[Chapter Eight]

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It was Friday, the last day of the week before the weekend. Or rather, the first day of the weekend now that school was over. You were excited, just like all the students. After all, you were still a kid at heart.

School had just been let out five minutes ago and the hallways were clear. It usually only took about two minutes for the halls to clear as the students headed for the stairs to their lockers. Shuichi had informed you during lunch that he would be unable to make it today because he had to meet up with one of his classmates. You told him it was fine; he had helped you out enough yesterday.

You were looking through the tests, double checking who had taken it. As you went through the tests and the names on your roster, you scribbled down the names of the kids who had been absent. Only three; that wasn’t bad at all. Sometimes you’d have as many as seven. That was hell to get everyone to make it up.

Once you placed the tests in your briefcase, you pulled out a worksheet you wanted to copy in the print room. Unfortunately, it was located in the other hall, but at least it was the second door on the right and not all the way at the end.

You made your way down to the print room, greeting everyone you knew. You entered into the print room and walked over to the copier. You placed the worksheet in and input the amount of copies you wanted made.

“Hey Miss [Last Name].”

You turned at the familiar voice and saw Jiro standing in the doorway. You smiled brightly at the male. “Hi Jiro. How are you?”

“Good now that the test is done and over with.”

You laughed. “It wasn’t that bad.”

“You know the material.” He stepped into the room and walked over to your side. “What are you doing?”

“I’m making a few copies for some students of mine. They asked me if I could and I said I would so here I am.”

“What is it?”

“Nothing really serious. Just a few questions.”

“Why would they want that?”

You laughed. “Because they like the subject.”

“Right,” Jiro drawled out as he chuckled. “So, are you doing anything special for the weekend?”

“I’m not really sure,” you stated as you crossed your arms over your chest. “My friend may want to drag me out to who knows where and I haven’t decided if I want to say yes or not.”

Jiro laughed. “I’m not doing anything real special. My mom is having me babysit my sister while she goes away for the weekend.”

“You better not be throwing any parties with a younger sister around.”

He smiled mischievously. “I’m not; no need to scold me, Miss [last Name]. I’m not that irresponsible.”

“Alright, I trust you. But come Monday, I better not hear in the hallways about your great party.”

He laughed. “You won’t. I swear.”


“Well, I’m gonna head on home. Mom wanted me back at a certain time.”

“Okay. Bye Jiro; have a nice weekend.”

“You too.”

He left and you couldn’t help but shake your head. He was full of mischief but at the same time he was a nice guy. Still, you had to keep your distance with that one; he was trouble for sure.

You gathered up the worksheets that you copied and headed for the exit of the print room. As you were leaving, you heard a female utter the name you’ve grown so accustomed to saying yourself.


The Student (Kurama X Reader ) Yu Yu HakushoWhere stories live. Discover now