The introduction

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Paisley Potter's Pov~
Today was the day my big brother, of ten months, James came home from Hogwarts! To say I was excited was a understatement. I missed my brother so much. We were inseparable before we went off to school last year. I'm amazed our parents haven't shipped us off to live with muggles yet, with our constant pranking. I love pranks! James and I did them all the time before he left for school, and have been planning pranks for over the summer through owl. He sent me a owl this morning actually about how his friend is coming to stay with us for a month and a half this summer and how his friends enjoys pranking and well. I think we will get along great. James said his name is Sirius Black. Strange name if you ask me but whatever. "Paisley Grace Potter come down it is time to get James!" My mother shouts up the stairs and I jump down from my bed and look at myself to make sure I look presentable. I'm wearing black leggings, a white crop top, a black beany, black combat boots, and my diamond necklace I got for my birthday a while ago from James. I smile and run downstairs and grab my mothers hand to apperate to the station to pick up James and I jump up and down while we are waiting for him to come off the train. All of a sudden a mass of black hair I recognize all to well walks up with a boy who looks around 11 or 12. I run up to James and hug him and then stair at the boy.
"Hey Pais. I missed you." James says while hugging me.
I missed you too James! Your going to have to tell me all about Hogwarts." I inform him as he sets me down. The boy is still looking at me and I give him a wave. He is rather handsome with grey eyes and black hair. He is kind of tall and slim yet muscular in all the right places. He smiles at me and elbows James as if he is telling James to tell him who I am.
"Oh Pais this is Sirius Orion Black. Sirius this is my little sister Paisley Grace Black." James introduces us and we shake hands and he kissed my hand as I blush.
"It's a pleasure to meet you Paisley." He tells me and I say the same back. My mum and dad take our hands and we apperate back home. I think I'm going to like this Black boy very well.

A/N~ So what do you guys think? Please let me know as this is my first story let alone fanfiction. I had been considering writing for a while, after reading many books on Wattpad and having fallen in love with most of them I finally decided to take a chance and write my own fanfiction. Comment what you think about it and let me know😊

James Potters Little Sister (A Sirius Black Love Story) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now