[Chapter Five]

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You had gone home and kept yourself busy for an hour before you got bored. It was the weekend and all you could think about was the kiss you almost had with Shuichi. Sure, he was unaware of it, but what would have happened if you had kissed him? This was getting way out of hand.

“I need to watch something,” you mumbled to yourself.
You decided you’d go out and rent a couple of movies for the night. After all, there were some new movies out on DVD you wanted to watch and now would be the perfect time to watch them; they’d simultaneously take your mind off of Shuichi.

After a good twenty minute search, you had picked out three movies you wanted to rent. Your goal was to watch them all tonight, but most your goals always got interrupted one way or the other. In any case, you still had the rest of the weekend.

As you left the rental store, you glanced over to your right and saw a café shop. You stopped in your tracks and stared at the building for a good while. Did you really want to spend more money on coffee that you really didn’t need right now? Oh, but you were craving a nice sugary, fattening latte of sorts and you were splurging today, so why not?

Happily, you made your way over to the café, the small bag holding your DVD’s in your hand, and walked straight up to the counter.

“Hello, how may I help you?”

“Yes, I’ll have,” you began and started to tell the man your order.

“Would you like whip cream on that?”

“Ooooh. You just had to ask me that,” you laughed out, causing him to chuckle as well. “What the heck? Why not?”

You quickly paid him and waited as he made your drink. You watched as he put on some whip cream before handing you your drink.

“Thank you!”

“You’re welcome. Have a nice day.”

“You too.”

You walked over to the condiment stand and began retrieving the necessities for your drink. As you were grabbing a spoon, you glanced up at the person who just walked over to grab a few napkins. Your eyes clashed with deep emerald ones and a small gasp of surprise left your lips.


“Hello Miss [Last Name],” Shuichi greeted you with a welcoming smile.

“Hi. What are you doing here?”

“I was on my way home from dropping off my stepbrother at a friend’s house and decided to stop by.”

It was then that you took in his appearance. He had a chance to go home and he changed out of his magenta uniform. He was even sexier in casual clothes. He had on a casual white button down shirt and jeans. God, he was gorgeous even in the simplest of things.

“Are you by yourself,” you questioned as you brought your eyes away from his body as you scanned the café. Please be with someone. Please be with someone.

“Actually I’m not. I was over there in the corner reading your story.”

You had completely forgotten you gave him that. “You were?”

He chuckled at your surprise. “Yes. Would you like to join me?”

You stared down at the bag of DVD’s in your hand, to your drink, then back up to Shuichi. He was smiling so kindly and warmly at you and his gaze never shied away from yours. A soft smile broke out on your face.

“Sure; if you don’t mind.”

“Not at all.”

“Very well,” you smiled as you walked behind Shuichi while he led the way.

The Student (Kurama X Reader ) Yu Yu HakushoWhere stories live. Discover now