help you.”

With that said, you turned around and stormed out of the room, rage still pumping through your blood. You waltzed right past Shuichi, not even registering his form standing there. All you could think of was what Jiro had said. “You’ve been forcing me to have sex with you or else you’d fail me.”

Where the fuck did he get the nerve to say that? And if he played his cards right, he’d ruin your life forever. This would leak out to the press, you wouldn’t get hired anywhere, you would have nothing. Shuichi would probably leave you; hell, you wouldn’t be surprised if he stopped things today.

All you knew was that you needed to harden up in case you were left all alone. You knew a simple lie could ruin a life in a minute and you needed to prepare yourself in case that was to happen to you. Become strong; be independent; learn from this mistake. You could do. You could do it alone if you had to. You weren’t going to need anyone.

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