[Chapter Twenty]

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Your body automatically woke up early the next morning. You gazed at the clock and saw that you slept two minutes after your alarm clock would usually go off. Not today, though. You were fired and therefore had no need to be up at this ungodly hour. You rolled over onto your side and decided sleep was a beautiful idea.

When you did wake up for the day, it was a little before ten in the morning. You ate breakfast, took a shower, and cleaned the apartment. You were finished by twelve fifteen. You found yourself sitting in the living room, desperately trying to ignore your thoughts and worries.

“I’ll just go work on my story,” you mumbled as you rose from out of your seat and into your bedroom.

You quickly signed onto your laptop and brought up the story you’d been working on. You didn’t realize how long you spent writing until you received a phone call around four.


“[Name], it’s your mother.”

“Hi,” you replied a bit skeptically.

“How about you come over?”

“Right now?”

“Yes right now. Your father and I want to talk to you.”

“Mom, if this is about Shuichi-”

“Just come,” she ordered before hanging up the phone.

You stared at the phone as if it held the answers you were looking for. Why had she been so rude? Was she back to being mad at you? Did Shuichi’s fix only last a night? Whatever the real answer was, you decided not to make her wait.

Once you arrived, you made it up the all too familiar stairs and walked right into the house. You heard laughter coming from the living room. Curious, you made your way over and gasped loudly at the scene before you.

Shuichi was sitting in a chair while your parents sat in the couch. Shuichi was dressed in a pale gray shirt and jeans. His enticing emerald eyes locked gazes with your eyes before a warm smile reached his lips.

“[Name],” he greeted you as he rose out of his seat and made his way over to your side. “You seem surprised to see me.”

He was mocking you and you knew it. The way his eyes twinkled with amusement, the way his smile tilted slightly up on the right side to create a crooked smile like a smirk, the way he held out his hand for you to take.

“I should be surprised,” you stated as you furrowed your brows together, ignoring his offering hand. “What’s going on?”

“Shuichi dropped by,” your mother responded. “We’ve been talking for about an hour.”

“And you’re calling me over now? Why? What’s the point?”

It was clear you were upset and Shuichi reached out to you. You dodged as you set a glare at him. “What are you doing? Visiting my parents without me knowing? Making a fool of me behind my back? Just who do you think you are?”


You turned and left the living room before Shuichi could speak another word. You walked out to the backyard and slammed the door shut. You weren’t sure why you were so hurt, but it unsettled you that he was having private conversations with your parents as if he knew them.

You heard the back door open and close. Moments later, Shuichi was standing beside you, his gaze directly on your form.

“What do you want,” you muttered out, refusing to stare into his beautiful eyes.

The Student (Kurama X Reader ) Yu Yu HakushoWhere stories live. Discover now