[Chapter Twelve]

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You sat at your desk, tapping your pencil impatiently against the metal surface. Your eyes were glued to the arrogant male sitting across from you, his smug expression boiling your blood. The other occupant in the room shifted his weight as he kept his steady gaze on your face. You wanted to jump across your desk and strangle the male in front of you, but knew the male standing by the door would interfere.

“So you two are on first name basis, eh,” Jiro questioned as his smirk spread wider.

Shuichi shifted his weight on his feet once more, most likely cursing himself for saying your first name before entering into the room. What if Jiro had been a teacher, or worse, the principal? Thankfully it was only Jiro, but at the same time, it was Jiro. The boy could go spreading rumors and get your fired, or if you were lucky he would keep it to himself.

“That’s a bit odd, don’t you think, Miss [Last Name]?”

“Shuichi and I are friends, Jiro. I told him to call me by my first name just yesterday,” you lied. “I thought the two of us were close enough to have that relationship.”

“Still. That could get you in a lot of trouble Miss [Last Name]. People might start to think differently of you.”

“You’re absolutely right. And it was completely unprofessional of me to do something as that. It was a mistake.”

Jiro moved in his seat as his eyes darted over to Shuichi before back at you. “I’m sorry if I’m making you nervous, Miss [Last Name]. I’m not going to tell anyone.”

You furrowed your brows, confused as to where this new side of him was coming from.
“I was just playing with you two. Sorry. I didn’t really think about it until just now. But you could get into some serious trouble.”


“I get it. Sometimes you meet someone who turns out to be a great friend. I understand. You need to be more careful, Shuichi.”

You couldn’t believe what was going on. It was bizarre. Maybe he is more mature than I gave him credit for. Shuichi stared suspiciously at the male; it was obvious the redhead didn’t want to trust the raven haired male.

“Jiro, I’m a bit confused.”

“I was just joking around with you guys,” he stated. “I think it’s cool he can call you by your first name. You guys are just friends, right?”

“Of course! Jiro, I can’t believe you’d ask something like that,” you scolded.

“Hey, with what’s going on in this world nowadays, anything is possible.”

“I suppose. But I could get fired for that!”

“I know, but if you really want something-”

“That’s enough.”

Shuichi had finally spoken. You and Jiro both looked over towards him, both surprised at his sudden outburst.

“It was my mistake. Miss [Last Name] was simply being nice and offered for me to call her by her first name in hopes of getting me to feel closer to her. She’s worried about me and thus is trying to get me to open up so I will talk to her. I shouldn’t have called her by her first name, but it was nice to be viewed as a friend and not as a student. She doesn’t view me anything more than a friend, Jiro, so stop making it seem like she does.” A sudden burst of excitement coursed through your body at the authoritarian tone Shuichi was taking with Jiro.

“Right. Sorry Shuichi. I didn’t know.”

“Of course you didn’t; I wouldn’t expect you to. And I accept your apology. I do ask that you don’t tell anyone about this, because then I’ll have more than enough people asking me how I am doing and the likes. It’ll only make my already hectic life that much more hectic.”

“No worries, Shuichi. My lips are sealed.”
“Thank you.”

“Thank you, Jiro. I really appreciate everything you’re doing.”

He smiled as he turned his gaze to you. “No problem. Does this mean I can call you by your first name?”

You laughed, feeling the mood lighten considerably. “Sure why not. Just don’t let anyone know, okay? I could get into some serious trouble.”

“It’ll be our little secret. Right Shuichi?”

He regarded the blue eyed male suspiciously before nodding his head. “Yes.”

“Well, I’ve got to get going. I’ll let you two be.”

With that, Jiro got up and left the room, making sure to close the door as he left. Shuichi sighed as he ran a hand through his hair.

“I apologize, [Name]. I should have seen who was in the room before saying your name.”

“It’s alright. We were lucky it was just Jiro.”

“Do you think it’s wise that he call you by your first name?”

“There’s no harm in it. He’s keeping our secret, isn’t he?”


He trailed off, but didn’t elaborate on the matter. You watched as he walked over to stand in front of your desk and sit down in one of the student desks. It was clear he was distressed, but you weren’t sure if it was solely because of what had just happened with Jiro.

“Shuichi, are you alright?”

“I’m fine.”

You didn’t believe him. “Are you really? Is this about last night, maybe?”

A smile instantly fluttered across his handsome face as the agitation disappeared. “It has nothing to do with last night. I rather enjoyed our evening together.”

Your heart beat rapidly as a blush dusted your cheeks. “I did as well.”

“Good. I’m glad to hear that.”


“Hmm,” he questioned as his intense emerald eyes met your gaze.

“What’s going on between us?”

“I’m afraid it isn’t up to me to decide,” he answered smoothly, his eyes guarded as he stared at you.

You were afraid he’d give an answer like that to you. Biting your lower lip, you dropped your gaze to your desk.

“Well, I like you… a lot. But at the same time, I’m scared. I’m scared of what’ll happen, what could happen, the consequences of our actions; it’s a long list, Shuichi.”

“What do you plan on doing?”

“Do you want to come over for dinner tomorrow night?”

You looked up to see that smirk replace his smile as his eyes danced with amusement. He was most pleased with your decision.

“I would love to, [Name].”

“Great… because I was going to beat you to a bloody pulp if you said no.”

He chuckled as he gently shook his head. “There is no need for violence.”

“Oh, but I’m a violent girl, Shuichi.”

“Are you,” he laughed out.

You nodded your head, a light giggle leaving your lips. “Well, I don’t have anything planned for you. I was going to leave once I was allowed too.”

Shuichi glanced over at the clock. “You’re free to go, now.”

“Has it really been a half an hour already?”

“Come on; I’ll walk you out to your car.”

You smiled as you got up and gathered your things before following the redhead out of the classroom.

“Shuichi, you’re such a gentleman.”

He smiled as he walked a bit closer to you, your shoulders brushing against one another. “I try to be.”

“Trying to work your charm on me, is that it?”

“More or less. You’ve gone and figured me out.”

You laughed as you shook your head. “I don’t think I’ll ever figure you out.”

“I suppose that is good. It’ll keep you on your toes.”

Your mouth dropped in mock surprise as you laughed slightly. “You never cease to amaze me.”

Shuichi chuckled and he quickly leaned over, pressing his lips to your cheek. You stopped dead in your tracks before looking around wildly.

“Shuichi! What are you thinking?”

“Keeping you on your toes,” he replied as he kept walking towards the end of the hallway.

“What if someone saw?”

“No one did. I checked around first. You shouldn’t be as paranoid as you are.”

“I can’t believe the audacity of you.”

You followed after him, allowing your gaze to linger on his backside. You soaked in his scrumptious buttocks, sexy back, and broad shoulders. He had such a nice body and at such a young age… he would be unbelievably attractive when he entered into his twenties. He probably wouldn’t want to be dating you then.

Your face fell as your eyes dropped to the ground. Did you really have to start thinking like that? Especially when things were just starting to work out. Shuichi glanced back and frowned as he stared at you.

“Something wrong?”

“No, not yet.”

“Not yet? What do you think is going to happen?”

“I’m just thinking pessimistically.”

“But I thought you were a fairly upbeat person.”
That got a laugh out of you, which caused Shuichi to smile.

“I am. I just had a fleeting thought.”

“About what, may I ask?”

“Just the future, that’s all.”

“Are you worried you’ll get fired?”

“No. I’m worried about something I don’t need to be worrying about.”

The two of you started walking down the stairwell.

“Are you going to tell me what it’s about?”

You instantly blushed and Shuichi caught it.
“I see. It’s pertaining to us, about the future, and I’m assuming your self-confidence in this department is low. Let me see, you’re wondering if I’ll stay with you in a year or two or leave you for someone decidedly younger and closer to my age.”

“Holy sh- how’d you do that?”

He sent you a charming smile as he held open the door for you. “I have my ways.”

“You are decidedly flirtatious today… and I like it.”

A chuckle was your answer as the two of you made your way over to your car.

“[Name], you shouldn’t be worrying about that just yet and you don’t need to worry about it. If you must know, I’m picky when it comes to girls that I want to spend time with.”

“You? A picky person? Really?”

“Why does this surprise you?”

“I don’t know. You just seem to be the type who would like any girl for who she is.”

“I am. But it’s a different story when romance, lust, and want are involved.”
“I see.”

“I will see you tomorrow,” he questioned as the two of you reached your car.

You nodded your head, turning to face him. You smiled, loving the way Shuichi made you feel. You loved the way he was behaving today; he was more open and flirtatious but still kept it to a bare minimum. It was slightly odd to be around him when he behaved this way only because it seemed out of character for him, but invigorating and exciting as well.

“And then tomorrow night for dinner,” you added.

He smiled genuinely down at you and your heart fluttered at the sight. He appeared utterly relaxed and happy that it rubbed off on you.

You watched as he lifted his hand up and cupped the side of your cheek before leaning forward and pressing your lips against his. You had a slight fear that someone may catch you, but Shuichi was careful when it came to that; after all, he checked last time when you were in the hallway. You kissed him back, gently gripping onto the front of his uniform as his hand left your cheek and found its way into your hair.

He pulled away before it could progress more, but his hand lingered in your hair. You opened your eyes and stared up at him, loving the way his emerald eyes shimmered with hidden meaning. You loved that you couldn’t quite figure out what was going through his head, because surprises like this just kept happening. He was a mischievous person, a word you wouldn’t have used to describe him before getting to know him, but it suited Shuichi well.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, [Name],” he softly whispered, actually causing goosebumps to form on your body.

A smile spread across your lips as you lightly bit on your bottom one. “You can count on it, Shuichi.”

“I plan on it. Goodbye.”


He pulled away from you and started walking away. You watched him for a few short moments before turning and entering into your car. It was easier and easier to be with him the more time you spent with him. Today should have been a warning of what could possibly happen with dating a student at your work, but that was far from your mind. Because after all, Shuichi Minamino was one hard man to deny… especially when he really wanted something.

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